Diversity voting favored the candidate who did not challenge diversity rule. In one short term, he has weakened the country and furthered our internal divide. It will always be this way when diversity has the swing vote, as we see from Northern Ireland, South Africa, Kosovo, and Brazil.
The Chinese method involves using many government staff as part-time spies. This has already come to America through Political Correctness and civil rights law. Anyone working for government is obligated to worry about equality concerns.
Russia rewrote history and reprogrammed its citizens to favor a Soviet perspective. The West is doing the same with “woke” propaganda in schools and civil rights law.
The Supreme Court may be about to legalize removing homeless camps from public spaces. It seems the great experiment in equality has turned many communities into what are essentially garbage dumps with drug-addled people wandering around in them.
Those of us who saw the Biden impeachment as political theater are correct. Instead of doing the forensic accounting necessary to determine where his money came from, they relied on an informant who was probably a Russian agent. At the right time, Russia pulled the strings because apparently Russia wants Biden in 2024.
European nations have been freeloading on US defense spending for years, and are wasting the money on immigrants and socialist subsidies instead. Trump wants them to pay their fair share, but this upsets the American Left, who realizes that this means less diversity and fewer state benefits. That in turn reveals that these things could never be afforded and were just expensive ideological vote-buying exercises.
Leftists call for physical removal of Right-wingers. This is what happens when diversity rules: those who do not obey the diversity must be destroyed lest the whole scam get revealed.
The saner Republicans realize that if we do not reverse demographic replacement, there will be no future elections which are not Soviet show elections where 99% vote Democrat, the news reports that everything is good, and yet everyone lives in poverty and fear (a condition that demoralized Russians).
What took out the Communists? They could not feed their people. What is taking out democracy? The same problem, just slower and milder.
Immigrants in Texas get free schooling and free school lunches. That means building more schools. That means bond issues. That means perpetually-rising property taxes to the point where life in Texas is becoming unaffordable.
Any charity becomes converted into a diversity propaganda machine once Leftists get involved.
No one likes censorship. The real solution is to get government out of education.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
Leftists rule by the diversity vote, therefore they preach diversity at every opportunity.
The Great Replacement is also targeting African-Americans since it wants to replace them with Hispanics and then Asians.
Anyone notice that now the press views anything Right-wing as evil, as if we are all expected to agree with this propaganda?
The Left wants permanent diversity voting so we have a one-party state forever. They are very close to achieving their goal.
Tags: diversitywatch, news