
Furthest Right

Confronting the Loneliness Issue

Once you see how Crowds lead to inversion, nothing that is discussed in public ever has the same importance. Inversion occurs when groups avoid methods (like war) that they fear, and in order to avoid them, limit their thinking to the remaining “safe” methods only. Think of pacifists or a committee that once endorsed a technique that ended in disaster.

Jobs make inversion worse. Instead of having free reign to develop a task, the individual human is limited by the methods approved and prescribed by whoever his manager is. He will keep doing this methods, even if failing, because his future paychecks depend on doing what he is told, how he is told, when he is told.

These are methods of control. Control operates by limiting the methods you can use in order to program your brain for what the controller thinks is ideal; for example, the controller bans violence, drugs, alcohol, gambling, and barbecue in order to make perfect pacifistic vegan progressive Christian moral citizens to rule over.

Control is what happens when the goal is removed, much like people become parasitic when they no longer have a purpose. Control seeks power for its own sake, and this demands that the power be exercised to assert itself, which only happens when those in power write lots of little rules based on prohibiting methods.

Good leadership on the other hand works on a Darwinian principle: it sets up a goal, rewards those who achieve it, removes those who impede it, and leaves everyone else alone to enjoy the benefits of a more competent, organized, realistic, and productive society.

Not only leaders work by Control. Any system that rewards means-over-ends, like democracy which is individualistic and therefore prohibits methods which inconvenience individuals, will opt for a filter on methods. Voters for example exclude controversial and extreme politics, which limits the pool of choices to liars who hide behind altruism.

While some have pointed out how such systems make people alienated because there is little actual choice in their lives, few talk about how these systems create loneliness. When you filter people by method without regard to goal, it becomes risky to act toward goals instead of just fulfilling a job requirement.

However, being able to make choices and achieve the good is the only way people feel connected to each other. Being self-interested individuals only, as you find under both Communist and capitalist systems, makes people alienated from each other and therefore isolated even when surrounded by others.

This shatters the most important part of being alive. Life is meant to be enjoyed. Part of what we enjoy is the power of choice, and the ability to figure out our world so that our choices are not made on a fully arbitrary basis. That requires us to embrace goal, not filtering of methods, so that we can act and make good results.

As Rome II falls — by “Rome II” it is meant the global system of liberal democracy — the initial complaints about incompetence have given way to complaints about relevance. This system is simply no longer relevant to us; it turns us into tax slaves living alone in a crowded, hostile dystopia. We have outgrown it and so soon, it will fall.

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