It turns out the “multipolar world” is ethno-nationalism, and it is preserved by having a superpower (USA) give up on trying to force the world to accept MELD.
I forgot most people have not read the classics of the Greeks and spent time on modern philology. If they had, they would realize that diversity, equity, and inclusion are all heads of the egalitarian monster that the founding fathers sought to repress as much as possible but the third world vote, especially the Irish, adores.
The states are confronting an increasing number of politicians who have been elected to stand athwart the arc of history and holler STOP.
Europe decides to try to save the little guy in the East Slav versus West Slav race war.
So, how do you egghead boffins account for how White people are feeling after a daily dose of being told their are evil, stupid, and inferior?
Majority wants fairness, diversity wants subsidies. Old story, very predictable.
National Socialism seems like a retarded idea to me — we want Communism but with a Right-wing flavor? wtf lol — but people are trying to explain away how after the abuses of the Napoleonic Wars, revolutions, WWI, and diversity, ordinary Germans were perfectly content to let the Nazis murder lots of useless or counterproductive people. After the last couple years, most White and hwite people in North America be like, “I wouldn’t do that myself, but I’m not going to get in their way, either.”
History is moving very quickly now. The demise of MELD is on the horizon.
This is usually a sign that government has murdered the economy so much that ordinary people are turning to casual prostitution.
Diversity makes you schizoid. What can’t it do?
The Right-wing bloviates about migrant crime, which is pretty much at normal third world levels, but you are mostly like to die from a drunk Mexican in a twenty-six-year-old Honda.
Men and women within generations view women’s equity more differently than people of different generations do.
Famous spy breaks taboo by willing to work with the far-Right, so the political establishment turns on him.
As we warned you, these things show up around election time and never pan out.
So now clothes from before the civil war are “racist.” When are we done with worrying about whether anything is “racist”? It is just diversity infighting as usual.
Very few consider what is most likely the accurate hypothesis, which is that Homo sapiens has been around for millions of years but has left behind degraded remnants everywhere it has gone.
The long fallout of the French Revolution is diversity, inclusion, and equity policies that force you to tolerate criminals in the name equality.
Even diversity advocates want segregation.
Asian mayor wants to reduce disproportionate crime statistics.
Different ethnic groups have different behavioral norms.
Quite possibly from lifestyles as well as diversity, which changes the microbiome.
Diversity baffles the hwite people foolish enough to take it seriously. Of course, these people also have trouble with biological gender, Darwinism, and monetary theory, so take it with a grain of salt.
The Asian miracle is a mirage.
Democracy cannot deal with diversity conflict and all of its “solutions” are illogical.
Tags: diversitywatch, news