This research snuck out before they had a chance to Africanize or Asiaticize the models used.
My perspective is thoroughly American and rooted in my ethnic and religious identity. I believe in things that White Southerners in the Deep South have always believed. I’m an Anglo-Protestant. I’ve never been interested in imposing “National Socialism” on the South or America. That’s not because I have an overwhelming animus against the historic National Socialist movement in Germany. It is because I understand that White Southerners are ethnically and culturally different from Germans and it cannot be transplanted here. We have a different historical experience. The Anglo-Celtic race-soul, which owes so much to Baptists and Methodists, is individualistic and has a innate dislike of being organized. When White Southerners try to LARP as “National Socialists,” it simply doesn’t work because of our innate character. It is an ill fitting suit and anyone who is watching the spectacle can spot a fake a mile away.
National Socialism did not work; forget about the war for the moment: the system had become top-heavy and micromanaging, which is a path to failure, probably because of the socialism it insisted on including. Neo-Nazism tried to make National Socialism into a generic White Race identity, but this has failed because Southern, Eastern, Irish, Mediterranean, and Western Europeans are as different as separate races. I warned them of this back in the early 1990s, but no one wanted to hear, because the prevailing wisdom was that only by including anyone tangentially “huwhite” could we get the numbers up and take over the world. Now it seems all we needed was to be heard, and the various guys strutting around in SS uniforms and talking about how Irish-Italian-Polish-Hispanic hybrids are “just as White as Hitler” were impeding us. The guys who wanted to gas Jews had missed the real issue, which was fixing Western Civilization, which would then naturally lose all appeal to other races. Notice also this insightful take:
Christian nationalism has its own set of issues. The Christian nationalist movement is divided between the young, restless and redpilled and pro-Israel BoomerCons like Doug Wilson. Both factions support Trump and are pleased with the vast majority of things he is doing. White evangelical Protestants in the South have been largely successful in banning transgenderism and abortion. Several Southern states have passed age verification laws to crackdown on sites like Pornhub. Unfortunately, the Christian nationalist agenda has stalled in a lot of Red States like Ohio, Kansas and Montana, as it is divisive within the Trump coalition. Trump himself is unwilling to support a national abortion ban because a large swath of MAGA, the “Barstool conservatives,” are socially liberal and support abortion and gay marriage.
“Christian nationalism” is a Trump reboot of Reagan’s American identity politics with more emphasis on a national identity, but that is based in Christianity and 1776 (and too much 1865 and 1945) instead of where it needs to be, in the group that founded the nation and built it for people ethnically like them, the WASPs who are ethnic Western Europeans with a culturally Protestant — very close to Druid or Hellenist — perspective. Reagan in turn took the post-1960s consensus of conservatism as “Christian libertarianism” but adopted cultural conservatism into that selectively to preserve a sense of the American people. However, you cannot get to that point without addressing race and ethnicity, and the Left fears that because it unravels their plans for class warfare.
We are ultright on this site because conservatism is more real than Leftism, which because it is egalitarian is anti-realist, and only by taking conservatism to its “first principles” — realism, excellence, case-by-case basis, ends-over-means — do we get anywhere that is not another version of liberalism dressed up with some cultural and economic conservatism to make it stand out while not offending the 1960s civil rights revolution, 1945 people’s victory over fascism, 1865 people’s victory over social hierarchy, and of course the 1789 French Revolution which scapegoated the kings for the ineptitude of the herd.
Politicians treat you like cattle, for sure… but voters behave like cattle.
That’s obvious… to destroy it.
If given a chance, Gazans want to leave Gaza and hang out with people like them elsewhere, which is unfortunate for the BRICS narrative which demands constant Israeli outrages to keep its funding going, just like the ADL is dependent on swastikas in bathrooms to keep the checks from bubbies worldwide rolling in.
Want to get rid of bureaucrats? Dump the entitlements, and the bureaucratic administrative state goes with them.
The Left wants to make this a free speech case, when it is about immigration: do not allow in people who are working to destroy you. Common sense is alien to the antirealists.
“I think there is this kind of reckoning that a lot of people in the media and a lot of Democrats — and those two circles are concentric … In many instances they just refuse to understand Donald Trump, they refuse to just hear anything he has to say, to study why he is successful, to have respect for why he is successful,” Turrentine said.
They could have listened for decades, but they were too busy calling us “Nazis” and destroying our careers. We are going to have to physically remove these people, and I volunteer to help throw them out of helicopters. They have earned this treatment, but even moreso, there is a eugenic argument for this: anyone believing in Leftism these days is missing a piece of their mental puzzle and therefore should be treated as insane. The sick must die.
The long-term consequences of Irish immigration reveal themselves. We are going to have to send these people back. Ireland needs the people, and if all Irish in the US, UK, and Europe are returned to Ireland, the country might have a fighting chance for a bumper potato crop. Remigration is the solution.
Young men have become alienated from a society that embraces weakness so it can demand pacifism.
When you follow symbols instead of noticing reality (people do this to feel powerful; it is individualism/hubris) you make horrors, whether those symbols are Christian, Communist, or even equality and “peace” themselves.
Ancient cultures were “racist” and ethnicist. This was necessary for their survival along with other things like not defecating where they eat and avoiding socialism.
The past is alive; it is not even past.
Large forests beat small tracts in preserving biodiversity; this was always obvious. Half Earth is gaining momentum.
When you turn on your tribe, no one respects you.
The force behind “Christian nationalism” seems to involve a lot of Catholicism, which is why CN aims to replace WASP culture.
The symbolists see only the religious impact of the symbol and deny the effects in reality.
Over 1.4m years ago, Homo erectus wandered around Spain. No mention of how Homo heidelbergensis seems to be the root of modern humanity.
Diversity government is failing. Europe is ready for a counter-revolution too.
What nation permits the most dual loyalties and has the most shadow immigrants in America? If you guessed Israel, you guessed wrong: it is Ireland. Turns out they are grifting our companies too. Ireland is the California of Europe and everyone there is genetically fucked-up.
Ah yes, Late Stage Democracy where everything is broken.
“Fatphobia” is the new “racism.” I hope they have donuts at this event.
Diversity policing not going so good.
Turns out that on both continents the green schemes were giant stimulus-subsidies for the diversity.
Democracy is a threat to prosperity: “preventing the abuse of state power through democratic institutions is critical to a nation’s development.”
Legal corruption is burning down the USA. The FBI warned us this was rising during the 0bama years.
Trump slows inflation but has a long way to go to fix the Irish heritage 0bama-Biden assault that removed 60% of the value of our currency.
To live for the purpose of ending suffering is to miss the bigger quest for achieving excellence, beauty, goodness, health, and sanity. Pity is not love but a substitute for it.
Most critics of Jews are scapegoating “The Jews”™ for the problems of civilization decay — including democracy and diversity — but this leads away from the need to fix civilization by ending its bad choices and promoting its good ones instead. We know all of the options; we just need to sort them by effects.
Ethnic diversity is as toxic as racial diversity.
Under Leftists, every agency and program is a diversity-equality fund.
Remigration benefits all parties, diversity benefits none.
All forms of Leftism are shades of the same thing. Wokeness is the culture war, and we are now removing this failed program.
Who is waging the actual “war on science”?
The new public consciousness: if it is incompatible with your values or genetics, put it on a boat.
Win for Trump.
“Post-colonial” slave colony turns into anarchy.
Diversity church was his cover story while engaging in pederasty.
Europe is trying to quietly make the problem go away.
No wonder crime was spiking, even if underreported by DEI-infused agencies.
China wanted a Biden presidency quite badly.
Cleanup continues.
Wealth (higher average IQ) is what lessens crime: “On its own, democracy increases the murder rate,” de Soysa said.
Tags: diversitywatch, news