
Furthest Right

Democracy Needs WW3

Behold, the cucked conservative. Even the “edgy” ones are repeating the same thing: Hurricane Helene ravaged White areas in North Carolina, and yet government has no money to give them, despite having billions for Ukraine and Israel! We owned the libs now, boys!

What a bunch of cucks. Never mind the $1.7 trillion we spend yearly on anti-poverty and anti-diversity programs. We cannot criticize that… it would violate the fundamental tenet of liberalism, the notion that all people are equal and so if someone is poor, “racism” or “inequality” are to blame, not his decisions or low IQ.

This illustrates the trap we are in as a civilization. Democracy cannot criticize itself; it cannot admit that “equality” is a fiction on par with worshiping golden icons and sacrificing virgins to the volcano gods. If diversity fails, equality will be revealed as a lie, and since equality is the basis of democracy, democracy will fall.

But there is nowhere for democracy to go. Across the West, democracies have bankrupted themselves with anti-poverty and pro-diversity policies. They have nothing left to give, since we have socialist welfare states and lots of rights. They have no plan except more of the same because they must be consistent with equality and reject everything else.

The bureaucrats created democracy. They wanted a system of control with no liability for them. Now that democracy is broke, it needs WW3 to keep going. It can smash the fash, declare a new golden era, and keep ruling forever on the back of the diversity vote. If they get a chance, they will provoke this war before the election.

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