
Furthest Right

Diversity Paradise Houston Continues Discovering Diversity Corruption

Diversity creates war of all against all, and this means that any group which is not the historical majority will do its best to steal whatever it can from that majority for members of the minority group. This means that no matter how “nice” and “high-IQ” the diverse groups are, they will steal and be corrupt.

Houston — the most diverse place in the world — has shown this to be true with varied groups like Orientals, Arabs, Hispanic Amerinds, Africans, and Indians all stealing busily from the majority in order to fund their own presence as conquerors in the rotting mess that democracy has created.

Guess the kings were right when they said us proles cannot rule ourselves. If it stings to hear that, get over yourself; you are not humble, you are not realistic, and most of all, you are not oriented toward good results. You are defending pretense.

But when proles are in charge they create disasters — democracy, oligarchy, dictatorship, junta — which never work as well as having kings. Instead you get societies which address whatever problems are favored by the prevailing ideology and ignore long-term issues like positive goals for the civilization.

Then once the herd flexes its muscles and threatens Revolution, the powers that be buy them off with free stuff, which requires importing foreign labor to pay for it, and then the foreign labor votes itself into power, taking revenge against the majority, and soon you see diversity corruption become pervasive:

The 221-page report assesses all 22 city departments. Key findings include poor oversight of purchasing cards (P-cards) issued to city employees. Some employees were found to split purchases into multiple payments to avoid triggering transaction limits and made purchases from prohibited vendors. Additionally, the HR, finance, and IT departments have overlapping positions across multiple departments, leading to waste and duplication. Furthermore, about 80 percent of all city contracts are awarded to just a few vendors.

This region, the most diverse in the world, is only about a quarter White or Huwhite, and features a raging free market economy which has been harnessed to pay increasingly high taxes to pay for the bribes given to the various diversity and other special interest groups.

To pay for these diversity costs, the county has been hiking property taxes to the point of being both a second mortgage and state income tax:

“[L]ocal authorities cannot use loopholes to jack up your property taxes like Harris County did,” Abbott said. “They increased your property taxes by more than ten percent last year. Loopholes that increase your property taxes must be closed.”

Throughout most of Texas, property taxes rates are at 2.5%-3.5% of the value of the property, annually. This means that if you have a three hundred thousand dollar home, which is the median in Houston, you pay eight to nine thousand dollars per year to keep your property.

Not surprisingly, diversity governance took all of the money and spent it on those crony deals while deferring infrastructure and other long-term costs, resulting in a massive shortfall in the budget:

When Sylvester Turner left the Mayor’s office at the end of 2023, he boasted of a supposed surplus in the City finances. Indeed, as of December 31, 2023, the general fund showed a healthy $485 million balance. However, the fund balance was built up by kicking several problematic fiscal issues down the road to the next administration.

Los Angeles, Detroit, Chicago, and Houston show us the future of diversity: ethnic codependency escalated to corruption, resulting in everyone becoming poor as the money is frittered away on infighting instead of directed toward improving quality of life.

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