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Darwinism in Europe

Humans like to think of the past as distant, a time when humans still faced predators and natural selection was in operationg. We fear natural selection as individualists because we might get selected out as individuals. However, Darwinism is still at work on us and this scares us enough to under-notice its actions in

Consider two stories.

First, how Europe broke away from Asia despite leaving enough genetic contribution there to upgrade Denisovans to modern human status:

In the subsequent period, the Late Pleniglacial between 28,000 and 14,700 years ago, the researchers found no genetic connections between Western and Eastern Europe. In addition, the analyses show that both regions experienced a significant reduction in population size, which led to a loss of genetic diversity.

“This drastic demographic change was probably caused by massive climate changes: Temperatures during this period dropped to the lowest values of the entire Upper Paleolithic and culminated in the Last Glacial Maximum, a time when ice sheets reached their greatest extent and covered most of northern and central Europe,” explains Dr. Rathmann.

Climate change… oh, they mean an ice age, not the urban heat island effect (UHIE) that is making people feel warmer these days because they poured a couple of billion square miles of concrete onto Earth, covered it with apartments and cars, and now there is nowhere for heat to dissipate like the forests used to do.

From the flip side, a story about how diversity is genocide and how when an empire adopts it, formerly Aryan/Cro-Magnid Romans become mixed-race criminal Italians who never produce an empire again:

The researchers discovered that the Collegno community was initially established by and organized around a network of closely related individuals, likely from several elite families. But over time, they evolved into a single extended lineage spanning at least five generations.

Veeramah and colleagues believe individuals from this lineage had a higher ranking in society based on their richer diets and heavily detailed, and likely more expensively made items they were buried with, such as weapons and elaborate belts [see attached photos].

The findings also show that while the Collegno community was initially established by these elite families, a majority that came from northern Europe, the community later incorporated individuals from other origins and genetic backgrounds into it, including surrounding locals.

Funny how the same thing happened to Greece. Empires expand and breed job-workers who then take over, at which point the little working class morons want luxuries, so they turn to cheap foreign labor which in turn assimilates them. Our enemy is stupidity and it is the most common human attribute.

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