Lately, the Obama-Clinton machine has found itself caught lying a number of times. It seems people are waking up to how diversity rule is corrupt rule.
Racial guilt policies benefit the political class, not the impoverished on the street, who are encouraged to self-destruct through self-pity. N.B. the same is true of “far-Right” people who blame everything on The Eternal Jew.™
The West is self-destructing through socialism and the diversity used to justify it and vote it into power.
Advertising crashed with the advent of diversity, and has been trying to bounce back by using social media tracking, although results have not been encouraging despite being massively intrusive.
“Wet streets make rain.” Better-off communities are more able to support women farmers. Academia loves pacifism because its fits its view of itself as supremely logical in a species of angry monkeys. Pacifism leads to egalitarian thought, or supporting the underdog at the expense of what works. If you listen to academics, you will ruin your society.
One woman and her racial revenge narrative resulted in censorship, book burning, and terror tactics, and now the system is paying her off.
It seems everyone was expecting a pandemic, or hoping for one. China definitely wanted the Obama-chosen candidate in office.
To get into The Establishment, you have to avoid criticizing its foundational illusions like DEADS (democracy, equality, atomization, diversity, and socialism). For this reason, the elites appear uniform in their outlook, when really they reflect the 1960s meritocracy that promoted them.
Human sperm quality declines on an average, which more reflects obesity, pollution, and poor nutrition than aging itself.
The pushback begins as it becomes clear that diversity and mixed economy civil rights societies are the new Communism, and resistance to those is the moral duty of any who wish to avoid civlization decay.
“In general, we expect that most of genes that enter a species from another one will have negative consequences and will be eliminated over time by natural selection, but some may restore functional variants or even allow the adaptation to new environmental conditions,” explains José Antonio Godoy.
Until recently, the new hybrids were on the brink of extinction. Perhaps those negative consequences made the species more fragile than people realized.
Welcome to the free West, where having the wrong opinion sends you to jail.
When diversity was a novelty, people supported it, adn a great wave of legal pressure normalized it, but now that people see it leads to BLM riots, illegal aliens, Derek Chauvining, and constant race guilt and shakedowns, people are abandoning it, starting with the Supreme Court.
The watermelon has become a symbol for equality, a type of “algospeak” that uses allegorical substitutes for banned symbols.
As costs go up, the birthrate falls, which seems to be how socialism exterminates societies.
Leftists lie to advance the diversity agenda. Bonus: [[[ O’Leary ]]].
A Black man died in custody after fighting back against cops, similar to the George Floyd case in that he had drugs in his system at the time, and the police officers involved are now being paid off to make the matter and the ludicrous, fear-driven response to it go away.
Amerinds may have come to the New World to hunt woolly mammoths, shortly before rendering the species extinct.
A longstanding desire to expand a synagogue leads to an unorthodox solution, which makes more sense than the conspiracy theories, although no one has explained the weird stained mattress.
The important shift here is that SCOTUS did not weigh in with a 14A argument as it did in previous individualism-versus-community style cases.
More than revenge, their country got taken over by the diversity socialist bureaucracy, and now they want to reclaim it and fire everyone involved, especially the deceptive GOP.
In the war against spam, the spammers won through search engine optimization, which made companies dependent on them, leading to search results that resemble a product catalogue more than research device.
Humans anticipate the preferences of others in order to manipulate those others, suggesting how much socializing has produced the conditions of our intelligence.
Tags: diversitywatch, news