Boomers were raised on Irish immigration laws like Ted Kennedy’s Hart-Celler Act and therefore, embrace diversity as the “solution” to the “problem” of having culture with norms, rules, and ideals that might constrain their individualistic Boomer egotistic selves. Luckily nature has a solution: ship them to the land of “Porta Potty” parties.
Europe demanded rules to crack down on social media spreading “misinformation” and “disinformation,” two Soviet terms that like “racism” were left conveniently undefined, ill-defined, or loosely-defined. The consequence of this is that now social media must pay attention to local rules everywhere, whether they come from tyrants or not. Another stunning legal failure from the EU.
Asian hacker is furious that Blacks and Hispanics get two-hundred-point subsidies on SATs and are allowed in to high-ranking universities with low grades. However, there are no model minorities; sage observers point out that when a school system goes mostly Asian, like the University of California in the 1970s, there is a creativity and gumption drop — replaced by “is this on the test?” — that makes everyone else stay away and therefore, the institutions lose value. There is no bad form of diversity, but there is no good form of it either. Assimilation is a fiction, not to mention demeaning and paternalistic.
Response from humanity: we all have our challenges, and some of us are addressing ours, while others remain perpetual takers after decades in which something could have been done. The problem in South Africa is political, not immunological, and throwing more money into the dumpster fire of diversity governance will just make it worse. The AIDS patients will perish, future generations will be less likely to engage in risky sex, and nature will heal.
As we point out here, broken windows policing is maintenance of order, and the presence of order discourages other crimes. Order means structure of life beyond individual desires, where individualism recognizes only individual desires and therefore wants “equality” to protect individuals from the consequences of their decisions.
The Left pretend that it is otherwise, but they are bullies. They want to bully Musk into not having political opinions by attacking his brands. They wanted to force us to stop noticing how equality and diversity were failing, and used Political Correctness to do so. They feel a sense of excitement in applying authority. This is why they got so excited over COVID-19, pussyhat protests, MeToo, the Central Park Five, George Floyd, and so on. It is an excuse for them to have their will and desires dominate those of others. Now they are attacking Elon Musk for fixing the federal government, and someone called them on their bad behavior with a two-ton SUV.
Normies are still getting used to the idea that each person has unique DNA and that it codes for all traits, including eye, hair, and skin color.
I do not think anyone likes genocide. However, history will record that the Nazis were anti-genocide activists trying to remove foreign DNA from Europe.
For these guys, going to the USA was a lark that was supposed to end in lots of exciting crimes. In the meantime, the big point is that the flights are happening and this makes internationalists sad.
A sixteen-year-old Palestinian bit him, among other things. Without diversity, none of the problems of the world visit us, and that is appropriate since we cleared those problems from our nations at our own expense. Fix yourselves, back at home. Go!
Late Stage Democracy is all about the money. They want to import lots of students to pay the education fees that are mostly going to high salaries and subsidies for the poor/diverse.
Hispanic DUI is a common sight in Texas, and if the police actually patrolled the roads after dark especially on weekends, Texas would have disproportionate numbers of Hispanics arrested for DUI and that would look bad.
No one can afford the entitlements state: healthcare, housing, retirement, education, and welfare. Any of it leads to more of it, and all of it uses money that instead needed to be re-invested in infrastructure. With healthcare, the supply-demand curve shows that with zero cost, demand approaches infinity. This means that “free” healthcare not just bankrupts your society, but also refuses you care in the process.
In diversity societies, the money gets spent on equality programs instead of functional systems. Socialism, diversity, equality, democracy, superstition, fundamentalism, and civil rights are the same mistake: the pursuit of symbolic good over realistic solutions.
Left-wing jihad does not get enough coverage, but for most of the postwar period, Left-wing terrorists have been the ones shooting, bombing, slicing, and beating their way to dominance. Leftism, a symbolic belief like idolatry of golden calves or an abstraction religion of self-worship, leads people toward an Equality-Utopia that cannot exist but whose symbol makes the human mind feel at rest like a drug, gambling, overeating, or having lots of random sex. The reliance on symbolism itself detaches people from reality, making them dramatic and resentful of all that resists their will, since they have the magic symbols that “should” make the world follow the shape of their minds, after all.
Everywhere on Earth, diversity is not a strength but a weakness. There are no bad diversity groups, but there are no good forms of diversity either.
Person with mental illness, fearing that his mental illness would keep him out of his career, flew a plane into a mountain in order to show that people with mental illness are not harmful. You are going to have to asylumize these people or float them on morphine. Many can be managed with alcohol and tobacco.
Another simmering diversity crisis turns into a blazing international disaster.
Eastern Europe has always been caught between Europe, Asia, Russia, and the Middle East, so now as their forefathers did, Poles are arming themselves for the inevitable conflict. In particular Russia is less likely to invade if every blade of grass hides a rifle.
Diversity shootings like this are the norm in huge parts of Houston, a megacity metroplex the size of Maryland which is three-quarters non-White.
Random New Mexico gang shooting transfixes Americans, who cannot figure out how everything went to shit so quickly in their country. This is the new normal. You are a third-world country at first-world prices! Only voters could create something this stupid.
And the debate ends. If you hide your connections to terror groups, your expulsion is no longer a free speech case. The same should apply to those with membership in Communist organizations.
Our brains constantly reorganize our memories in order to more efficiently use archetypes as memory tokens, a sort of biological counterpart to the Lempel-Ziv-Huffman algorithm. This is why Leftists are constantly focused on the new and redefining current terms, to rewrite your understanding.
Having lost a big election for being insane and inflexible, the Left is coming back with subversion and false flags.
The power of bullies lies in their “potentially positive attributes like attractiveness, strength, and even social skills.” So: successful people are prone to bully losers, or wet streets make rain: bullying makes otherwise successful people successful? “Science” is a collection of credulous gawkers.
Great idea. Kill the CDA and go back to the Prodigy rule.
Indian CEO delivers incoherent interview in which he defends censorship but insists it was never happening at YouTube, where it happened the worst of all the major providers.
Morons run off to fertility clinics, are shocked to receive semen from the weird doctors who like to run fertility clinics.
You could do this for ten billion years and you would still be stealing tax money to try to reach “equity” because groups naturally differentiate into some who are more talented than others; this is how natural selection works, with gene drift providing a minority of favorable mutations and the majority of deleterious ones. If you get whomped by the deleterious mutations demon, or left out from the favorable mutations fairy, you end up digging ditches instead of writing contracts.
My guess is that wherever cosmic weather activity like this was easily observed, people turned more toward embracing religion as a way to explain the beauty and interconnectedness of the worlds both visible and invisible that was apparent through such displays.
A high colonic of raging realism: it is not our fault, and you cannot “end homelessness” any more than you can “end gambling” or “end obesity” or “end alcoholism” or even “end poverty.” These are endemic problems because they are rooted in bad decisions made by humans. You have to let natural selection work. Yes, the Earth will be stained in human blood… but this is better than the other option, with ends with us becoming furry little apes.
People increasingly do not want to survive in the society made by diversity, socialism, and dualism. It is a bleak world of symbols clashing without purpose. Interestingly, they tell us how to solve the situation: end the diversity crisis and the entitlements magnets that bring them here.
“Succession planning” means transition to the next generation. Perhaps primogeniture had commonsense roots after all.
Irish woman uses the dreaded N-word (as opposed to n-word, an ethnic slur for Blacks, or n-word, a word of arbitrary position in a sequence) to try to silence man attempting to save his nation from assimilation by hordes of Hispanic migrants.
There never was a first American Revolution; it was a war for independence, like the Civil War. It turns out that the Confederates were right and northeast elites are in fact deluded by religion, urban living, and scientific management to the point of being unfit to rule.
US population should fall by at least 50% if we want to preserve our natural world. If we lose everyone but the WASPs, America will still have enough people to do every necessary job and not enough to do red tape jobs and email jobs. That is a victory for all!
Another fake hate crime and diversity White Guilt shakedown for more of those free anti-“racist” government dollars.
Tags: diversitywatch, industrial music, news, primogeniture