
Furthest Right


Apparently, in American society if you want to make something go away, you label it “brat” and wait for it to fail and be moved on. It seemed to work wonders in banishing Kamala Harris in part because the pro-Harris campaign created something so unrecognizable

It came to media notices because the handlers of Barack 0bama, Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris decided that they must portray their most recent candidate as a hip brat bitches:

Kamala Harris has overhauled her campaign’s online presence by embracing a social media trend inspired by pop star Charli XCX’s Brat album cover.

Her rebrand comes as Charli showed her support by tweeting “kamala IS brat” shortly after President Joe Biden announced he was stepping out of the race for the White House and endorsed his vice-president.

By Monday morning, Ms Harris had seized on Charli’s backing – with the account sporting a new lime green photo in the style of the Brat album cover.

When you are out of ideas, default to Black culture… the blues is a forgery, since it originated in Europe and the middle east, and Blacks added the German waltz percussion… jazz is a forgery, since it is based on 1920s big band music and “scatting” along via instrument… rock is a forgery, since it’s essentially Scots-German folk music with better recording.

While we are overthrowing sacred cows and giving the finger to crowd-gods, we should note that Kamala Harris, too, was a forgery, designed to be a new face for Tammany Hall without changing the status quo which has become quite rotten since the Clinton years.

“Brat” means “approved by the Establishment” since it is not controversial. Go ahead and war that slutty clothing, smoke that cigarette, and give the finger to authority; the actual authority has taken a new form, and it benefits from your rebellion against authority, because this strengthens the bureaucracy.

Some of us think this usage descends from a 1980s Subaru, the “Brat” micro El Camino clone, since it seemed like it was a tough little beast that could not be brought down by official or unofficial methods of control.

Most likely, the herd is simply trying to find new reasons to have power despite its past failures, and it wants stooges like Kamala Harris or Mitt Romney in order to avoid rocking the boat.

Similarly, Jesus Christ was a control mechanism… designed to enforce conformity, selected by the ruling powers for this utility, and oriented toward tying our hands so that narcissists can rule us. If murder is bad, then killing narcissists is bad, which grants them eternal rule over our herd.

But the Bratchrist shows us what the Establishment is: wishful thinking, enforced by social conformity, based in the greed and desire for power of each individual.

Christ is Brat. Kamala is Brat. But Brat means what humans want, not what is real. Overthrow the illusion. Dethrone the symbolism. Outside the safe moral kiosk of Bratness, real existence awaits, undiscovered by the herd.

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