The Left trots out the anecdotes to shock you into supporting abortion. This is their big issue for the upcoming election, and to anyone sane, this is a non-issue. Leave it up to the doctors. The fact is that in every generation a fifth must die for the next generation to be healthy, so you want mentally disordered people to abort as many of their offspring as possible, overdose on drugs, get sterilized, die in preventable accidents, or geat eaten by bears.
Look, warfare is sad and best avoided because it is dysgenic; your best men die in foreign fields while wimps and jodies take over back home. But warfare happens. Without moralizing, it is important to see what is going on here, which is that instead of expanding this war, Israel did their annual strike on Iranian nuclear facilities, so this is actually a lessening of hostilities. The world has accepted the ethnic cleansing in Gaza as the only way that Israel can reduce terrorist attacks. Update: Iran confirms no escalation.
It is time to end public education. The Leftists took over and, because they are neurotics for whom individualism seems a solution, have promptly done neurotic things and hired people even more mentally deranged than they are.
Russia revived the old Soviet propaganda machine and is using it to try to take over its former territories in Eastern Europe. Conservatives who make themselves Useful Idiots for Russia will pay a high price, including those who opposed aid to Ukraine. It was an easy political point to score, but ignores how much money we waste on domestic anti-poverty and anti-“racism” programs.
It sure was convenient to have a fake pandemic just in time for an election, and we were all forced through a humiliating ritual of masks and social distancing in order to justify the use of unprecedented numbers of mail-in votes. The “Deep State” is the new Tammany Hall political machine and the neocommunists who follow the post-Mao system of Communism with global markets are behind it. Why are they hiding the records?
Decriminalize marijuana but keep transfer and transport illegal. If you can get your act together to grow your own weed, you can enjoy it at home. If you get too stoned to water the plants, the problem takes care of itself. All I wanted to do in life was smoke weed and listen to death metal, but my civilization was dysfunctional so I write about politics instead.
Conservatives should cheer this. When every group gets its own identity, tribalism itself is strengthened, and we get closer to the ethno-nationalist future that humanity needs.
If you keep making people famous for school shootings, they are going to keep doing it.
Another diversity conflict rages on because the past is not dead, it is not even past, and some say the past is alive. Wherever diversity goes, it rips wounds in the flesh of humanity.
This rule mostly reveals protections for students accused of sexual assault which prevented their lives from being destroyed by an unproven accusation. The Left wants to rule us with Christine Blasey-Fords and Anita Hills.
The international financial system controls and weakens all nations. If you get rid of the socialist entitlements and make everything your people need domestically, you can escape, but this requires strong ethno-nationalism and therefore the democracy neurosis zombies oppose it.
Black America is gradually waking up to the fact that they, too, are getting replaced by Asiatics (including Amerinds or “Hispanics,” who are Mongolian in extraction).
Whenever all of the criminals agree on something, it is probably a bad idea. Mostly it is a distraction that allows them to deny the rotting elephant corpse singing old showtunes as it dances around the room, flinging rotting flesh and maggots across our faces.
Wilson was right about ethnic self-determination, but the League of Nations and the United Nations have both been disasters because they are democracies, and democracies are gamed by the left side of the bell curve, in this case the third world which wants to give Palestine power over Israel.
Through its sloppy border control engineered by Xiden, the US has created a new industry in people smuggling, and this is giving the cartels profits that even fentanyl from China cannot realize.
The Communist state wants you to know that you have freedom because you can debate token issues advocating one of the several methods that Communism has put on offer for you. If you advocate anything else, you go to jail. Political Correctness hopes to do the same here.
It turns out that in the end, tolerance inverts itself and becomes intolerance. This applies to both sides in this conflict. “Tolerance” is a method, not a goal, and anything without a goal becomes a virus, a wandering antagonist that favors chaos.
In the name of “peace,” democracy plays both sides. Forcing Israel to tolerate Palestinians means permanent Hamas or Hamas-like entities, which destroys the ability of Israel to have a fully functional nation. Ethno-nationalists realize you cannot have a Jewish state with non-Jews (a race, culture, and religion) present.
Furries may be the best satire of pluralism/individualism we have yet seen. Get them full-size litter boxes and let the comedy commence!
Perhaps humanity is dying of having conquered its environment and feeding itself into oblivion. Democracy does this with taxpayer dollars.
If it were not for the competence crisis created by diversity, we could easily harden our infrastructure. Unions sent all the manufacturing overseas, so now we are working with foreign equipment, staffed by incompetents, and ruled by bureaucrats who would rather make another few thousand regulations than look at the core of any problem.
This is a bidding war. Under Leftist leadership, organized crime has grown with the unions, so now the Leftists in charge will eliminate competition for whichever mob they are in bed with. Who will win the NYC corruption contract, the Chinese, Russians, Russian Jews, Vietnamese, or what is left of the Italians?
More free stuff is needed. If we chuck enough cash into the void, maybe the problem will just go away, even if then a new wave will start coming for the free stuff. Democracy is brain damage.
China hopes to subvert the USA with drugs and diversity.
Storing migrants in shelters seems to be a political punt until the election and then they will come up with something else random to try to address the impossible problem.
More money is needed for anti-poverty and anti-“racism” programs. This seems to hit the White and hwite middle classes hardest, but anyone who pays taxes is going to get milked in the next Xiden term.
Were they colluding with traffickers? It looks as if they were, but this is hard to prove in the age of TracFones.
The Left fears remigration because it shows how easily this problem can be solved. You save your founding group and unmixed descendants, then give everyone else reparations benefits and put them on big beautiful Boats headed to their continental homelands. Asians to Asia, Amerinds/Hispanics to Mongolia, Africans to Africa, Arabians to Arabia, Jews to Israel, Irish to North Africa, Italians to North Africa, and Slavs to Asia.
USA acknowledges three proxy wars. Dying Athens and Rome had their forever wars too. In this case, aid to Ukraine has become so necessary that even Republicans have noticed.
This should surprise no one. It is about taking what you have for themselves based on a Jacobin revenge narrative.
Asiatics use diversity as a weapon. They know its true nature.
Christine Blasey-Ford is insane adn was used by the Democrat political mechanism to try to obstruct a Supreme Court appointment. These people have no purpose except revenge, and seem to experience constant mental health problems.
Republicans take a break from trying to be race-blind and realize that Ukraine is at least partially European and its defense is defense of Europe and the principle of autonomy against the Asiatic horde.
No amount will ever be enough. Diversity abolishes culture, as Robert Putnam showed; when culture is abolished, you get a paranoid me-first society like Houston, Detroit, Los Angeles, Northern Ireland, or Kosovo.
Tags: diversitywatch, news