Remember when bombs were rare in Sweden? Import the world, get a world war in your borders, and your original ethnic group gets genocided. Democracy has blood on its hands.
Since the Clintons took over the DOJ, the American law enforcement agencies have been acting more like the KGB. In democracy, however, only optics matter; therefore, if you want to be a successful leader like Lincoln, FDR, LBJ, or Clinton you must engineer crises and then use them as rationalizations for what you were planning anyway. War lets you gain power, as do mass panics like terrorism, satanism, drugs, drunk driving, and civil rights.
It turns out that when socialism pays people to do nothing, you need a constant flow of foreign labor to keep the economy going. The mixed economy liberal democracy (MELD) model is breaking down.
In academia, this is a common and known problem with diversity hires, most of whom have been advanced far beyond their abilities so that White and hwite (southern, eastern, mediterranean, and Irish Europids) can look out at a smiling Benetton photo-op.
Slowly it becomes clear that government runs on a diversity wealth transfer program just like the Soviets ran on a class war wealth transfer program.
MELD socialism taxes raise the cost of living until the natives stop having more than one kid each, sort of like that Chinese program that backfired spectacularly.
Looks like norming heterosexual sodomy does not work out so good.
They mention the obvious, which is that if you add more people and subsidize them, you will run out of housing and prices will skyrocket. This benefits the retiring Boomers who are about to cash out but reams everyone else. They are building new housing in the countryside, devastating the green belts preserved by aristocrats for centuries.
In neocommunist post-Clinton USA, it is “controversial” to say that there should be no politics in the classroom.
The panic over remigration continues, despite the obvious fact that reparations-with-repatriation is the kindest way to end diversity, which has failed. Despite the panic, the end of diversity is coming, which is why the people who benefit from the status quo are united in demanding more of it to kill off the host population before it overthrows the bureaucratic parasite.
They have been doing this since the backlash to Reagan in the 1980s, which united all the “opinion people” — journalists, academics, celebrities, entertainers — against winning the Cold War. This kind of saccharine gush was common in the 1980s:
We share the same biology
Regardless of ideology
Believe me when I say to you
I hope the Russians love their children too
Any time society gets emo, watch out: it is a replacement for realism.
Egalitarian societies favor the underdog and therefore fetishize victimhood, ending up at the point where guilt and sadness are the main things we see in public. It is a collective mental illness.
Cleaning up by removing problem people seems to be a theme of this era as the disorder reaches a point where normal people cannot function in daily life without constant fear, instability, and parasitism.
Neocommunists politicized all aspects of life, following their usual plan for Utopia. Now the pushback is gaining momentum.
Diversity destabilizes any society, no matter what the “ingredients” — the diverse foreign groups — are. They should repatriate these Hungarians to Hungary.
Weak leaders talk, bluff, chatter, and threaten after the disaster arrives; strong leaders keep the disaster from occurring by making it clear consequences will be unpleasant. The Arab world wants to lure America-Israel into war, and Biden probably wants to wait until closer to the election.
Go back to Italy, Nancy.
Tear down statues of our heroes, and we will tear down yours. Hope someone dynamites a few dozen MLK statues because he was a rapist, plagiarist, and Communist stooge.
The bureaucracy took over in Europe because bureaucrat is a good job for bourgeois people who want a place to park and siphon money from society in order to live do-nothing, soulless, empty, and disconnected lifestyles. They make their money off of administering wealth transfer from the productive to the unproductive, but the gig is up now that Europe has to fit military spending into its otherwise socialist bill.
Another fake “racism” outrage.
This discourages them from talking to White and hwite people, and is aimed at driving down ethnically disparate arrest and conviction statistics. Since most perps victimize people of their own ethnic group, this will mostly hurt minorities but look good on the end-of-year report.
Everything is a shakedown in a world motivated by guilt for the underdog, as all egalitarian societies are.
Trying to fix two centuries of moronic punting on the Diversity Question.
The far-Right is coordinating across Europe as it prepares for the imminent collapse of MELD.
If something brings the frogs and bongs together, you know it is a world war level crisis. Diversity has hit that point.
How this retard did not see that outcome being inevitable must be a story worthy of a million words, but generally, conservatives seem to have zero understanding of 14A law.
Stereotypes are not a problem except in diverse societies.
The schools favor young women and diversity, so young men are heading out into professions instead to achieve something practical.
Not only race but ethnicity can be easily read from DNA and tracked, showing how nature created different groups and kept them separate.
Every now and then we get glimpses of the history before history. It probably involves multiple civilizations rising and then self-destructing.
Diversity led to conflict back then, too, and now is is hard to find a Neanderthal. Do they get browridge holocaust reparations?
The Establishment realizes that it is getting replaced but like all narcissists, blames its victims for what it did.
He identified the real threats — diversity, bureaucracy, socialism — and therefore voters want him to get in there and fix the mess. Everyone else was talking about symbolic distractions like abortion, Jesus/Israel, patriotic posturing, and fisgie.
You do not get to apply a band-aid after you thoroughly trash something so thoroughly that it provokes a crisis. Accountability finally comes for the Democrats?
Remigration becomes a topic again in the USA, a society designed by Nordic-Germanic Cro-Magnids for people like them. Everyone else, especially the Irish but Italians and others too, gotta getta on those boats and GTFO back to their ethnic homelands.
Diversity just broke up the USA, just like last time but slightly different. Remember, the street tacos are great though.
As instability spreads in diversity-addled Late Stage Democracy, so does political violence.
Tags: diversitywatch, news