
Furthest Right

Cosmic Consciousness

All things ancient are always new. Reality does not change from year to year, and the “new” things people bring up like welfare, casual sex, usury, and scientific management are just old things under new names. We find what works, then forget, and go through a long period of denial before getting back to what works.

Life often resembles a binary of two spectrums. There is a narrow one for things that work, and a much wider one of everything else which by definition does not work, and each of those is a degree of intensity. The more of the working spectrum we incorporate, the better we do; the more of the “everything else” spectrum, the worse everything gets.

As time goes on, ancient ideas are coming back to the surface, such as the idea of a parallel dimension to reality where consciousness in part dwells, as if connecting to a precursor:

Michael Pravica, Ph.D., a professor of physics at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, believes that we should be looking at hidden dimensions to explain consciousness. In his view, consciousness has the ability to transcend the physical world in moments of heightened awareness. His concept ties into the theory of hyperdimensionality, or the idea that our universe is not just made up of the three dimensions we perceive. Instead, the universe might actually be part of a much larger nexus with hidden dimensions, Pravica suggests.

Instead of metaphysical dualism, which suggests a different quantity of worlds — two, one for Earth and one for the Heavens — like the old pagan ways, this theory extends reality to have additional dimensions which may be both cause of what we see and an area where our actions have effect, like a feedback loop.

Like the simulacra theory, this one has us here as travelers whose minds send back their most intense experiences or at least change another layer with what we perceive here.

You may recall similar ideas from Plato, who found that since opposites create each other, there must be an intermediary which is “another world” that operates much like this one, not so much a Heaven as a zone of actual causes and essential thing-in-itself aspects of reality:

The ancient doctrine of which I have been speaking affirms that they go from this into the other world, and return hither, and are born from the dead. Now if this be true, and the living come from the dead, then our souls must be in the other world, for if not, how could they be born again?

Our intense experiences that change us correspond to the soul, to tie together these two theories, and these exist in an alternate dimension where we return with death and from which we are incarnated at birth, but unlike the Christian view, this world operates much like our existing one.

We had a brief flirtation with modernity, and now people want to see the world as it is again.

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