
Furthest Right

Bastille Day

Centuries ago, the West switched to democracy, only to see now that it has become impossible. It happened on July 14, 1789, in France, when the revolutionaries stormed the jail where they were often kept.

Now we have reached a situation where the Left, who are completely unmoored from reality as the rest of us experience it, have enough of a vote to control any situation. Government has followed them and grown into a force that manages every aspect of our lives, like a totalitarian state.

Technically, it is a soft totalitarian state. That is, you do not get dragged from your bed and shot for wrongthink; instead one pretentious little soft-handed parasite publishes your name somewhere with outrage at your opinion, and then you get fired, divorced, ostracized, and have to go live in the ghetto or be homeless.

This is total control. It does not use guns, but money and laws.

In the meantime, everyday life has become comical. People go to jobs that are clearly performance pieces; most of what is done there is unnecessary and achieves nothing. But you must be there to show loyalty or someone who shows more loyalty that you will take your place.

Capitalism? That is the engine that drives this, but it is steered by political ideology.

There is no way forward except to get out. This system has become overgrown because messianic ideologies like egalitarianism have no way to continue except by expanding their power. You will always get more bureaucrats, and they rule through equality because it breaks down any complex social structures.

They want you to obey the same rules, at the same time, so that they can command society like an army of marionettes.

The current political system has self-destructed because it cannot accept any cutback to this grinding advance. At the same time, the grinding advance has — because it denies reality — come into conflict with reality and consequently, created horrors wherever it goes.

With the sheer amount of media, social, and political pressure behind resistance to change by the system, it is no surprise that it whipped up passions enough that some mentally vulnerable person took a shot at Trump. And yes, he is a registered Republican, but only recently, and gave money exclusively to progressive causes, thus was a Leftist.

At this point, we either continue as a soft totalitarian state or stage a color revolution of our own. We stand for the spirit of our people and our land, and this means opposing diversity and socialism as well as all of the other insane ideas out there.

Donald Trump in the end calculus is a moderate. He wants to make the country functional again within the present system; he is not far-Right, since anyone farther Right than center realizes that we have to remove some of the hacks that made us into a civil rights total state instead of an Anglo-Saxon culture with republican democracy.

However, even that upsets the Establishment. This tells us that they are weakened and see no way forward except grabbing even more power. It is never enough; they must always have more. Until they lose that hold on power, there is no decent or sane life for anyone to be had in the West ever again.

All of this is the fruit of the French Revolution, which took over American thought on March 4, 1861. We have centuries of law to remove, huge branches of government to dismantle, and many illusions to debunk. Now that the way to the end is clear, it is time to roll up our sleeves and get it done.

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