Biden campaigns through gift-giving, unintentionally pardoning anal rapists convicted after the statute turned to “forcible” sodomy in 2013.
People elect conservatives to make the trains run on time and balance the budget. This is why the conservatives are always cleaning up Leftist creampies: the voters demand free stuff, then run crying to Daddy to fix it, but by fixing it, Daddy becomes a cuck. By now, the voters have figured out that immigration is death, genocide, “racism,” and civilization collapse, so they view ending it and remigration as part of “making the trains run on time.” Regime Change is near.
The neighborhood with rather not have people cruising for sex. They really do not care if it is heterosexual or homosexual sex. Blight is blight, and casual sex always means blight. Its extreme forms bring lots of associated fun crime like drugs and public toileting.
Now that most of the people around them are insane or alien, the adolescents of today are making good friends and planning to find eventual partners among them, or to stay single for life. With democracy, hope leaves the building.
In egalitarian times, culture and differences are replaced by uniformity. Humanity is standardizing itself into a lumpenproletariat to serve whatever narcissists join the Party.
Something he could have done years ago, added too late, serves only as a talking point for the election because people woke up to the immigration disaster.
Welcome to your new centrally-managed economy, where the cost of every government mandate gets passed on to industry. When everything is a Fifth Amendment “taking” then nothing is.
The sane Right wants to drop gay marriage and transsexual bathroom rules back to the states; the Left want a federal human rights mandate; the insane Right wants to force everyone to worship Jesus and not have the pickles touch.
Chicago schools have more cops at heavily-minority schools, which makes the optics bad, so they did a survey which finds that parents and students did not “feel” safer with them there, so they can be removed. Get ready for more teachers in bodybags.
Cancel culture comes for Dolly Parton book program which does not preach enough transsexualism and homosexuality for woke academics.
More diversity-on-diversity violence in Europe.
Pointing out any form of existence of biological sex versus mental feelings “gender” is anathema to the trans lobby, who being the latest and most victimized population (in theory) have disproportionate sway in domestic affairs.
Protesters bemoan another “racist” execution, this time of a guy who tortured, raped, and murdered a young girl twenty years ago.
Diversity-on-diversity crime draws attention to the threat posed by illegal aliens of dubious backgrounds.
Everywhere diversity goes the same lies precede the same failures.
He replaced them with Mexicans who are perceived as more reliable cheap labor, all so that industry can make more profits after taxes, regulations, lawsuits, and affirmative action ate deeply into their profit margins.
People get monthly payments for foster kids and often take in a bunch and use them as cheap labor, but these allegations go over the top.
More subsidies and quotas are needed and then we can finally hammer nature into “equality.”
The CIA was more fun when they did anticommunist stuff. Now they have become the communists.
People outside the mentally-addled cities see no reason for suicidal genocide.
Huge parts of Detroit metropolitan area have no pet stores, probably because they burned down in the last round of race riots.
People only vote for change when they think it will affect them personally. This is useful when studying the polyethnicism question.
If the unions perish, socialism will die, and with it will the need for diversity to provide new warm body cheap labor to prop up the tax-depleted economy.
As diversity further divides us, the censorship and propaganda accelerate.
The Clinton method is to have her attorneys do everything and then write it off as campaign expenses while systematically hiding mail servers, burning hard drives, smashing blackberries, shredding paper, and having witnesses experience strange accidents and suicides.
American Jews discover that police are protecting the diversity by driving away functional people that the diversity wants to attack. Diversity has ended with tyranny by the minorities.
Clueless Leftist thinks that universities keep admitting ALDC — athletic, legacies, donors, children of staff — students out of some desire to join the Klan, when really the high-IQ students come from this group and these are essential to preserving the reputational value of these universities. “Wet streets make rain” says that education makes kids smart, realism says that smart kids take advantage of further education because only they can.
Democrat policy has stalled research and taken money from healthcare to give to “green” initiatives.
By suppressing domestic supply, Biden has made the future of American politics dependent on Saudi Arabia and Russia.
After all those US embassies flew Gay Pride flags, it became an obvious target for extremists.
Tags: diversitywatch, news