
Furthest Right

Conservatives Need to Quit Screwing Around and Just Target the Sexual Revolution

As a campaign approaches, the large stumbling bureaucracies of people who repeat opinions must define battle lines so they can begin generating partisan commentary to advance their sides. They have to do this in advance to keep all the troops repeating the same message, since repetition brainwashes voters.

It is obvious to those who can think more than two steps ahead that the elections in the US, UK, and EU will be decided by a single issue: diversity. The overwhelming migrant surges in all of these places not only threaten the governments and economies there, but the ability to function as societies.

However, because politics is won by symbolism, which is inherently emotional because it wraps up a complex world in tidy little concepts and therefore makes humans feel powerful and relevant, they are going to focus on non-issues since those get the job of getting elected done.

For 2024, the Uniparty has decided that abortion rights should be the field of play so we do not have to talk about diversity, debt, the competence crisis, and the failing debt-laden world economy:

President Joe Biden’s campaign is betting big on abortion rights as a major driver for Democrats in the election. Republicans are still trying to figure out how to talk about the issue, if at all, and avoid a political backlash.

“A vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris is a vote to restore Roe, and a vote for Donald Trump is a vote to ban abortion across the country,” said Julie Chavez Rodriguez, Biden’s campaign manager. “These are the stakes in 2024.”

Never mind that right now we have the best of all possible options in our semi-federal system; you only have to convince the voters in your state to make abortion legal or illegal, not browbeat the whole nation. Symbols however work best when paired with absolute power, so people want a nationwide law.

The solution suggested here years ago, namely making abortion an issue for a woman and her general practicioner (GP) to decide, and then allow the professional standards organizations like the AMA to dole out punishment for abuses, will please neither side because it does not make a strong symbolic statement.

On the other hand, the one candidate with a demonstrable flexible intelligence has carefully punted on the issue because he realizes that abortion is a distraction where symbolism gets in the way of reality again:

‘Now, I happen to be for the exceptions, like Ronald Reagan, with the life of the mother. Rape, incest, I have — I just have to be there,’ Trump said.

He was responding to a question by an undecided Iowa GOP voter who told him, ‘I’d like for you to reassure me that you can protect all life, every person’s right to life, without compromise.’

Trump delivered an answer that was all about compromise.

No one likes abortion, but to the Left, abortion is the gateway to sexual freedom, namely the ability to engage in casual sex — we might as well include serial monogamy or dating in here, because it is sex without any commitment in the longer term — and take care of the problems that result with a simple “procedure.”

The problem with casual sex is that it destroys societies by weakening the bonds of family, therefore weakening culture and whatever else holds a nation together:

When a society practised sexual restraint it flourished and all aspects of cultural life prospered. However, as societies develop and become prosperous they become increasingly liberal with regard to sexual morality and as a result they lose cohesion, impetus and purpose. This accelerates social entropy and the reduction of its creative energy. Unwin concludes, ‘Any human society is free to choose either to display great energy or to enjoy sexual freedom; the evidence is that it cannot do both for more than one generation.’

The sexual tipping point when society starts a downward trajectory is not some wild perversion such as bestiality or necrophilia but pre-nuptial and extra-marital sex, which began to be normalised in the West in the 1970s and 80s.

Unwin argues that this downward process is irreversible: ‘The whole of human history does not contain a single instance of a group becoming civilised unless it has been absolutely monogamous, nor is there any example of a group retaining its culture after it has adopted less rigorous customs.’

Societies work when when people are the first experiences for each other and have a total commitment not to the quality of sex, but to the quality of the joining of two people. When sex is sacred, people do not use each other; they merge in a mutual interest and from this comes family.

Once sex becomes casual, it becomes political, or a type of manipulation. People use each other for sexual gratification, so the person becomes disconnected from the act; you need some person of certain characteristics to use, but they are interchangeable, a malleable commodity to be manipulated.

Casual sex makes lonely people. They use each other, then end up paired, but they remember the days of disposable partners and never fully commit. Their children grow up with hollow expressions because Mom and Dad are a temporary phenomenon, not some transcendental bond that outlasts time.

Everyone finds that they have partners they can believe in less. When you are simply one in a parade of genitals, do you feel chosen, or an implement of convenience? Casual sex turns marriage into casual sex, like a longer variety of dating, and not surprisingly most marriages dissolve.

Even more, we become disgusted with each other. We are appalled at previous partners and their number, and we question the judgment of someone who treats themselves like a disposable hand-wipe and others the same. Distrust spreads as people treat each other as political implements.

Will there ever be a society without casual sex? Of course not: some are born to sweet delight, and some are born to prolonged stumbles through life that end alone in misery. But adopting it as a society was a mistake, and using abortion as a proxy for it misses the clear articulation that we need on this issue.

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