Transacting business with the third world — which has no functional governments nor intact cultures — requires using some slave labor, and anyone who has seen a first world union destroy an industry probably thinks forced labor is not the worst idea.
Had he done it, Brazil would have been better off, but the low-IQ vote wanted more Communism instead.
In the 1960s, progressives relaxed draconian policing in NYC, leading to diversity violence on subways so intense that until Bernie Goetz most people tried to avoid them. Under another progressive wave, they made the same old mistake, and now are paying for it. Idiots.
With an Irish president and Irish ex-vice-president betraying America, does anyone believe that even European ethnic diversity is a good thing? Bring back the WASPs and put everyone else on big beautiful boats.
Biden wants an effective tax rate of 60% or more in order to fund the illegals surging into America who will, in Tammany Hall style, vote Democrat in exchange for more free stuff that we cannot afford.
Giving out free housing to migrants has jumped the shark.
No one could afford the socialist benefits. The resulting higher cost living caused a further population crash, and diversity has not shored up socialism. Now what?
Immigration amnesty means a Mariel boatlift forever and ever.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results, but that is also the Leftist plan, which is why the Right is rising.
America tells Israel that Zionists do not rule the world, egalitarianism does, and this favors the Palestinians over the Israelis because the Palestinians are poorer, dumber, and less Westernized.
Free speech means that they cannot stop you from speaking your mind in public, but what happens when the public spaces are owned by someone else? It is time to extend natural rights limits on government to private corporations when they are acting as governments.
As diversity destroys both social order and the legal system, attitudes are becoming increasingly Wild West, essentially outsourcing policing to armed civilians.
DIE is fragile because it is based on anti-realism, not realism, and therefore it requires constant censorship, struggle sessions, deplatforming, cancelation, and propaganda to seem not to be totally failing all the time everywhere.
The modern miracle comes to an end as it turns out that it is killing us. Prices will go up tenfold with replacement materials.
“Racist” means not wanting to get replaced by the grey people.
European socialism implodes.
Leftism, forced forward by diversity since the 1800s, has wrecked what was once prosperous and good about the West.
Just like in America, they are in the West to create wealth transfer to their native lands.
If you hire the best candidates instead of trying for the most diverse group you can find, that is considered “discrimination.”
In order to avoid being called “racist,” they are moving Blacks to the front of the line regardless of need.
Nazis under fire for creating another functional institution instead of a diversity handout.
Teach the underdog victimhood and it bites the scapegoats.
Borders exist for a reason. Humanism demands they go away.
Russian-origin journalist’s family sues over risk of covering stories in a war zone.
Another fake industry created by government in order to create new make-work jobs for failing diversity.
Someone finally states the obvious. Chinese laws require companies to obey the government, intelligence agencies, and military. This means that any company doing business in China is compromised.
Worldwide outbreak of neurological disorders suggests that humanity is in a race against time with human insanity.
We are still fighting over diversity problems from two centuries ago. There is no way out except ending diversity, including repatriating Amerinds to Mongolia.
The old lies continue in a new form as scientists argue that only egalitarianism can save the environment, when our current environmental crisis comes from egalitarianism.
Why does democracy find it impossible to rein in the raging herd? Diversity killed our culture, and now we have nothing in common. Good work, voters!
Tags: diversitywatch, news