
Furthest Right

Celebrate January Sixth

Currently the Left is trying to whip itself into a frenzy over the January 6th riot anniversary. Simultaneously they are warning about “domestic extremism,” which is their way of saying opposition to inertia, namely that of the postwar drift toward Leftism once the West unified on human rights rather than ethnonationalism as it had before that war.

Many of us stand against inertia because we see it as a calcifying force, a hardening of the arteries, an entropy of too many options replaced by a mental confusion from inability to choose between them. Inertia consists of doing the same thing by excluding all other options by doing them badly at least once, poisoning the well.

January 6th was a Reichstag fire or beer hall putsch depending on who is talking, but one wonders: for which side? It seemed to benefit the Democrats, who were in power in Congress and deliberately scaled back police presence. It certainly worked well for the political machine, which herded the sheep back into the pen.

In my view, most of human activity is drama, and most drama is a way of signaling. Depressed people cut themselves so that other people know they are depressed. Everyone wants someone — God, Dad, Hitler, Buddha — to reach down from the heavens and help them, but this never happens. So instead they shout into the void.

January 6th may have been a shambles created by unleashing an angry mob by delaying the appearance of President Trump, but it was also an honest dramatic reaction to how bad things have become under the postwar order. Not just the abysmal Carter-style economic malaise, but the miasma of distrust, manipulation, and insincerity that hovers over nü-America.

Looked at with a critical eye, January 6th was nothing more than an unauthorized Capitol tour instigated by a ruling party that felt the country slipping away from it because its policies (diversity, socialism, regulations) were failing as usual. They reprised the Carter years and got the same instability.

If we want to talk about democracy, mass protest has a long history of being necessary at crucial times when the officials in power simply will not hear about how things are going badly. This has been consistent from ancient Greece through the present day.

Looking at the Left, we can see how these ironist contrarians are essentially people angry at reality for not making them more important. They scapegoat whoever is in power, claim “inequality” as a justification, and then take over, killing off anyone competent so that the Leftists can remain in power forever.

They did this in 1789 in France, in Russia in 1917, in England in 1640, and finally worldwide with the second world war. They stated their aims in the 1328 peasant revolts in Germany: instead of hierarchy and purpose, they wanted a society of equals dedicated to what those people wanted on a personal level, rejecting civilization and culture both.

Naturally this always ends badly. Hierarchy exists to keep the competent at the top; if it fails, the solution is to apply its standards more evenly, weeding out the eggheads, blockheads, and bean-counters as well as the usual sociopaths who are drawn to power as a means of filling the voids in their empty meat-suit pseudo-souls.

Culture exists to give us goals instead of rules. Civilization exists to maximize our influence as individuals and create something greater than all of us. These are good things and finding an “exception,” or instance of them being done badly, does not mean we throw them away and start over with anarchy communes and tropical third-world style chaotic breeding.

The perpetually unhappy people who comprise the Left and most of the Right want a human-only world, where comfortable human things like chrome, steel, glass, plastic, and equality smash down whatever is left of nature. They fear nature because it thwarts their desires, and they have no Will of their own to speak of, so they lash out in reaction.

They exist in a talisman-scapegoat cycle where in order to believe that they are good, reality must be bad, and because reality is bad, there must be a better alternative of human-only stuff like equality, and therefore anyone who supports this thing is a good talisman and anything in its path is a bad scapegoat that must be destroyed.

Cultures have had many names for this phenomenon. The Greeks called it hubris, the Abrahamists saw it as blasphemy. Jesus H Christ himself called for a clarification of the spirit to find a positive transcendent goal instead of descending into this negative rationalization which seeks to make the self seem better by deprecating the world.

Here we call it individualism, and recognize that in groups individualists form Crowds, and these Crowds construct a vast edifice which starts with democracy and equality but branches out to form political machines, controlling their host populations like a parasite.

What causes individualism? Many things: it is the result of a lack of the correct order, rather than an order in itself; it is humanity defaulting to the logic of its microbial ancestors, consuming all around it in an effort to survive without heed for tomorrow.

The biologically healthy people who keep what is left of the West barely functional finally had enough, and on January 6th they staged a bit of a tantrum to communicate this discontent even if they had little idea of what should replace the status quo.

Now the Left, always in search of victimhood status so that it has a justification for being seen as the victim so that it can scapegoat everyone else and take over, is using January 6th as a type of Reichstag Fire to try to justify its own seizure of government.

In fact, governments worldwide are in crisis because democracy is not working out as intended. Driven by the civil rights commitment of WW2, Late Stage Democracy created numerous “entitlements” or payments directly to citizens, and it could not afford those, so it began its diversity program to import new cheap labor to subsidize its failing businesses so that it can keep collecting tax revenue.

Those who are in power see this as necessary for the continuation of the system. They do not mind sacrificing the organic gene pool and its culture so long as the system survives. Their goal is simply to avoid revolutions and to keep their ideology in power because it alone makes these individualists feel good about themselves.

History will record that a riot expanded into the US Capitol, that the rioters walked between the velvet ropes and did not destroy the place as Leftist revolutionaries would have done. They simply wanted to be heard, and to tell the world: the way we have been going since 1945 is not working and we have to change, even if the professionals disagree.

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