Homo ergaster had friends who were small and had big jaws, sort of like Italians. However, most likely Homo heidenbergensis is the root of modern humans and NEWER people are its clearest line of unbroken descent.
It turns out that society is a zero-sum game. If you take power from one group to give to another, you destroy the original group, even if they were ahead (“oppressor”) than others (“victims”). Equality is itself a paradoxical pursuit that is in fact disguised decay.
For some reason, a random cargo ship decides to allahu ackbar and WTC one of the ten ships that carries fuel for the US military.
It turns out that the ringmaster of the corruption in Washington is Barack O’Bama’s diversity-based political charity.
Jones frames conservatives as the intellectual descendants of eugenicists and John Birchers.
Actually, yes: conservatives are a variety of realist that seeks to conserve excellence. This is a natural instinct for all healthy creatures. Realism includes relativity and Darwinism, inherently rejecting humanism and dualism, which are the roots common to Abrahamic religion, liberalism, and human social groups.
Antisemitism is wrong because it is a scapegoat that conceals other issues. Maybe “The Jews”™ are evil, but most of our problems come from civilization decay and are expressed through democracy, socialism, unions, diversity, rent control, and a host of other stupid ideas that are popular because they enable armchair activism and therefore, let people be selfish. Leftism is selfishness projected onto the world. The only action that should be taken against antisemitism — let us be honest and admit that this is a code for radical Leftists with a Pro-Palestine, anti-White agenda — is to debunk it through argument. Preserve free speech.
It ends the subsidy state. The West has dedicated itself to being equal and making minorities equal instead of doing something productive and, not surprisingly, we are in decline as a result.
As I said years ago, Trump is doing Andrew Jackson, who similarly read to the limits of the law on executive power.
Backlash is inevitable if you take from men — jobs, chastity, families, joy — and feminism does that because it is egalitarian. Remove the egalitarianism and simply be pro-women and this problem will not exist.
Another diversity crisis, this time in Syria as the ten percent who are Alawite get eliminated by the rest. Arab takeover soon to be complete.
The bigger problem: a few thousand basement neckbeards control the site and censor everything but pro-transgender, pro-Communist, and pro-diversity propaganda.
Addled libs in France decide that prisoners need the ability to commit cybercrime constantly, are amazed that people object.
For now, they are working around it with socioeconomic status (SES) measures instead. Without the diversity industry, which hires diversity in diversity roles, education would lose the bulk of its students, who are subsidized by government pro-diversity programs.
The USA kept going after WW2 toward diverse neocommunism, and now the new government is rolling back the free money.
This is just cool because avocados are tasty if paired with jalapenos. Without them, they taste like warm mush however.
Another fake hate crime, this time out of a Steve Martin movie.
The Bell Curve determines who is rich and who is poor; there have always been rich and poor, but what matters is protecting the middle class from the parasitism of the poor, who are an infinite vortex and void of need that cannot be sated with giveaways. Just give them safer streets, more functional institutions, solid defense, and a thriving economy and the outcome will be the best that it can be, even if that is not optimal for those on the right side of the Bell Curve. Take any group of humans and map them by height, and you will find a Bell Curve, so it is not surprising that the same is true of income. It is also true of intelligence, which up to 130 IQ points tends to map to income, but not completely, since there are lots of intelligent drop-outs earning less in order to avoid dealing with society more.
Diversity person getting paid a half-million dollars a year to be an administrative law judge (ALJ) bemoans the loss of her bread and butter, transgender discrimination cases, which are shaking down businesses for billions a year.
State-level consumer protection laws are vicious. If you drop someone for reasons other than the ones in the terms of your contract, you might end up paying out triple damages.
Hold up: it is not “book banning” to refuse to buy books that have neocommunist themes. After all, you Leftists had thirty years to protest the lack of The Turner Diaries in schools and community libraries, but we heard not a peep.
Comedic diversity experiment continues accumulating small tragedies.
If it is not of your ethnic group, it comes to dominate, even if it does not mean to do so; the imposition of foreign cultural standards will make you conquered, starting with Christianity.
Unions are parasites that sabotage your economy in order to give free money to certain workers who would otherwise be replaced with more ambitious newcomers.
These people are not thinking clearly; if you get compensation, all your victims in the US, Australia, UK, and third world also deserve compensation.
Good: do not aid people who hate you.
Scholarships for minorities only violate “equal” in the conservative ideal, but not in the liberal one, in which equality must be created through subsidies taken with force from those who are succeeding naturally.
It came in via Mexico where the disease is still present. This was a known risk thirty years ago.
Luvvies bring jihadis into the country to prove equality.
To the third world mind, socialism makes sense: other people have money, so steal it and buy loyalty. First-world people who are still sane recognize that this is destructive.
Individualistic people are those who have no purpose, which means there is something wrong with them, probably mutation load. The third world is the most individualistic place on Earth, and despite all the psycho killers being White and Nordic in Hollywood movies, the third world has higher rates of mental illness. Jesus could not help this guy. No one can. He is insane. Insane people do insane stuff. They also refuse to take their meds. You have to asylumize them, jail them, or put them down. There is no other way.
The president is the figurehead; the power lies with the political machine.
The world is mostly silent on this one because no one wants pro-Russia candidates.
Old and overloaded infrastructure is to blame. Government spent the money on diversity instead and brought in millions who then overloaded the system.
More cells means more chance of one being cancerous, setting off a chain reaction.
Human rights always protect the parasites.
Over and over again, the neurotic human tries for the easy score. When you tax the wealthy, you get fewer wealthy people, and then you become poor because the wealthy are competent at business matters where few others are.
People are tired of the homeless wrecking everything. The secret here is that the homeless are insane. They are never going to be all right because their brains are not working well.
These communities have high rates of crime; if you jail criminals, you are racist, but if you do not, you are racist for allowing victimization to continue.
Wet streets make rain: biologically-healthy people tend to have kids, and also have healthier brains.
The endless shakedown continues. South Africa under apartheid was less violent than it has been since then.
To unnaturally make one group “equal” is to take from another group.
As we have said, raise the risk/cost and they will stop coming.
Diversity achieves idiocracy.
Wet streets make rain: well-managed business can afford DEI hires to look good to their audience.
“Woke” means “insane.” They are letting diversity loose in order to achieve equality of sentencing, but this means more victims.
Having a family is expensive. Women who get married have kids and take decades out of the workforce, after which they are behind in the crucial 30s-40s years when people get experience and job titles.
Like Italians, Spaniards, Jews, and Levantines they often “look” White but are not, and now one of these non-Whites is running Canada and, not surprisingly, is against Trump and any other sanity. They come to conquer.
Cucks and their abusers want to reconstruct the status quo ante but Trump and realists want Palestinians to be relocated to ethnically more appropriate areas like Syria, Jordan, and Egypt.
Not a train, but a bird. Removing invasive species allowed the native species to thrive again. Same is true of diversity in the West. Remigration is the solution.
Tariffs (to equalize union, labor, environmental, and regulatory costs) plus removing inefficient political programs = business success. There will be two hard years and then the Trump recovery will kick in, doubling the value of everything.
Group that hates anti-semitism wants to force independent social media to censor on its behalf. The censorship approach has backfired on Jews, but their leaders do not yet recognize this, with a few notable exceptions like Netanyahu.
The Trump method is like his “the weave” method of speaking: offer one thing, then portray the alternative as bad, then sweeten the thing, and then offer an implicit threat, before repeating the process, adding detail each time until the thing he wants looks pretty beautiful.
In this case, he advances the threat, then walks it back, then points to the need for trade balance, then revives the threat, all while (persuasively) making his case that balanced trade will encourage all parties to improve and therefore, be more productive, competent, and quality-oriented.
If you allow “equality” to become a value, your society will be swamped in constant infighting over the degree of it and for whom.
More supermarkets, more obesity. Back to hunter-gatherer living! Either that or we can notice the more free stuff from government, the lower the quality of our food.
The Left loves illegals, but they are starting to leave, which means the Left is losing its footsoldiers.
Illegals do not have vaccinations, therefore get these diseases, but the numbers in this case are tiny, pointing to media hype more than reality.
Italian-American caught selling secrets to China.
Democrats destroyed law enforcement and justice in the name of equality for diversity.
Scientists take money to continue trying to validate equality, despite it being an unrealistic projection of individualists.
Diversity replaces culture, which makes interactions fraught with risk, so people hunker down instead of going out into the world. We are all living through social media now because diversity trashed society.
The shakedown continues. Sami are Siberian immigrants.
With affirmative action programs, all jobs become subsidies for minorities.
Racial quotas continue sabotaging competence.
Team goes to the border, sees nary a migrant, mainly because signaling works.
Tags: diversitywatch, news