In social situations, euphemism dominates because people are afraid of criticism, so will only participate in social events where hard realism gets neutered, sugared, and homogenized into platitudes which emphasize the notion that no one is at fault. All stupid decisions become misfortunes or evils.
Similarly, in politics, people tone down realistic observations because they are unsociable. Someone will be to blame or at least will not be able to be included, and that upsets the normie since he is exclusively a social creature, which then makes it less likely that mass votes and profits will result from those realistic observations.
This sets up the division between the “far-Right” and the neutered mainstream Right: the far-Right talks about biology.
Unlike social situations, biology does not include everyone because biology is based on inequality. Biological systems maintain themselves through constant internal variation and sorting through mechanisms like natural selection, which are the opposite of meritocracy: instead of testing things against a standard, they see what adapts to the whole of reality.
Biology, like economics, in this way reflects a more advanced form of logic. It selects for those who can adapt to all situations, not just some aspects of a situation; it cannot be gamed as easily. It reduces costs and raises quality, instead of raising costs by reducing quality like egalitarian and sociable systems do.
For those on the Right, we might posit a cuckline which divides the men from the boys. The failure-oriented neutered mainstream Right stays on the profitable side and never talks about biology (race, class, ethnicity, sex) but the far-Right is willing to not only admit these things but recognize them as the center of the Civilization Question.
The mainstream Right-wing politicians who were okay with affirmative action, diversity-is-our-strength, working women, the entitlements state (for “social mobility”), and progressive taxes will not talk about biology. To them, biology is unsociable because humans do not control it, and therefore mentioning it makes us feel like weak monkeys who accidentally got gifted big brains (apparently Prometheus, the serpent in the Garden of Eden, was unavailable for comment).
Mainstream people — normies, NPCs, meatsuits, surrogates, background actors — do not want to think about anything beyond the human world that humans control. This appeals to the inherent narcissism of the semi-intelligent. To them, humans are gods who command the world and anything which debunks that sensation makes them very angry.
But the cuckline remains on diversity.
If you want your civilization to live, you oppose diversity in any form. You become a benevolent xenophobe, not a “racist.” That is, you recognize that every other ethnic group wants to conquer yours, take its stuff, and rape its women. This is how nature works.
People like myself, who grew up in highly diverse societies and are fond of people from basically every background on Earth, do not like “racism” — although we are racialist and recognize innate and unchangeable biological/genetic differences between social class, races, and ethnic groups — because it misses the big point.
The big point — what gets you over the cuckline — is that you want a mono-ethnic society.
It does not matter if the foreign groups are smarter, dumber, nicer, meaner, primitive, or more advanced. Only what matters is that they are not of your group. Your ethnic group is Us; everyone else on Earth is Other. You can only trust Us, and within it, only the non-narcissists.
To get along with the Left, conservatives had to stay on the shopping malls and Hollywood movie side of the cuckline, so they accepted multi-racialism and multiculturalism as “good” despite knowing that these are fatal to civilization. The third world is mixed-race and has losts the abilities of its ancestors; cucked conservatives want the same future for us.
On the other side of the cuckline, we admit that misgenation — even trace miscegenation — is failure that destroys a civilization. Since we do not want our civilization destroyed, and realize that individuals depend on civilization for success, we oppose miscegenation and diversity.
Right now the humans have clustered in two separate groups. One is saying that the USA needs more H-1Bs from India; the other is saying nasty things about Indians. Both of these groups are “retarded” which is to say both insane (unrealistic) and stupid (illogical). The point is not Indians, but Americans: we need a mono-ethnic WASP America.
There is no deviation from this fact. If you fail to accept it, you run away to the soda pop side of the cuckline and will never respect yourself again. That way leads to being Mitt Romney or Lindsey Graham. If you accept this aspect of reality, however, you become unsociable because you are saying what most people fear and hope to avoid.
Not surprisingly, very few will cross the cuckline. Apparently Elon Musk is now afraid to cross it and is self-destructing eX-Twitter by censoring those who mention how much diversity fails, including in his homeland of South Africa, where Indians, Africans, the miscegenated, and Whites war it out for control.
He misread the room. The MAGA movement combined a Tea Party skepticism of the entitlements state with a 1980s revivalist rejection of the Clinton-era embrace of diversity that has transformed America. We do not hate Indians, Africans, Orientals, Hispanics, etc.; we recognize that diversity of any form is fatal to our future.
The talking heads want re-frame this debate as being about “culture.” They detach culture from genetics, which makes no sense to a scientifically-minded person (SMP), but want to say that culture is like corporate culture, a bunch of behaviors hammered into people.
Some say Indians are better workers; some say Whites are. Some talk about racial quotas and others about the dangers of unchecked immigration. None of these are on point. There is one issue and it is the survival of Western Civilization, which depends on ethnic Western European (Scots, English, Scandi, Dutch, northern French, northern German) genetics.
Come to the other side of the cuckline, and life makes a lot more sense. Even you, Elon.
Tags: benevolent xenophobia, conservative, cuck, cuckservative, diversity, ethnonationalism, far-right, nationalism