The Soviets spent so much money on equality, and enacted so much bureaucracy, that they could not feed their people; the West has spent its equality money on diversity, creating a massive legal apparatus behind it, and will soon have the same problem.
Religions based around the equal importance of all individuals and a Utopian moral code which contradicts observable reality will follow the same path as the Leftists have, from classical liberalism straight through to raving diversity Communism.
Without diversity, you know roughly how things play out. With diversity, everything is neurotic and demands a series of meetings, white papers, debates, and calls for comments.
The equality battle will forever rage, because if someone has something you do not, you are not equal, and yet if you are finally equal, you are also equally insignificant and therefore will invent new reasons that you are a victim and therefore deserve more. Communism is just its final form.
This article finally admits, in the midst of weeping and pearl-clutching, that migrants are coming to Europe for the money, much of which is sent back home via remittances. This both destroys the European economy and prevents the emigrant nations from finally producing functional economies of their own.
Egalitarian societies prize victims, so people make themselves into victims to become important.
People are so stupid they thought that diversity meant society would continue just the way it had been, but with other cultures added to it. However, to emphasize one culture is to displace others, so diversity means you can have no culture, and because it is egalitarian, it means that only those from victim groups get to display their cultures. This was obvious back in the 1980s but no one wanted to listen.
No one knows what to do with all these migrants.
White people are the scapegoats for the failure of diversity, but the third world was poor before White people arrived.
Ideology always requires erasing history because ideology is conjectural Utopianism, the opposite of realism. They want to retcon diversity into the past and remove any mention of its troubles so that the votesheep stay asleep for just a little while longer until we can get full tyranny.
Dutch study reveals that the West could never afford immigration, which even in low doses has wrecked the European economies.
White people — who seem to be mostly morons — seemed to think that diversity meant we would all be “equal,” which meant that White people would still run things, but they forgot that diversity is a form of egalitarianism, and equality always means taking from the strong to give to the weak. You now have a fifth column in your society. Good thinking, voters!
He hints at the obvious: high-IQ societies prosper more than low-IQ ones, and replace them, at least until “equality” and “diversity” get involved. The egalitarian revolution is the third world trying to destroy the first world.
You cannot solve disunity when one party is attempting to replace the other. There is no unity left; diversity killed it.
Tags: diversitywatch, news