
Furthest Right

Black Lives Do Not Matter In Post-Obama America

Bumbling my way around this historically minority-majority town, two things catch my eye: first, interactions with African-Americans have been polite, open and friendly; second, Hispanic people tend to ignore me if they can, or behave in a surly and passive-aggressive manner.

That struck me as curious, so it was time for a drive to the northeast part of downtown, which was historically an African-American community. Surprise and confusion: it is now a Hispanic community, save a small corner which has become gentrified and now is Soviet-style look-alike condominiums.

A quick look at the demographics of this area confirms the suspicions one might have on observing such a thing: over the past two decades, Hispanic and Asian numbers have steadily climbed, resulting in African-Americans being proportionally smaller as a portion of the population. In other words, they are losing demographic and thus democratic power.

Hitting the fast-forward button for a moment, we can see the future of this town. The white population continues to bail out with the exception of the very wealthy, who are not only high in average IQ but capable with business. They will rule industry for the near future. But everyone else will be non-white, and they will push the whites into a handful of neighborhoods.

Then, we have to ask, who will rule the remaining neighborhoods? African-Americans — mirroring the white flight of decades ago — seem to move out when too many Chinese, Mexican, Guatemalan, Vietnamese, Indian, Arab or Honduran people move in. African-Americans will find themselves in a handful of neighborhoods as well.

Surely there will be mixed-race neighborhoods for awhile. But if the answer is that the Hispanic cops do not come quickly to African-American doors, or that white people find their neighbors refuse to speak to them, the sorting will accelerate. Neighborhoods will become fully ethnic across the board.

At the same time, African-Americans will find themselves displaced. Other minority groups qualify for affirmative action as well, and tend to be picked first for low-level jobs because they have slightly higher average IQs. This means that African-Americans will be limited to working in their communities, and will get second cut at government benefits because other more numerous groups will have higher perceived need.

Enter the Asians. They are known as a hard-working group that gets great grades. These will begin displacing whites as they march through the institutions, get the degrees, and then get members in the door. Once they hit that magic 20% number, they will turn to nepotism, and soon traditionally white institutions — already infiltrated by near-whites like Irish, Italians, Jews, Greeks and Poles — will be assimilated.

In turn, Asians will begin moving into Hispanic neighborhoods by buying up the better houses, being proportionately wealthier than the Hispanics. Hispanics, or indios, are Central American Amerinds, who are distinct from the “First Nations”/”Native American” North American Amerinds, but both have a root in Siberia. These groups will find it easy to interbreed.

Over time, the more prosperous Asians will swallow up the Hispanics. For them, it will be like having a Vietnamese grandfather, because the shared genes will predominate and squeeze out any New World outliers. Soon the city will mostly have a population that resembles Filipinos or Vietnamese, and then it will begin subverting the Africans.

This happens through the oldest method possible: high-testosterone African-American youth will be attracted to the young Asian-Hispanic hybrids, and will have kids with them, but those will be rejected by the Asian community. The only obvious solution is that they will grow up among the African communities, and gradually be incorporated into the bloodline there.

Then we have another question of thresholds. At what percentage of Asian do blek people start simply feeling like Asian-Hispanics with a tan? Soon the African population, and any remaining Caucasians, will be absorbed through this trace admixture. Eventually, this population will see itself simply as a thing-in-itself, and not question its origins.

The new group will speak english, but adapt it to their genetic inclinations: short declarative sentences from the Spanish-speaking Amerinds, monosyllables from the East Asian languages, and eventually it will lose those definitive articles, with grammar more like a Slavic language and sentences that end in “yo” and “fam.” Over centuries, this will revert to a language more like Asian languages.

At this point, you will be unable to find a single African-American in the city. Their neighborhoods will be taken over, their churches bulldozed, their cultural contributions forgotten about and then dumped for “lack of funds.” They will be ethnically erased. This is what African-Americans see coming, and it is why they are wising up to the wisdom of the old white order.

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