International relations may have been a mistake.
Just like with social media, government, NGOs, and Big Tech are now working together for a censorship regime, mainly because without it there will be no permanent Democratic victory and therefore fewer H-1Bs to keep the growth scam going in Silicon Valley.
Muslim voters are now a swing vote for the Left.
Mixing races produces unhealthy offspring, as this Irish-Hispanic couple discovers.
Foreigners have no problem smuggling massive amounts of drugs into the West; after all, it is not children from their group that are dying.
The Irish outvoted the ethnic Scots and now will unite Ireland, then promptly destroy the remaining outsiders.
Diversity schools seem to be unstable and violent.
Still cheaper than building another dozen new schools, providing subsidized housing, the costs of EMTALA healthcare, and other benefits migrants enjoy.
What it looks like the absolutely lose control of a country.
They told us it was millions a few days ago.
Apparently “Noble Savage” is no longer good because it does not have sufficient victimhood.
Since Germany is the next target after Ukraine and the Baltics, it may turn out to be a wise play for them.
Diversity has the same problems everywhere, no matter which groups are the host and diverse populations.
If you “shift Right” from neocommunism, you are still on the far Left.
Everyone is “racist.” Some admit it. In diversity, each group hates all the others. Is there any future for banning “racism”?
In the diversity courts, actual evidence and coherent legal arguments are not required, which leads to chaos eventually.
Diversity government has failed.
Even the neocons are talking remigration.
In most cities, the cheaper land is to the east where the winds blow the smoke.
Maybe America needs a recession so people stop trying to one-up each other with status signaling.
Diversity makes everyone a target, some for more than one reason.
Since the 1950s, China has been trying to use diversity to destroy America.
Biden wanted a border crisis and more illegal immigration. Now his golem has become a runaway disaster, and he is trying to apply a band-aid.
One of these days, one is going to hit, and we will still be screwing around with equality and diversity.
Tags: diversitywatch, news