A bit of sanity from a politician of all people: part of democracy is people voting to limit democracy when it goes crazy. Things that are based on not being something else tend to invert. Democracy is based on not being aristocratic; at some point, it loses sight of a goal and starts become a method-as-goal in itself, and therefore it becomes pathological and obsessive. At this point, our belief in democracy is closer to a paraphilia, fetish, or superstition than it is to a logical decision about our future. Pro-diversity became anti-White. Equality became a struggle to be equal enough to survive. Tolerance became intolerance. Time to pull back and think about what actually works instead of what feels good because it consists of tangible, highly emotive symbolism.
Remember the term ad hominem? It takes on a weird dimension in this case: you are electing the Biden team, the Biden platform, and the party that supports him more than one doddering old guy who periodically gets confused. Reagan had the same troubles. Clinton and JFK were probably high on cocaine or something stronger a lot of the time. Did 0bama smoke weed in the White House? I sure hope so; it makes him seem more entertaining than simply a criminal. In any case, the staff runs the show, and they do it based on the platform the voters selected. The great freakout over Biden is fake and will not last. This is just the Left’s way of getting motivated to turn out en masse to vote.
More accurately, liberals do not understand the Supreme Court ruling. They do not understand that striking down Chevron means more democracy, because now administrative agencies must be guided by someone who is elected, not unelected bureaucrats. They do not realize that presidential immunity means more democracy because instead of using the legal system, we rely on the vote to choose whether or not what a president is doing is legitimate. They do not understand that kicking decisions to the states means that state and local elections are more powerful. Leftists have revealed that they do not want democracy, but a steady march toward equal individualism. This requires subsidies. That path leads to tyranny. The problem is their lack of understanding, which points to a biological/genetic defect — or at least child abuse — shaping the Leftist viewpoint. These are mental defectives and we not only need to vote them out of power, but vote them onto boats headed straight to someplace far away where they can be neurotic without consequences. Naturally the Left quickly forgot 0bama’s executive immunity and his kill doctrine.
Many conservatives also seem to misunderstand SCOTUS. The Court did not want to insert itself as a regulator or what is or is not censorship within the private sphere; that opens the door to more government censorship, not less. Instead, the Court is likely to take on CDA § 230 and find that it has been more broadly applied than was intended, creating a censorship regime in social media that government simply took advantage of, since the post-millennial process in government has involved writing regulations that private industry must enforce and pay for that accomplish government objectives. Look for a rising interest in not just the Tenth Amendment but the takings clause of the Fifth Amendment.
Sotomayor and Jackson reveal their inch-deep understanding of Constitutional law, and this is the dog whistle the Left needs to inflame a panic. Ironically, they tell more than they meant to by mentioning monarchism specifically. We now know what they really fear. In the bigger picture view, no one has made presidents into kings; they have, however, informed the voters that yes, they do indeed live in a democracy and yes, they have a duty to vote out the crazies and unrealistic people. This shocks the bourgeois neurotics who want to make everything into a struggle session with a judge at the end who bans anything but more equal individualism.
Science finds correlations and then goes into the realm of magic, symbolism, and superstition to identify a cause in many cases. Do high ceilings mean more echo, or do kids who take exams in rooms with high ceilings come from lower-rent school districts where average IQs are lower? Science cannot tell. It can only write nifty headlines, take more donations, and advance careers.
His educated savvy political take was to create a crisis to force the sluggard voters to act, but it turns out that many of his citizens are tired of diversity. They realize that this path ends in The Camp of the Saints not A City Upon A Hill. People want to escape the suicide train to the concentration camp for Europids.
The third world bloc continues gaining members from those who need to work with China. Suddenly the domino effect is back in politics. As it turns out, the BRICS are helmed by China who wants a “multipolar” world which means seizing power from the West just like Genghis Khan intended.
Social media provides a handy scapegoat for the disaster that sexual liberation, casual sexual, serial monogamy, and no-fault divorce has foisted upon us.
Democracy, based on “freedom from” rather than “freedom to,” has inverted itself and gone from liberation to tyranny. The fear of alternatives that advocate slightly less DEADS has freaked out The Establishment so much that they have gone to Soviet-style rules.
And… crickets. No one is surprised and not many people care, mainly because Adolf Hitler (and Marcus Garvey, Theodor Herzl, Meir Kahane, and Osiris Akkebala) has been proven right by history on the question of diversity. Now that all the European liberals seem to hate Jews for beating up on terroristic third world Hamass/Gaza, the final obstacles to the West getting over its drunken millennium-long flirtation with equal individualism seem to be falling down. But let us be honest: we want to go further Right, a mixture of medievalism and futurism that gets humanity past the endless war of Have-Nots against Haves, which is both immature and self-destructive.
Most of the world is corrupt. The West was a holdout because we had transcendental belief in goal instead of reliance on method. Democracy reversed that. Is the US too corrupt to join NATO, too?
China hates Taiwan the way Leftists hate Rightists: they detest the people who escaped from Communism.
The competence crisis can destroy your genetics.
Randomized clinical trials feature too many White men; since people are not equal, biologically, this means that other races and women are at a disadvantage when it comes to estimating how much medicines will help them or hurt them. We are not equal.
If the group accepts bias, it is presumed to have some basis in fact, and is widely adopted. As diversity loses its protected status, the bias returns and separation will occur naturally.
No one looks into the causes of these riots, which inevitably kick off after racial grievances go unheard for too long. For some reason, the White citizens targeted the Black Wall Street, and it was probably not because it was minding its own business. People do not strike at things which do not threaten them.
The Court is correcting a century of Leftist “legislating from the bench” and this seems to neurotics to be the second coming of Adolf Hitler.
The US is playing whack-a-mole with border entry points instead of applying drug war style confiscation to the property of anyone caught hiring, contracting, renting, and selling to anyone who is an illegally-present non-citizen.
Ethnic Germans outscore the diversity and the obese.
What do you do when the usual tin-drum bangers talk endlessly about how Europeans are hybrids? Recognize that the “hybrids” were in fact formed of very similar groups who had been geographically separated but had a common origin.
We accept parallel evolution in animals, but when you start talking about humans arising simultaneously in Africa, Europe, and Asia people start to freak out (a fourth branch probably originated in Southern India or Indonesia).
They have renamed DEI to EDI to avoid people calling it DIE, and their new strategy is to encourage whitish people to mentor minorities by defending them and doing their work for them so that the hiring quotas can be met.
Half of the world lives in countries where democracy is up for a coin toss. It seems that at the very least, the movement toward more DEADS including civil/human rights has stalled.
Germany wants to deport migrants who “like” pro-terrorist content on social media. The momentum behind remigration is accelerating.
The “Ode” is a setting of Schiller’s “An die Freude,” or “To Joy.” (The word “ode” was added for Beethoven’s symphony.) Schiller wrote it in the style of a “geselliges Lied,” a kind of social drinking song with verses and choruses. Sprawling and based on Enlightenment ideals like trust in reason, democracy and quality, it portrays facets of joy, which Schiller refers to as the “daughter of Elysium.”
When this poem was written, in 1785, Beethoven was growing up in Bonn, Germany, a progressive city swirling with the tenets of the Enlightenment that influenced Schiller and, earlier, American independence. Schiller revised his text in 1803, disillusioned by the bloody French Revolution of the 1790s and believing that his earlier version had become detached from reality. Lines that were once incendiary were tamped down; “Beggars become brothers of princes” turned into “All men become brothers.” Still, he dismissed the poem as a lapse in judgment, politically and artistically.
Oho! Aha. Ahahahaha.
Fallout from botched diversity elections in the USA: for the first time, UK voters need photo ID in order to vote.
“We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be,” Roberts said.
Leftism took over in the 1960s and that has now failed, so we are returning to the values we had before the world wars.
Special rights for LGBETC, mandated by administrative fiat, experience pushback at the state level.
Why do so many American car firms use parts made in China? The unions drove the jobs offshore. For every ill in our economy today, you can thank a union!
Once they took the gloves off and admitted they wanted White Genocide, government drove White and Hwite people out, and now it is finding that its new diversity staff are part of the competence crisis. Conservatives have figured out that pluralism means the death of culture and by extension, of ethnic group, so they are acting to delay this genocide by dismantling the civil rights driven administrative state. This outrages the Leftist, which screams and throws tendies while guzzling box wine.
Jew-hatred is an addictive cult, but these days, it is not conservatives or Whites who are perpetrating anti-Semitic rhetoric. In the end, Jews are going to flee to Israel simply because the West has lost control of its jihadist diversity and the third-world allies it has cultivated.
Everyone is hiding how abusive these migrants are because no one wants to be the first to be called a “racist.”
They are always calling anyone who does not agree with White Genocide a “racist.” In reality, DIE means “diversity, inclusion, and equality” so it explicitly includes Black and other minority groups. It would be “racist” to fail to notice that.
XOG comes up with a new strategy: label its political opponents as criminals, and then impose conditions on them that take away their rights.
Leftists admit that they turned public schooling into another welfare program. People are escaping these schools as fast as they can at this point.
Leftists just admitted that our healthcare system was created by unelected bureaucrats who had no fear of oversight.
Masters of subtlety in the government decide that to save spotted owls from invasive species, they must act decisively, and come up with “can we shoot them?” Fiona Glenanne unavailable for comment.
Western elections are held hostage by the diversity swing vote. This is what a successful conquest and occupation looks like.
Leftists want to try to invalidate one candidate by any means necessary, in the name of democracy, of course.
The South votes conservative. The Left wants to obliterate that advantage by settling lots of diversity in these regions to reliably vote Democrat.
Originalists in the court are recognizing that the administrative state has crippled a once-thriving nation, and are now beginning to sacrifice sacred cows.
A Black voting bloc get separated into several districts, effectively denying it political power as a racial bloc. This is an outrage. However, importing millions of Mexicans to dilute a White voting bloc is just justice for equality.
Interacting with nature, even as apex predators, enmeshes us with it while buying meat on styrofoam wrapped in cellophane detaches us from anything natural in our thinking.
Tags: diversitywatch, news