Sometimes the simplest concepts are the hardest for people to understand: I oppose diversity.
Not specific diversity groups, but the fact of diversity itself.
Take ten seconds with that.
The only societies that will survive are mono-ethnic. This allows them to have culture, healthy breeding, and a sense of purpose.
All societies that are poly-ethnic — having more than one ethnic and/or racial group — are doomed to become mixed-race dystopias ruled by sadistic oligarchs, like Brazil or Russia.
It does not matter which groups you import; if they are not of your ethnic group, their presence will doom you, no matter how nice and smart or mean and dumb they are.
Whatever crimes and rapes you see are symptoms of diversity itself, which is an undeclared racial and ethnic war, and will happen with any foreign group because your nation will never be their nation and so they are forced to fight to assert their culture, genetics, and values over yours and those of every other group in the diverse nation-state.
Even “model minorities” experience this stress response:
The focus of the film is inspired by real-events where the Houston Police Department executed multiple raids in broad daylight that led to over 40 arrests in Chinatown areas, according to ABC13.
Three of the arrests were police officers, Larry Nguyen, Huy Ly, and Thomas Lam, who allegedly had connections with the bosses of these dens; law enforcement seized over $2.4 million cash in the two-year operation.
If you are in a land that was created by a different people, using their methods and not yours, you are never going to really feel at home.
Assimilation is a fiction.
You will always be alienated, and you will be competing against all the other groups, so you will feel a need to fight back, including with criminal behavior.
On top of that, each group has its own methods that worked for it back home, or meet its aesthetic standards, and those are not Our methods.
We need to do what is right for Us; we need to remove all groups except the WASPs, since America last functioned as a WASP-only nation.