Diversity cannot coexist with free speech because diversity does not work at all and therefore people criticize it.
Gypsies and travellers (who are ethnically [[[ unhuman ]]]) have made the West hate them for several centuries by acting just like any other diversity. Oriental, Italian, Hispanic, Indian, Jewish, Puerto Rican, Irish, Arab… it does not matter who, only that diversity exists because it turns civilizations against themselves and destroys them.
More ancient diversity conflicts continue weakening civilizations centuries later.
Diversity destroying whatever it touches. Most of us still do not like Hitler (or his dramatic art student methods) but have to admit he was right about diversity.
Race- and class-mixers have mental health problems, so if this guy dies sterile in jail Darwin will have won this one.
This is a fairly typical MO for Russia-China covert operations. The honeypot has become the fake honeypot.
With their minds in the grip of fatalism, which is an inevitable result of individualism at a civilization-scale, our moronic democratic leaders want to refight WW1. Once was enough and any sane person would avoid doing it again, but they seek the destruction of the West in order to unite humanity in one big mediocre happy.
The media is pushing hard to force diversity into every area of life, including any White-branded ones that remain.
The Western Pravda opens a new front in the war against free speech, hoping to protect diversity by limiting people to accounts where the wrong opinions can destroy their lives.
New generation of Leftists act just like the 1960s ones once the cake and champagne are gone.
Add in the cost of manufacturing them and recycling their toxic batteries and you see a different story that will rapidly offset this “small decrease.” Buy a four-banger, drive it for forty years, and then you are being environmentally responsible with your cars. The Swedes started doing this in the 1940s.
China needs the JCSA to stop upstaging its economic collapse and start sending more work overseas. American unions and the Biden presidency will cooperate. They know who pays their bills with shoeboxes full of cash.
Pro-union sentiment keeps vandalizing your future and raising your costs.
I favor decriminalizing all drugs both medical and recreational, but if you are the one place everyone can buy hash, you will quickly be saturated in urine, crime, and useless people.
It is not our job to save the world from itself. It is our job to fix our broken societies.
Everything the idiots blame on Jews and Negroes was created by Western liberalism built around the addictive pathology of “equality.”
These are the “unelected bureaucrats” everyone keeps talking about. The Constitution made no provision for administrative agencies so it was shoehorned in with the help of the 14A.
Another diversity conflict which continues through the centuries and no one has any solution for it.
Who cares? Other than the raving media of course.
Confirms that “green tech” is a wealth transfer subsidy for China from the JCSA.
Communism takes over and suddenly, like South Africa, they cannot keep the lights on.
Diversity ends in a muddle of contradictory hatreds, just like it always does.
Grifting Leftists want an insurance payout again. What is the collateral damage to society from these neurotics, if we add it all up?
Clintons own the DOJ, which is why Leftists do not go to jail but J6 rioters are rotting in prison.
Mayan diversity caused a stir, then was suppressed violently. The Mayans of today are descendants of the slave people who collaborated with the Spanish to kill Mayan aristocrats.
Following a massive push by entrenched interests, some sportsball droolers are watching women’s sports.
More shoot-the-messenger thinking. If cops arrest too many minorities, it must be “racism” because disparate impact thinking says so, based in the assumption that all people are equal.
The money boat went away and now overeducated grifters are resentful. If all of these people died tomorrow, no one would notice.
Busting people for Facebook posts is almost risk-free and builds strong careers in the bureaucracy. It is a profit center.
If your daughter works for prominent Democrats, how impartial can you be? Trump gets proven right again for his statement that this lawfare is politically motivated.
Partial backlash against the endless grifting by the virtuous poor.
Classic investigate-to-exonerate: bypass real crimes in order to focus on trivial non-crimes which can be easily shown to be a non-issue, giving the corrupt pol a clean bill of health as far as the public optics are concerned.
“Union labor” as he trumpets is in fact backdoor socialism taking money from consumers and giving it to incompetents.
Could he make it clearer that he is running merely to take votes from Trump?
Major consulting firm using wet-streets-make-rain arguments in favor of ESG/DIE.
Companies reward the obedient, not the effective. Fits with the human tendency to reward popularity and optics instead of results.
Diversity strengthening organized crime even more than it did with Italian and Irish diversity.
They can have as many ceremonies as they have diversity groups, but this simply proves how diversity not politics has divided America.
When your customers are idiots, as is the case in most of higher education, you might as well feed them pap and turn them loose since Uncle Sam will pay your bills anyway.
Wherever Leftists take over, pro-diversity censorship follows.
Anti-whitism seems cutting edge to academics, but really it is an old and sad trope, namely blamely the winners for the condition of the losers. It is as popular as spiced ham however.
The National-Security State exists because of our embrace of diversity and the chaos that this created. Clinton made diversity our focus, and six short years later 9/11 forced us to reevaluate, before George “Diversity Is Our Strength” Bush gave the show away so that Jesus would love him back.
The third world cries out as it strikes you.
A fifth of all car crashes involve cannabis. We could just make intoxication a presumption of fault and do away with all the DUI laws.
Unity is not working, so back to segregated pluralism to try to save diversity.
You are either vested in the system or get nowhere. The future People’s Republic has already chosen its Irish, Jewish, Italian, Cuban, Arab, Indian, and Mexican elites.
Tags: diversitywatch, news