The lawyers have filed suits on behalf of clients who live in Houston neighborhoods that flooded when the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers authorized controlled water releases from two reservoirs.
Houston spent the money on diversity instead. Seven years later, they are finally getting around to arguments before an appeals court at 11am on March 25 at the federal courthouse. Go show your support for infrastructure spending instead of more DEI/PC/AA (DPA).
Not enough compassion is applied to the diversity question. Blacks must always feel like a conquered people, intensely aware of slavery and Jim Crow as well as continued resentment by Whites, Asians, Hispanics, and Irish. Amerinds, who are cousins of Hispanics and Orientals, will always feel left out and conquered. Any group that arrives from elsewhere must come to conquer or accept being conquered. No one gets their culture, so everyone is an alien, hiding out in their apartments, watching Netflix, posting to Facebook, and ignoring the years ticking by without anything of meaning happening in their lives.
Artist gets paid $20k for crap diversity mural, then claims it was painted over in a personal attack, when insurance fraud is more likely.
As always, they report unfavorable figures as lower, and favorable ones as higher, issuing corrections months or years later.
Coastal French communities traded more widely than was believed to be the case.
Witless Leftist fails to realize that the French Revolution was the bureaucracy taking over, not being overthrown, and MAGA is removing the Wilsonian administrative state and its political machine entirely.
It is not illegal nor wrong to deport foreigners who hate us.
Reverse evolution through socialism, nepotism, diversity, and humanism, and wowzers, you end up becoming pre-human hominids again. Assessing cognitive skills shows us a species in decline.
People were able to put up with the utter insanity of modernity/democracy by drugging themselves, but now benzodiazepines are revealing that they are as addictive as hardcore recreational drugs.
Anywhere Leftists gained a toehold — art, law, education, literature — they exiled anyone who was not Leftist, so now we have almost no non-Leftist artists. We are going to have to throw Leftists out of helicopters in order to have a functional society again.
High taxes made our best people slaves to our worst. That includes income taxes, sales taxes, property taxes, and the many fees and permits required to have a normal life. The high cost of college, adjusted to subsidize “the poor” and the diversity, also weakened the upper half of the middle class on upward. Instead of having more children who were intelligent, strong, healthy, sane, and good, these families held the line at two, and now we have a population crash, all in the name of ending suffering and promoting equality! The voters are immoral insane retards.
The lawyers are outraged that the civil rights subsidy went away. We will say it again: you will have to repeal the motherfucking 14A, “Honest Abe” O’Lincoln’s parting gift to destroy America.
Black holes consume matter, white holes spill it out. No, this is not some retarded racial metaphor. The point is that nature makes goodness out of badness. We can do the same!
Another angry foreigner came here to preach to us how our successful methods are morally bad. Boats for you.
Abrahamic religions promised to limit the sexual derangement of the serfs, but it turns out that it is hardwired like anything else, and instead those middle eastern Asiatic religions brought us a morality of weakness, a mentality of being conquered by foreign gods, and a philosophy of a universal mental space where morality mattered more than function in nature. We should all join such groups.
Asiatics stage their own version of 9/11 by allahu ackbaring into a tanker full of military fuel for the USA.
Ekebot dates her immigrant students, who treat her with the respect she shows herself.
The “Mexican Auschwitz” is horrifying journalists who apparently have never heard of the drug industry, organized crime, or cartels.
This woman needs to be exiled to the third world.
Unions burn USPS, so new competent management does what anyone sane would do: shut it down and try again. Unions are parasites, and if you join a union, you begin soul-rot that ends with you lying to yourself about a lot of things.
Diversity jurisdiction did the usual: ignore big problems, focus on throwing its weight around. The voters are destructive because they believe in illusions like benevolent government, and the poorer they are, the more Dunning-Kruger Effect affected they are, and therefore, the more likely they are to embrace outright insanity like bureaucracy, socialism, and diversity. Cities make this worse because they replace culture with jobs, laws, and socializing.
Black people who embrace conservatism are often seen as “not Black enough,” but this may be changing.
God made the Black Plague too, so we should be careful with this line of thought, although it is basically correct. Biological sex is more important than gender identification drama.
And yet one of my top sources at UBS says the big brokerage house is predicting a 1,000-plus-point rise in the S&P by the end of the year to 6,600. Pimco, the big asset manager that focuses on bonds, is telling clients there is just a 35% chance of recession. Veteran tech analyst Dan Ives said in a report that he remains “firmly bullish,” on the tech-stock sector, which has taken some of the biggest hits of late. He believes “tech stocks will ultimately make new all-time highs during the second half of 2025 despite a disaster panicked sell-off to start the year.”
When you switch to supply-side economics, producers are the big winners; the people who lose are the bureaucracy and its dependents. Better to reward your functional people than subsidize your failures.
CAIR took funds handed out by Bidenites and probably funneled them to Ham-ass.
The headlines are outrageous, yet no one is outraged, mainly because we are not surprised since we know these things are true but cannot talk about them in public.
Much of what we think is recent is in fact ancient.
When countries become wealthy, people no longer struggle, so turn their combat skills against their own leaders. Maybe North Korea is onto something with their perma-poverty.
They just want to steal your money, destroy your civilization, and rule over the ashes. We are going to have to throw these people out of helicopters.
The voters, who generally cannot understand anything beyond the four walls of their own dwellings, have a chance to really screw up or go big here.
There is peace of mind with ensuring that your residency is legal. Higher stakes means higher costs which means fewer coming and staying here.
Unions continue their attempts to steal from the thundering herd.
Diversity gone wild.
Diversity government fails in LA like it did in Houston with Harvey.
Next up: apples are “racist.”
“You should be included because you are the best possible candidate, not because you are the best female candidate,” says woman who built audience by being one of the best writers out there.
Chinese brothel in New York may have compromised American government.
JFK’s “Affirmative Action” continues its descent.
They have protection against deportation, but not the right to work or be in the country. The big point is that states now have standing to sue for relief from the costs of immigration.
The more diversity you have, the bigger your city grows and thus, the longer you sit in a car waiting for other cars to get out of the way.
Tags: diversitywatch, news