This is the Clinton method: delete any data that might be culpable, burying your opposition under mountains of research to figure out what you might have known. Make sure you delete widely so you leave lots of question marks, knowing that your voters — the diversity and people so cowed by diversity they are voting with the party in the hopes of mercy — will accept this as proof of innocence and not really care too much anyway.
We can accept that genetics correspond to results in reality anywhere except among human beings because the individualist fallacy requires us to think that we all create ourselves and we are not the result of anything larger than individual desire. I am Jack’s slice of Will justifying himself as unique.
Social media forces people to issue forth opinions on many issues or be judged by their silence, which results in the typical half-cogitated notions being propounded until they devolve into the usual symbolism.
Supreme Court swings to the Left and preserves federal authority despite what looks like deliberate sabotage of the border patrol system by a Democratic administration.
It turns out that DNA very accurately predicts facial characteristics because those are coded for by DNA, and Parabon Nanolabs has been using this scientifically validated technique for a couple decades now, helping solve cold cases, generating realistic faces from DNA, showing us ancient Egyptians, generating pictures of suspects from DNA, catching creepy rapists, 3D imaging killers, and identifying the race of serial killers.
People have moved on to second-tier news sources like blogs, podcasts, and social media because of widespread distrust with a media which consistently has worked with government to hide the ball regarding race, class, ethnicity, and COVID-19.
In Clown World, everything is faked because people are only going through the motions in order to advance their careers, in most cases.
No mention of getting copies of The Turner Diaries into these bookstores and schools to balance out the Leftist propaganda.
Women are more likely to own homes, probably because the jobs system adores them, which places us straight on a path to matriarchy like most of the third world.
Trump talks about immigration; everyone else suppresses mention of it so the White Replacement can continue. This is why he is way ahead of all the other clowns which, like last time, the GOP nominated in a hope of keeping the status quo so they can forget about elections and focus on fundraising from Boomers.
They fear political polarization, but diversity polarized us: we choose to survive. This somehow clashes with the ideals of those who got ahead in the egalitarian meritocracy.
Insisting on biology will get you in trouble with sex, race, and ethnicity but most of all, social class. The final taboo is that the French Revolution was based on a lie and we really need genetically, mentally, and character-wise superior people to rule us. The herd is fake.
Another affirmative action case goes down, but only because she offended wealthy donors.
Blatant diversity corruption is dragged kicking and screaming into the light.
For their nation to rise, your nation must fall, even if all of their leaders appear hybridized with Whites.
They are terrified that the scam of liberalism will be revealed as a giant cash-in on the backs of the productive.
How do police identify them from a distance? This is probably lifestyle-related. The right solution is setting up LGBT neighborhoods and going easy on the rules there only.
Dying empires lose the faith of their native citizens, who quickly stop signing up for government jobs and military roles.
The problem has become too big to ignore, and still those from the education meritocracy dither rather than contradict their Boomer-authored 1960s-inspired textbooks.
Orania, middle-American style.
Governments fear anti-diversity parties because if they get into power, they are going to reveal how long this scam has been doing on and how much damage it has done.
The diversity shakedown continues because Whites and hwites are afraid to look too deeply into any claims by minority members.
Finally some pushback against the Christine Blasey-Ford and Anita Hill type of unprovable decades-old cases.
Aging single women seem to have a rough time of it. The usual solution — subsidies! — is proposed by academics who have no idea that they are simply repeating 1820s orthodoxy passed on through generations of careerism in academia.
Our immigration system gives zero impetus to obey the law, especially after already breaking it, because illegal immigrants are a politically protected group due to their utility as Leftist voters. Election 2024 is going to have lots of no-ID voting.
The message is always the same: more quotas and subsidies.
Hilariously, it looks like the West adopted conservative doctrine and privatized its propaganda system.
When costs go up because of the diversity and socialism taxes, not many White people can take these jobs anymore, and importing foreign labor further depresses wages, basically a workaround to the unions that were destroying our industries.
Medical professionals argue for more propaganda.
That “Last Days of Rome” feeling intensifies as we sacrifice common sense and reality on the altar of Equality.
If the DHS can be shown to have deliberately stopped verifying identities for some agenda other than the stated role of the agency, this lady could collect big.
Why do poor people suffer from few food options? Companies cannot afford to keep workers in the line of fire.
Kaplan also ruled Tuesday that Trump’s attorney cannot introduce evidence or argument “suggesting or implying” that Trump did not sexually assault Carroll, that she fabricated her account of the assault or that she had financial and political motivations to do so.
Diversity justice means you cannot testify on your behalf in a meaningful way, while the other side can defame you all they want.
“Woke” cities have no problem driving out the business because they maintain power on the basis of the have-nots-versus-the-have diversity narrative alone.
We need a national anthem for every race and ethnic group, which will mean four hours of singing before the game kicks off. Why do White and hwite guys still pay attention to this stuff?
“Tax the Rich” will not fill the hole created by our diversity spending.
Tags: diversitywatch, news