
Furthest Right

Democracy has failed


It was born as the age of good intentions: instead of following natural law, divine order or the advice of kings, we would place the human individual at the forefront of thinking and leadership.

Thus humanity began its experiment with democracy. It started slowly, a thousand years ago, with the initial forays into what would become the Magna Carta and the Enlightenment. But those took time. Over the centuries the message gained strength through its popularity.

Despite warnings from common sense, and written into classic literature and philosophy (including the most important figure in Western philosophy, Plato), we decided that our individual human forms were smarter than reality, history or logic. We knew better.

With the Barack Obama presidency leaving behind the pretense of democracy and going straight to an ideological mandate for all activity, we see the failure for democracy. This is its fall of the Berlin wall, its collapse in fire, or its Great Terror. Democracy has ended itself by destroying its own legitimacy.

He made it clear in his speech that this is done to put the individual before all else:

For more than 200 years, our tradition of welcoming immigrants from around the world has given us a tremendous advantage over other nations. It’s kept us youthful, dynamic, and entrepreneurial. It has shaped our character as a people with limitless possibilities — people not trapped by our past, but able to remake ourselves as we choose.

Never mind that Obama is incorrect about the makeup of America, or that our fortunes have successively declined as we admitted near-Europeans and later non-Europeans to our society. Focus on the words “remake ourselves as we choose.”

Did he really say that? Yes, he did: we can deny reality and re-invent ourselves. We are in a vast game of play pretend where social identity and the desires of the individual are more important than common sense, history or reality. The goal of democracy is to place the individual first so it can deny reality.

This unveils the paradox of democracy and liberalism which is that both use extensive justifications for their power which are unrelated to the actual object. The good intentions are altruism, justice, peace and other greeting card-style platitudes. The reality is a raw grab of power and wealth from those who could produce it, and giving to those who could not, as a means of maintaining permanent control over that wealth and power.

People find themselves opposed to the idea of a raw seizure of power, but suddenly become blinded when it is done by handing control to the masses by vote. It is socially impossible to criticize the idea of everyone having a say in the decision, even if this means that any concept more complicated than the average is voted into non-existence and replaced by simple but untruthful options. We can count on the voters… to miss the big picture, vote for short-term interests, and put society into a tailspin. That was always the intention behind those who advocated democracy.

Democracy creates a situation where non-producers overpower producers, and in the process of taking from them what wealth is left, destroy the nation. As usual, the coarser elements of humanity have shorter span to their vision, and so they see only what they can seize today and not its consequences tomorrow. For this reason, democracies have historically created so much disorder that they are followed by the reign of tyrants.

Since our adoption of democracy here in the West, we have gone through paroxysms of scapegoating other groups for our decline: Christianity, Jews, Africans, Conservatives, the rich, Germans, the poor, the occultists, the Masons, etc. None of these groups caused the problem, because the problem is us. Specifically, it is that we keep power in the hands of voters instead of giving it to those who can use it for the best results instead of the warmest fuzzies for the voters.

We do not benefit, as a group, by putting ourselves in control as a group. Much as when we select a surgeon, car mechanic, programmer or CEO, we benefit when we choose the right person for the job. This person, by virtue of having abilities that others do not, will be entirely misunderstood by everyone but a few. This eternal paradox of human governance means that the best leader will always be rejected by the group, which will embrace the worst leader because they understand him, not because he is right.

In the time since democracy, we have seen the rise of elite who through media, public opinion and commerce have tried to bully us into silence. They have tried to eliminate our indigenous people by importing third world immigrants as a means of control. History shows us this always backfires and ends with the would-be tyrants murdered and replaced by the elements that hold together primitive societies, such as theocracy and warlord level rule. Our path under democracy is one to certain ruin.

No further proof is needed than the course of history over the past thousand years. While our technology helped us conquer the world, our societies have rotted from within, replacing people with hope with people motivated by greed, hatred and resentment. Our elites demonstrate their incompetence daily and push us toward a certain end. There is no way out but insurrection and overthrow of these false elites, and their replacement with real but perhaps unpopular leaders.

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