The White audience accepted diversity after it was forced on them in 1865, 1954, and 1965. Since that time, they have been hoping for peaceful coexistence. This latest shakedown addresses that concern, offering them a false hope that if they just write a few more checks no one can afford, the problem will go back into dormant mode for a little while. This appeals especially to single young people and women.
It is time for one type of annual diversity riots in Europe yet again. This time, the politicians promise that “something” will be done, but in an age driven by civil rights, it looks bad when White police arrest lots of minority suspects, so most likely this will not involve actually punishing the perpetrators, only driving them off with new gadgetry or massive kettling.
More free stuff to bribe more people to enter the country. Democrats know that diversity never votes for the majority party, so when the percentage of White and whitish people drops, Democrats will have a permanent majority and total control. Then they can really reshape the world in the human image, following all of their Utopian ideals.
When the diversity — whether ethnic, like White-mixed groups such as Italians, Jews, and the Irish, or racial — pulls some ridiculous scam and funnels money to diversity Democrats, somehow this becomes something we cannot afford a public trial to cover.
Some have not forgotten that much as cause leads to effect, past leads to present, and present leads to future, which if it disconnects from the past, leaves us without a sense of who we are and why we live.
These laws are stupid, even if free speech does not fully apply and should not fully apply in in loco parentis situations, mainly because what works is having a requirement that education be about skills, and firing any teachers who fall short, which purges Leftists from the ranks. Why does democracy not do this? If you fix all the problems, politicians have nothing to campaign on.
Many of those “abandoned” investigations involved victims browbeaten into not reporting their diversity assailants because it would make everyone look “racist.” Police fear the disproportionately ethnic arrest chart, so they hide away from the real crimes and focus on busting people for posting “there are only two sexes” on Twitter.
The multipolar order has arrived, with the Chinese-Russian Communists on one side, the NATO neocommunists on another, and the sensible people getting out and making functional economies instead of status signaling French Revolution ideals.
The government does not care that it is full of illegal aliens, but is concerned that it might be ripping off the poor. Most services for illegal aliens have higher surcharges; they do not care as long as they can send money home.
“Lawfare” means using the law to raise costs to a defendant or destroy their reputation when you cannot clearly point to any illegal activity. For example, suing gun manufacturers for making guns, suing the Aryan Nations because their gate guard beat up some provocateurs, hassling Trump with endless suits, trying to oust VDARE from their castle, and now, slamming some skint pub owners with so much legal activity that they have to sell.
Big business needs them to work around greedy government regulations. Democrats want them as voters. The social welfare system cannot survive them. And yet democracy does nothing.
Jewish agencies worked hard to bring in diversity, hoping that erasing national culture would also erase anti-Jewish feeling. Instead, it brought in people who hated Jews, and support of Jewish agencies for this made White people leery of Jews, so that now Europe has become hostile to the Jewish people.
Usually only state actors are capable of obtaining the insider details of microchips necessary for this kind of exploit, which leads us to ask why diverse societies are so concerned with spying on their citizens if diversity is the paradise it is described to be.
The Western miracle was not caused by Christianity, democracy, or technology, but by our ability to put together societies with functional institutions, something which existed from the time of the aristocrats and was imitated in less effective form by the state.
Power and wealth are a zero-sum game, since there is only so much power and wealth is determined by productivity which mostly reflects the limits of technology and the average IQ of the society in question. When you take from one group to raise another up, you harm the first group, and although we are seeing this play out in diversity-on-diversity conflicts like the Palestinian dilemma, it will only get more complicated as different groups start to hate on each other.
Tags: diversitywatch, news