
Furthest Right

Confronting the Crisis of Abrahamism

As the West winds down into the complete collapse of democracy, which is unable to stop any of the crises it has created, we are re-evaluating all of our values.

This includes religion, which from an analytical perspective must be viewed as a human symbolization of a spiritual aspect to reality, with all different flavors of religion being merely vocabularies to describe this.

With that in mind, the dividing line in our society can be seen as that between those who believe in something more than humans, and those who only believe in humans, mostly expressed as others which is really a proxy for self-worship.

If someone is religious, then, they believe in the spiritual aspect to reality; if they are not, they believe only in themselves and therefore, reject reality, both spiritual and otherwise. The decision-making of human societies lately shows us the problem with the latter.

Sometimes irreligion hides in the guise of religion. Dualistic religions posit a perfect Heaven as the antidote to an imperfect Earth, and convince their adherents to worship the next world at the expense of this one.

In a wider view, that thinking rejects the holiness of reality, which includes both physical and metaphysical aspects. Dualism is atheism written into a worship of symbols.

Even more, many of our dualist religions may have a foreign origin that identifies them as conquerors of our civilization:

The Jews should celebrate Christmas as the Chosen by God with the mission of helping the others, who at the times of Rabbi Joshua who became Jesus Christ in the minds of that time pagans, fulfilling their mission by converting the pagans to the Torah-guided Christians. Because it is forbidden for the Jews to convert to Judaism those who genetically are outside the Jewish tribe, the only way to make the non-Jews to follow the Torah was the creation of another Torah-guided religion.

The dualistic view creates a type of decentralized center through mass adoption of the same behaviors. In this way, a symbol can manipulate multitudes.

This illusion begins with the idea of universal truths, or those shared among all humanity, to the point where all of humanity is joined by its worship of this symbol, which like dualistic Heaven is better than physical life itself.

Such thinking creates a consensual shared hallucination of a symbolic world that is universal so that the human can be projected over reality, which makes the individual feel powerful because in their egomania, they see all others as versions of themselves.

The normal human bleat is “I am blameless, so I deserve any good that comes my way, and any bad must be subsidized by someone else.” They create universalism to support this contention.

Most likely, however, religion operates on a level that is not consistent with visual appearance or symbol, and may be known only through the statistical likelihoods of things being real:

At subatomic scales, probabilities rule the day — it’s impossible to say exactly what any given particle will do at any given moment. And this absence of predictability and reliability at first troubled and then disgusted Einstein, who would eventually leave the quantum world behind with nothing more than a regretful shake of his head at the misguided work of his colleagues.

We will never know the fullness of the mystery; instead, we will merely know approximately what is true, and any attempt to formalize beyond that is most likely manipulation.

In this way, for people to find their way to the worship of something larger than humanity is essential for them to have any actual spiritual awareness or desire to understand that layer of our world.

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