Why is she deflecting from the three-quarters of our budget spent on domestic entitlements? Republicans who make themselves Useful Idiots for Russia will find they are actually working for China.
The Biden plan is based on Biden seeing himself as an altruistic hero who is helping others, which then excuses how he has helped himself. He knows how politics is played: the voters are narcissistic schizoid retards who must be manipulated by giving them free stuff. Whoever does this the most, wins. He wants his party to win forever and keep giving out free stuff so they can feel important. His Irish brain cannot comprehend the disastrous consequences of this course of action, or does not care.
Diversity is going so well that formerly prosperous homes are now graffitti-streaked ruins selling for less than the price of a cup of coffee.
All wars are race wars. Asiatics are going to stick with full Asians. Note that both are third-world by average IQ, which is low 90s for both.
Moron White thot decides to visit the husband she claims beat her on a regular basis in the company of her new mantoy, promptly gets sliced to bits for stupidity, and now wants the world to see her as a victim despite her race-mixing and hooring around in the past. This woman was a parasite and OJ did the world right by goodifying her.
The Leftist, a mentally deranged person, always accuses you of what he is guilty of.
Hippie apes who placate each other with polyamorous bisexual promiscuity turn out to be vicious little snarling bastards after all, shattering yet another liberal vision of Utopia, peace, love, and voluntarist hooring.
At the time, nearly everyone White thought OJ was guilty and nearly everyone Black thought he was not. Turns out that the LA riots have a long shadow and OJ got off, but the bigger point is that everyone rationalizes reality in terms of their own ethnic interests, so diversity is dead and will never work.
We know this diversity drugged, raped, and sodomized a thirteen-year-old girl in America, so it is not a huge stretch to imagine he might be running his own small grooming gang here.
It must be like a holiday for these guys. Go to the land of stupid wealthy fat people, wreck everything, and get let loose on the streets to do it again. Democracy made White people into morons.
Before COVID-19, they wanted to vaccinate every twelve-year-old girl with Gardasil to prevent HPV, but it turns out that only some people — most of them minorities — are susceptible.
Biden will wreck everything, bankrupt the country, and then declare war to escape like his hero FDR.
At this point, we wonder if the border even exists in any meaningful sense. Only tourists stop for visas.
Leftist policies always end in comedic chaos.
They set up a ready-made excuse for the diversity era, paving the way for George Floyd and others to claim the interdiction of their misbehavior was “racist” not merely protection of public order.
Rutting proles turn to what they see in the mooovies for sexual inspiration. Remember when we had culture? Yes, before diversity.
Hispanics realize that the diversity state is less interested in them, mainly because there are tens of millions of them.
Police chief fired for not hosting the usual struggle session over alleged mistreatment of Amerinds.
People from families crazy enough to abuse them have likely mental health problems which are most likely genetic, explaining why their own DNA leads them to be dysfunctional in later life.
The myth of the rational voter dies as people slowly realize that each group votes for what it is familiar with, which means that third world people choose the warlord system of socialism where favors are handed out for loyalty.
It turns out that the tests give some students a leg up, and dropping them in order to promote diversity has not actually worked so well because diversity always fails.
This is a giant slap in the face to anyone who worked to pay off their student debt or went ahead without college and got alternative certifications, but it benefits the diversity millennials and zoomers who got those underwater multicultural basket-weaving degrees.
Snowflake society finds inept romantic overtures to be the same threat as creeping grooming gangs, but does not mention the latter.
Constant surveillance, propaganda, and censorship is required to keep the diversity state in power.
White people thought he did it, Black people thought he should go free either way. Diversity is unfair to everyone.
Diversity family helped hide a crime for a quarter of a century.
The past isn’t dead, it isn’t even past. The past is alive.
Reconsider your anti-homosexual rhetoric. Most gay people just want to have normal lives, but the difficulty is that only one in fifty people is part of their tribe. Maybe we should set up a gay city again like San Francisco used to be to make it easier for them to live normal lives. Heck, give them Austin.
Funny how no one had the wit to propose repatriating them to their continental homeland in South India. The committee probably argued it was too expensive and not achievable, so you got this half-ass hack-job instead.
Political identity and government benefits are more important than biology or reality in democracy.
They keep rearranging the deck chairs in order to keep diversity afloat but no one expects victory.
Tammany Hall never went away. It simply passed to FDR, then LBJ, and after a brief interruption, resumed with the Clintons, who used it to control police and intelligence services.
Some who were in the trenches of the civil rights movement are reconsidering victimhood as a policy.
More of the great Mongolian migration is revealed. Most likely, the Mongolians were the result of ancient Denisovans breeding with modern humans.
Keep tossing money into the “make diversity look functional” void.
When you divide up their territory, you interrupt their breeding and wreck them genetically; diversity does the same to any group caught in its web.
Western air defense systems kept Ukraine from being obliterated by Russian cruise missiles, but this has now changed.
Diversity means a fifth column in your local community.
More open ethnic violence in the USA.
It means that diversity does not work, for the nation. For OJ and two others, it was a personal tragedy.
Diversity continues being a raging failure, surprising no one.
Third world warfare plays by different rules than human rights motivated first world conflicts.
Many young people have realized that DEADS has stolen their future.
Scientists read Nietzsche, find themselves nodding as they read.
The real problem of gun violence is diversity violence, but no one can talk about that.
The diversity are the swing vote in American elections, as was intended back in 1965.
Remember back when, pre-diversity that is, we had functional institutions? The competence crisis is real and growing.
Those who are genetically more fit turn out to be biologically healthier. Darwin chuckles.
Tags: diversitywatch, news