
Furthest Right

DiversityWatch (January 13, 2024)

DiversityWatch Image #22: watching diversity destroy yet another civilization


  • Judge reinstates California teachers who disclosed gender transitions to parents

    Conscience — orientation toward reality, not symbolism, because reality determines outcomes — seems to be the most powerful weapon we have in resisting the neocommunist takeover.

  • Apple AirDrop leaks user data like a sieve. Chinese authorities say they’re scooping it up.

    The second-largest company in the world makes concessions to Communist spying because this company depends on Chinese labor. If only we had avoided legalizing unions, we would not be vassals of foreign powers simply for their labor forces.

  • Baking Company Hosts Competition Barring White Participants

    Another diversity handout and symbolism for the company involved. Some floating SJW conned this storied brand into joining the DIE White Genocide agenda; including the nonwhites only baking competition, you can email them your thoughts.

    I used to use King Arthur flour all the time, but I cannot support a brand that wants to dispossess and genocide my people. It is also sad to see a storied brand get Bud Lighted because it hired some SJW DIE grifter instead of a competent executive.

    This was my letter to the firm. It says it all: they are now a cash cow, so the committee decided to be cute and hire one of the new kids, and this person is doing what the colleges and television say is necessary, which has resulted in the destruction of a brand which formerly had a lot of goodwill.

  • John Lennon’s son rips DEI initiatives: ‘Creating institutional racism’

    The hippie movement officially turns away from anti-“racism” like it (sort of) turned away from “racism.”

  • 16K Chinese Migrants Headed for U.S. Border, Detained

    Invasions are easy when you have open borders. The other 150k that they did not catch are probably enjoying their newfound freedom and free social benefits.

  • The Democrats Are Falling Into a Trap on Immigration Again

    Rising economies attract immigration, especially when there is free stuff and EEOC programs to always put them at the front of the line.

  • Penn Statue Reversal Shows Positive Power of Social Media

    Back in the 1980s, when you had three television stations, people just changed the station if they did not like what was there. This was a feedback loop: the more a station broadcast things that people liked, sort of the same as with periodicals and books, the more audience it gained; conversely, if a station or publication was promoting something that disgusted people, its numbers went down. While this was terrible in its own right because it is a conformity to the lowest common denominator machine based in human solipsism that denies anything but individual preferences, individual results, and individual feelings, it worked to a degree; with the internet, this feedback loop is gone except for outrage culture, which is why the deplatformers and Bud Light boycotters now rule the day. Homogeneous mono-ethnic societies allow for feedback loops; with diversity, it all gets lost in the backscatter.

  • South Africans Rally Around Government’s Case Against Israel

    People in failing nations come in two forms: the obedient and the independent. These people want so desperately to believe that lack of apartheid has not trashed South Africa that they are doubling down and projecting their sickness onto Israel.

  • As a new generation rises, tension between free speech and inclusivity on college campuses simmers

    Realism (including free thought, speech, and association) versus inclusivity seems to be the motif of our time. The former embraces natural selection, but the latter rejects it entirely, acting more like a religion than a reputable theory.

  • The DOJ will seek the death penalty against the white supremacist who killed 10 Black people at a Buffalo supermarket in 2022.

    Learn from the wisdom of Anders Breivik: instead of killing minorities, who are tools of the hwite and sometimes White Communists, instead just kill the Communists. Much more direct and effective.

  • DEI’s Attack Dog

    Biden Administration trusts the SPLC, but really, the SPLC has lots of money and influential donors, since Baby Boomers are still fighting the battles of the 1960s as they attempt to cling to any kind of social relevance.

  • Rick Santorum reveals how candidates can ‘wound’ the ‘800-pound gorilla’ Trump after he stunned the U.S. with underdog victory in the 2012 Iowa Republican caucus

    Republicans want to go back to their comfortable position: Christian libertarianism, with a pro-diversity spin but harsh theocratic domestic rules that make GOP voters feel morally superior but really are doing nothing more than cracking down on innocents like LGBT, potheads, teenage pregnancies, and metalheads. This guy is the face of the bad old GOP that always stole defeat from the jaws of victory; Trump represents a future in which conservatives focus on function not (religious, patriotic, economic) symbolism.

  • What we learned about Les Wexner and Jeffrey Epstein in documents release

    As the testimony against Jeffrey Epstein and his associates gets more bizarre, we are probably seeing another moment of what Samuel Huntington calls “creedal passion” as Americans assert Christian values against what they perceive to be Judaic ones:

    “I had a hard time with all Jewish people.”

    “I think it’s all the Jews.”

    “They think Jewish DNA is better than the rest of us.”

    “These people truly believe they are chosen, every one of them.”

    “All the Jewish people I met are pedophiles that run the world economy.”

    “They are ‘Jewish supremacists'” and they are “all connected” through a mysterious organization called MEGA, which is run by Leslie Wexner who is “the head of the snake.”

    If you hate Judaism — this is an opinion, therefore is valid, and therefore should be protected speech accepted by everyone — then why are you following the Semitic religion of Christianity, which shares its holy book with Judaism and has explicitly Jewish roots in both Old and New Testaments? White people are so clever that they make themselves stupid. A more likely “conspiracy” is simply mass conformity to the equality narrative:

    There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes, one that both curtailed the protests and coordinated the resistance from CEOs. Both surprises were the result of an informal alliance between left-wing activists and business titans. The pact was formalized in a terse, little-noticed joint statement of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and AFL-CIO published on Election Day. Both sides would come to see it as a sort of implicit bargain – inspired by the summer’s massive, sometimes destructive racial-justice protests – in which the forces of labor came together with the forces of capital to keep the peace and oppose Trump’s assault on democracy.

    All of the people who succeeded in the meritocracy agreed that their textbooks were right, the French Revolution was good, the American South was bad, Hitler was bad, and we should continue with our prole revolt instead of admitting that some people are smarter than others, smarter people are less criminal and therefore more likely to form advanced civilization, and therefore, we need social hierarchy in a mono-ethnic society in order to have good results.

  • ‘I Googled It’: Air Traffic Controller Dragged For Telling Veteran Pilot How To Land

    Diversity going well as usual (“Mooney” is an Irish name).

  • Taiwan elects William Lai president in historic election

    The avocado toast Communists in media will not tell you this, but Taiwan/Formosa is where the nationalist Chinese — who were pro-capitalist and pro-Western — fled after being overthrown in the Communist revolution back in 1949, precipitating the Korea and Vietnam conflicts as China attempted to expand in the region. Taiwan is per capita far more productive than Communist China and this enrages the Reds every day, since they know that Communism always fails because after a certain point it cannot provide avocado toast at all.

  • University of Utah president discontinues diversity statements, says they will no longer be used in hiring

    Even mainstream media acknowledges that without legal support for affirmative action, it serves no purpose and can be discontinued.

  • Seattle teacher allegedly told students identifying as ‘straight’ is offensive

    Under Leftism, this sort of behavior is seen as “normal” because it defends our holy mob rule through equality.

  • Family files wrongful death lawsuit over Jan. 6 police shooting

    Byrd’s history of shortcomings on the department were brought up as reasons the department is responsible for negligent supervision, discipline and retention of Byrd. The suit makes note of when he left a loaded Glock 22 in a Capitol Visitors Center in 2019 and when he failed to meet his firearms qualifications, as well as an off-duty shooting incident that was not justified and a use of force matter that was originally sustained.

    In other words, this was an affirmative action shooting. Any White guy who had the history that Byrd did would have been fired long ago, and by keeping him on, the government guaranteed that they would have a hothead who would shoot without warning when there was no actual risk of violence from Babbitt, who was peering inside a broken window to the congressional chamber. Now if someone starts talking about how the Capitol police basically enabled this riot and let them in the front doors, we might be getting somewhere.

  • The fate of novel ideas: Scholar investigates factors that thwart potential innovations from gaining acceptance

    Our problem is not lack of novel ideas, but rejection of obviously realistic ideas by committees:

    [P]eople are more likely to disagree about how valuable something is the less familiar it is. That is, the more unconventional a film or company, the wider the range of opinions it will garner.

    “The problem is people see mixed reviews, interpret that as a bad sign, and then reduce their support or interest,” Johnson said. “People don’t realize that mixed reviews are to be expected when an idea is new.”

    “There are endless ideas out there. The difficulty is getting people to support and approve those ideas. In businesses, the bottleneck is very often the middle manager who rejects new ideas employees have. The idea is there, but it doesn’t get past a desk or a committee.”

    For example, it is obvious that diversity has failed, but our power structure is replaying the 1860s and 1960s instead of paying attention to contemporary reality.

  • Wisconsin judge rules that absentee voting van used in 2022 was illegal

    Under diversity, vote fraud is the norm. Last time the mail-in ballots were the steal, but this time, no-ID voters and lawfare against Trump seem to be the preferred Leftist method.



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