A realist sees the foundation of reality as rooted in the principles of our understanding of the natural world: physics, biology, economics, mathematics, and the raw data provided by the patterns of history. This helps us predict how the world will respond to our actions.
These laws are social cosntructs; they are made of human words and concepts which are understood in varying degrees of incompletion by those of us other than the original formulators. We are working to understand symbols written by other human beings, and by the nature of this process, we understand less than they did.
Symbols mislead us into projecting categories onto nature which are only partially true. For example, we might say “lawyers are bad,” but there are some good lawyers, and in fact, lawyers are highly varied in ethics and specialization. Categories make us feel powerful but often this comes at a cost of accuracy.
Getting past the categories and symbols can only be done through cause-effect reasoning, which requires us to stop taking people at face value, and instead pay attention to how they are responding to (a) opportunities and (b) risks.
For example, every ethnic group on Earth is at risk of genocide. Similarly, they have something to gain by dominating any other group, whether simply terrain or higher-quality DNA and functional social institutions. Therefore, all groups are trying to conquer all other groups before those conquer them.
What keeps this in check, mostly, is geography, but deterrence from strength can do the same. You do not try to genocide the group that will turn around and destroy you. You try to subvert them from afar and then, when they are weak, you take over.
We can all tell at this point that China has been doing this to the West for decades, but that is only half the story:
Manchin rephrased his question to ask which country had the intent to be our greatest adversary.
Clapper replied, “Probably China.”
We can scapegoat China, but they are one of many trying the same thing, and are only dangerous because they might achieve it. A few million in cash handed out in shoeboxes can defeat the USA a lot faster than billions in missiles.
My guess is that the Chinese learned from the Soviets and skipped most conventional spycraft to focus on electronic information gathering and bribing public officials. Funding one candidate can pay off for decades in manifold proportion to the original investment.
The Iron Law of Nature (ILN) states that every other group is trying to conquer us if it thinks it can. This is one reason why diversity cannot work: each group simply uses it as a pretext to establish a beachhead and commence war against all other groups.
Somehow during the last year not just the US but Europe and Asia simultaneously fell out of love with diversity. It seems that when the money from the democratization burst began to wane, people took a long hard look at what actually worked versus what was popular in terms of peer pressure, ideology, and profits.
Culture works, but for culture to exist, it must be independent from diversity. At some level, everyone knows this, so when the US government gave a hard signal against diversity, the prevailing wisdom shifted from pro-diversity to recognizing that diversity will be fatal for our civilization.
This in turn prompted a reaction by those who saw the gig was up and wanted to voluntarily repatriate in order to avoid the coming storm:
The Honduran consulate says they’ve been overwhelmed with people rushing to get passports and paperwork in order.
Many families aren’t just seeking documents — they’re asking for help to return to Honduras voluntarily, hoping to avoid deportation and family separation.
Since politics in the modern sense are conjectural, or based on an implicit assumption that their results are good because they are descended from accepted goods like equality, they present a binary: as long as things are going well, they are accepted, but when things break, suddenly the whole program gets thrown out.
The US, Europe, and Asia have just recognized diversity as a failure and are in the process of throwing it out.
Israel led the way by rejecting Palestinian diversity, which in turn lifted the post-WW2 taboo on ethnonationalism. Europe followed with the rise of parties arguing for mono-ethnic states, and now in the USA, DEI and immigration have been recognized as total failures that are threatening our future existence.
Much of this comes from acknowledging the utter disaster of the Biden-Harris administration which followed the Carter model in giving away free money, reducing the purchasing power of the American currency:
As prices skyrocketed, illegal immigrants streamed into the country and the Biden administration caused fiascos like our withdrawal from Afghanistan, people could not just sit back and ignore politics.
What people previously relied on became seen as a threat. The “New Establishment” that replaced the old WASP Establishment in the 1960s started out freedom-affirming liberal but gradually drifted toward the darker side of Leftism that is just a hop and skip away from full-blown Communism, and civil rights was the source of its power.
People began to recognize that we were following the Soviets into oblivion, and that empires always die when symbolism and ideology move far away from observable reality, so the only solution was to end the rule of ideology and go back to practical, market- and culture-based living.
For us to get there, diversity must die, and the remnants be cleaned up with remigration. We are confronting the Iron Law of Nature: diversity is not having difficulties working, but rather can never be functional because it enables a race war of all against all within our borders.
Tags: DEI, diversity, ethnonationalism, immigration