
Furthest Right

Conversations With a Boomer

In my view, Boomers are the tragic generation. They appeared after the war, and could never live up to the grandiose ego-posturing of their parents. Then they had a choice, double down on 1930s Communism with the hippies or become un-hip, un-cool, and ignored with the conservatives.

Most of them chose the middle path of being neither and trying to have a nice 1840s style stable homestead, recalling the last time Americans (really) had hope. They rode a wealth wave, but mostly had very little until Big Tech inflated the economy like we pump water into raw chicken to make it weigh more.

When you encounter Boomers in the wild, most of them act as if they are still in the America of their youth. They expect things to work as they did in the booming consumer economy of the 1920s through 1980s, when Anglo-Saxons still ruled America for the most part.

They find themselves shocked by how little things work these days and do the “Conservative shrug” while bemoaning how everything is going bad now and we are all doomed. They have no faith that they can do anything to change things.

It was easy back in the 1960s through early 2000s for ordinary people to impatiently wave a hand and enounce, “That’s just how it is, these days. They just don’t do the job they used to.” To them, decay is technology, or maybe time itself. Things just go bad.

This is a way of saying that it is beyond our control, even though we the voters hold the power in society and the buck stops with us, and we should just airily wave our hands, shrug our shoulders, and go back to accumulating enough money to buy our way out of the problem.

People without enough money? Well, that is rather too bad. We have government programs for that. Look how much we pay in taxes! The bourgeois middle class, under assault by taxes, does not simply not care about the poor; it hates them. After all, they are stealing from it.

No one will look at the massive problems created by diversity. After 9/11, most people saw that something had gotten dark in the West, not just America but Europe as well. They blamed it on anti-terror policing and the increasingly intrusive surveillance state.

Few of them tracked effect back to cause. After deciding in the 1960s to open up to third world immigration, the West was inundated by fast-breeding populations who came in massive doses of emigrants, refugees, and H-1B styled gifted worker programs.

These populations had little influence in the 1980s and 1990s, but starting in second Clinton term, emboldened minorities — driven on by increases in affirmative action — began to take positions of power. Anglo-Saxon culture was displaced by rap, Asiatic political theory, and celebrity culture.

This suited those in power just fine. They wanted no impediments to their power, and saw from the French and Bolshevik Revolutions that if they did not break the backs of the working and middle classes, those groups would revolt as soon as conditions got bad.

The Western leaders, ironically, found a solution to Revolutions: create a permanent underclass and make things so bad that people cling to their jobs, titles, and suburban homes. Scare them into compliance. Force them to bend over and take it, and make it absurd, so they are humiliated and weak.

By the time 9/11 came along, the permanent underclass had found a way to take over. They bought products from each other. They used affirmative action to slide into well-paying jobs where they could not get fired. They formed political blocs.

All of this should have been apparent since the Great Replacement has been the strategy of tyrants since before the time of Christ. For some reason our democratically-elected leadership never thought of this situation, and so now they have self-destructed.

The Hillary Clintons of the world will rule until a Barack Obama comes along. Then they will be voted out, and minority rule will begin because minorities vote as a bloc while majority tend to divide into special interests.

This made a wrecked America. People look back on 1990s America because before Clinton, things generally seemed to work. When Clinton made diversity the focus of his campaign, it took over, and now nothing works because we are in a perpetual state of internal war.

This is worse than civil war, which goes hot and has two identifiable sides. Instead, with internal war we simply fall apart because we no longer have a reason to work together. This was the big shock of 9/11: how many Americans did not care about what happened.

Boomers got conservative at that point. Too late they realized the trap that had sprung beneath them. Too late they saw that those dusty old history books were right after all and that diversity of any form is fatal.

Now they find themselves endlessly surprised, but since they are all retired, they have no contact with the day-to-day reality. To them, it just seems as if lots of their services and governments are screwing up at the same time for no reason.

At some level, Americans have started to realize that there is a common cause. People no longer enthusiastically support diversity, nor offer it (or democracy) as the solution to our ills. Perhaps the Boomers are learning after all.

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