Nex Benedict was a smug teacher’s pet who knew how to get what it wanted. Its agenda was always to cause enough problems to be the center of attention. This resulted in well-deserved and 100% wholly predictable bullying. Not surprisingly, now that Nex died with bruises on its body but signs of suicide, the Left is trying to bully the school district into all sorts of recriminations so that the Left can use this as proof of their claims. In reality, someone with mental problems attracted other people with mental problems and death resulted.
If this had been a Leftist protest, they would have discovered a Constitutionally-protected right, just like they found a right to scream obscenities, produce pornography, and pass along government secrets. There are two tiers of justice in this country and when Leftists are the judges conservatives always lose. It is gang warfare now, and no one cares what is true, actual, or good for the nation.
Milei is ending the government scam, whereby all sorts of idiots could get jobs working for the state and then trade on the power of those jobs for personal enrichment. The only way is to end all socialism, including anti-poverty and diversity programs.
These articles provide an amusing glance into the deranged mind of the Leftist; conservatives may be morons (generally true) but Leftists are almost universally self-deceiving. Minnesota had a more powerful economy before these Leftist reforms, but the Leftists are taking credit for the post-COVID surge as if their policies did it. You can live with morons, but you cannot live with liars, and Leftism is a lie, Leftists are liars, and Leftist programs like diversity are complex lies.
Diversity is how modernity forces every society to adopt roughly the same social model of liberal democracy, civil rights, mixed economic, and ethnic pluralism.
Diversity companies are not just more anti-White but also more incompetent, as the example of one of the richest firms in the world sliding into incompetence shows us.
Trump left the mental ghetto of universalist thinking which assumes that all of humanity is one big family with one absolute truth, and as a diversity realist, recognizes that each group is trying to protect and promote its own interests. He can negotiate with people where Biden simply moralizes at them.
They managed to use too high of a dose of ketamine after tracking down the wrong Black man behaving slighly oddly. Diversity makes policing unstable and therefore, dangerous.
This small community tried to keep the chaos of the city from overwhelming it by arresting perps and then keeping them in jail if they could not pay the fees. That offended the diversity overlords, who saw it only in an idealized, abstract, and theoretical sense, but did not consider the onslaught of crime and disorder that this city faces daily.
According to the usual neurotics, Navalny was a fascist, CIA plant, and White supremacist because he endorsed Russia for ethnic Russians, unlike Putin who is with his contemporary Xi a leading advocate for diversity, just like the Leftists in the USA. If you ran to the enemy of your enemy because you hate the West now, you have been played and you were working for China the whole time.
As we see in the Baltics, China decoy Putin has no problem using diversity and immigration as weapons against the West.
Diversity is a luxury belief that the upper classes can indulge in without harming themselves but while savaging the lower classes. This writer should have put it in historical context however: this is a defensive method of seizing the moral high ground from the egalitarian proletariat, who others have always been on a mission to destroy anyone wealthier, smarter, healthier, saner, or superior to the average.
With diversity, whatever you do is “racist” to some group, and if it benefits one group, it will be seen as taking from others. Power is a zero-sum game and attempts to dilute it merely concentrate it.
White, rural, and working class people use their hands to make a living, therefore are not caught up in the sales tactics that allow people to endorse diversity, altruism, egalitarianism, feminism, and other neurotic nonsense. The Left has wanted to remove these people since the 1860s because they are not embracing our new cosmopolitan future nor the anti-culture of the cities.
“Christian Nationalism” is a spook, but it allows White Americans (and whitish ones) to keep what is left of American culture without explicitly mentioning race. They should do so because Christianity is out of their control and will quickly be liberalized after it wins, just like American society was after WW2.
The public schools must die; it is a bad idea to give government that kind of power. Abbot plans to implement school vouchers, at which point White, whitish, and Asian kids are going to go to private school and the public school system will collapse.
Without the government forcing affirmative action upon the schools, they feel free to escape the DIE trap.
Hollywood cannot stop itself from pushing the race-mixing agenda, although it repels everyone but the zombie Leftist children of broken families.
Diversity of any kind causes political problems and attracts more diversity.
Jews have a right to their historical land. That offends the diversity crowd, who always want something browner to replace anything whitish.
These costs are passed on to taxpayers through property taxes, because when your school is too small, you have to build a new one for tens of millions of dollars and hire ESL staff.
Whitish guy finds out that in America, everyone else gets prioritized except White males.
They dropped books for n-word use and “White savior” archetypes. The latter is a very positive decision, the former a nod to the sensitivies of non-White kids in the classes. This is an inevitable result of diversity.
Remigration currently costs a lot of money. Maybe they can negotiate for bulk rates? Even better would be ending the “feet wet” refugee application policy. Our nations have stabilized their population and immigration is our genocide.
Diversity means the end of free speech, free expression, freedom of choice, and freedom of association as society goes down the long dark path to totalitarianism.
Fatphobia is the new “racism.”
The post-apartheid order failed to deliver what it promised, and brought crisis and poverty instead.
Lower-skilled jobs need more warm bodies, says the WSJ, so immigration must continue. How about we review the jobs we are doing and see which are really necessary, as well as how much of what we do in jobs is really necessary? As Houellebecq said, 90% of what we do in jobs is filler.
Having nearly exterminated its native population with high taxes, insane red tape, and diversity, Germany now hopes to import third-world labor and hope it is as valuable as the vaunted German industrial base once was.
European democracy is in crisis precipitated by diversity.
Another failed “assimilation” story.
The BBC is just as bad as Hollywood; the diversity propaganda never ends.
Everywhere diversity goes, it creates chaos. Who will have the guts to simply end it?
USA prolongs a crisis with humanist intervention. “I told you not to stop the boat.”
With diversity, loyalty to the nation goes out the window. Russia does not mind leaking this because it has multiple sources and German intelligence is thoroughly compromised.
Legalization passes along a tax burden that greedy benefits recipients adore, but this makes the black market more competitive than the legal alternative.
Diversity requires the abolition of free speech.
The world accepted White and whitish rappers, so we are seeing that phenomenon accelerate into other genres.
At this point, the best way to get people to believe something is true is for the M5M to call it “baseless” or “rambling.”
Leftists adore “transformation,” a.k.a. wrecking things so badly that they can never go back to the status quo ante.
How a culture of tolerance for wokeness produced Black Nazis and other AI comedy.
When you hire people as diversity tokens and cheerleaders, you get the grifters.
Modern schooling revealed that it was equal parts mediocrity and propaganda. Now people are fleeing to what came before.
Tags: diversitywatch, news