Late Stage Democracy has made censorship into a virtue and is now persecuting everyone who does not bow to the censorship agenda that allows government propaganda to flow through private voices like the old, big and addled Silicon Valley dot-coms.
Diversity FBI may have ignored vital evidence and therefore completely missed on the obvious place where this plane is likely to have ended up. It took ten years to fight past the credentialed experts and have someone notice this. Under diversity, the West has become incompetent.
With the demise of the nuclear family, so also perishes the church, a casualty of women in the workforce, casual sex, and divorce. This is exactly as Nietzsche predicted: when religion does away with realism, then religion gets replaced by a cheaper secular version, at which point no one needs religion. Then again, it makes no sense for people of European descent (POEDs) to worship middle eastern, African, or Asian gods.
The same is true of biology. When you discard biology, you no longer have a need for realism, and therefore only symbolism matters and you get ugly terms like “front hole.” Narcissists prefer it this way because it creates an absolute playground for them with near-zero accountability.
In theory, this guy was due to be deported long ago, but no one wanted to seem “racist” so he was kept around until he finally killed people. German brutality is returning as they realize how dishonest, parasitic, and useless most of humanity is. Once they get done with their fetish of trying to convince everyone that they are not Hitler, they will see that the time for Arminius has returned.
Eight billion people all eating food out of plastic and using plastic gadgets and tools means that soon we will all be part plastic. We could go back to glass, tin, and paper packaging for all food but that would price it out of range for most of humanity.
The Anthropocene era means that whatever lives or dies does so because it is useful or not to humanity. Humans are the natural selection force on Earth now, which means that humans are losing abilities through gene drift and also botching stewardship of the natural environment because limiting our numbers is not popular.
Immigration failed to cover the Canadian tax hole, but now housing is priced out by high demand and prices are going up as the tax bite hits. The voters wonder what they did wrong for a tenth of a second, then turn on a new season of reality television, munch a burrito, and pass out in a pile of beer cans.
He is an enigma only because They refused to accept the obvious evidence that he was a radicalized Leftist. This information will come out after the election, courtesy of the diversity in the FBI.
The EU is comprised of unrealistic egghead bureaucrats who think the solution to immigration is to spread the pain around so that everyone can take maximum immigrants. These are the type of people that the voters select to lead them.
Despite the Left having mounted a massive propaganda campaign, the far-Right is still winning elections, and they are now acting as strategically as Leftists do and are blocking Leftist candidates from office.
Europe has made itself dependent on Chinese money. This is funding the very people who want to kill all Europeans.
As it tries to pander to diversity and the young (who are, at this point, morons) the church becomes more Leftist, at which point it is just another voice for System propaganda.
Business gets labeled “anti-Black” and a threat to non-White students because the owner supports the police. After all, her partner is a cop and was put in a wheelchair by a shooting. Now the legal retaliation accelerates.
For a bunch of people that hate Trump, everyone seems to be doing what he suggested.
Does it bother anyone else that the more money gets thrown into the election furnace, the more votes are received? This means that votes are literally for sale, even if indirectly through advertising and propaganda instead of discreet packages of cash delivered through the backdoor like Tammany Hall used to do.
If you stop people from giving the homeless money, the homeless head off for easier pickings elsewhere. These are winos and drug addicts, not people impoverished by temporary circumstance.
Democracy makes lazy, distracted, and selfish people who use luxury services like UberEats and DoorDash that they cannot afford, which makes a prime opportunity for criminals.
Every election needs an outbreak and an excuse for riots in order to keep the Silent Majority cowed in their homes.
Republicans finally got off their asses and are now looking more closely into the everyday vote fraud that is considered “normal” by Democrats in American elections.
Diversity means you do not recognize your nation or feel comfortable in it, no matter who you are. The result is a crippling alienation and loneliness, but no one will look at the obvious cause.
Like most middle class idiots bloated by high-paying jobs, easy educational attainments, and comfortable suburbs, Tim Walz thinks we could have Utopia if everyone just shared equally like they do in China. Again: Democrats are the demand-based party, so they address only feelings of want with free stuff, where Republicans are the supply-based party, which means that we increase supply instead of giving stuff away for free. Democrats are the shopkeepers, Republicans are the farmers, industrialists, creators, inventors, and conquerors.
Someone finally points out in public that the Democrat agenda is to “destroy wealth creators so they can spread the booty among their own.”
That technocratic dystopia you read about in all that great 1950s-1980s sci-fi? It seems to be formed of the merger of Google and government as a propaganda organ that censors or hides all its competition.
When the hype dust fades, this election will come down to whether voters want 1980s America or more of the 0bama years.
How did the freedom-loving Left become the party of repression and suppressing details about terrorist attacks? They allied with diversity, which is failing, and will require totalitarianism to preserve and continue it.
Tags: diversitywatch, news