
Furthest Right

As Democracy Goes Bankrupt, The Diversity Bomb Explodes

The twenty-first century has kicked off with us wondering how what seemed to save us last century has gone so wrong, so seemingly out of our control and spiraling into the abyss without us intending it to do so. Democracy and civil rights (liberal democracy) seemed to save us from fascism and communism, but now we ask, “at what cost?”

In fact, worldwide democracy is failing because it has delivered terrible results at high costs, leaving bankrupt nations where people are not reproducing because they are taxed to death, career-oriented as a result, and miserable as a result of that. Democracy turned out to be a parasite.

Diversity was a Hail Mary by democracy. The bureaucrats realized that if they admitted that the generous entitlements — healthcare, retirement, housing, education, welfare — were not affordable or sustainable, and in fact could never have been paid for except during an absurd population bloom like the Baby boomers, revolutions would follow.

To avoid that, they patched up the entitlements system by bringing in cheap labor to stimulate the economy, taxing everything and dumping the money into the welfare state to create a consumer audience, while using diversity votes to keep the system open.

As it turns out, diversity itself is toxic. Not particular groups per se, but the fact of having more than one ethnic group in a country leads to collapse. Even if the groups are nice and high-IQ, having a poly-ethnic society means that you cannot have a culture, since culture is genetic and requires narrowing of focus, not expansion like diversity forces.

Not surprisingly, any society that adopts diversity experiences isolation because it cannot have a culture and therefore, public life becomes ambiguous and threatening. Even more, it becomes a politically authoritarian as the Soviets or Nazis, since one cannot speak of the inevitable diversity failures:

The Times had been called racist and Islamophobic for pursuing the investigation.

“It was a very difficult story to cover because it was a story about white British girls, aged typically between 12 to 15, being groomed and abused by men who, as the pattern seemed to become more clear, were overwhelmingly of Pakistani and Muslim heritage,” he said.

The Iron Rule of Nature states that all things — ideas, individuals, groups, genes — act only in their own self-interest alone. This means that benevolent xenophobia is required, because any ethnic or racial group that is Other is working to conquer you. Rape is one tool of conquest.

What happened in Rotherham, Rochdale, and Telford seems like it was Us-versus-the-Diversity but really it was Us-versus-Us. White people fought themselves over admitting what was happening and that it is a typical diversity event, not some aberration. This is how diversity always destroys societies.

The Left is currently claiming that there are many legions of White pedophiles lurking out there who simply have not been counted, but the child abuse scandal in the UK looks more like typical diversity agitation rather than an outbreak of pedophilia in the native population:

The scale of child sexual abuse and exploitation across the Bradford district is feared to “dwarf that of Rotherham”, according to a Conservative MP.

A 2014 report by Prof Alexis Jay described how more than 1,400 children were sexually exploited by gangs of men in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013.

Keighley and Ilkley MP Robbie Moore told the Commons on Monday that “rape gangs” and the grooming of children had “haunted” the Bradford area for decades.

The problem for the West is that — thanks to unions, taxes, regulations, and quota programs — it has rendered its native labor into a less-effective, high-cost force. Consequently businesses are seeking H-1Bs to fill the void:

The main function of the H-1B visa program and other guest worker initiatives is not to hire “the best and the brightest,” but rather to replace good-paying American jobs with low-wage indentured servants from abroad. The cheaper the labor they hire, the more money the billionaires make.

Of course the Communist wants us to hire domestically; this keeps the subsidy game afloat by, as the unions do, demanding high wages for native employees beyond what the market can bear, turning the free markets into a subsidy system for socialism.

Almost every complaint about “capitalism” these days originates in the dual nature of our system where free markets are used as checkbooks by government for its egalitarian programs, designed to force “equality” on us by subsidizing those who produce nothing.

In fact, the diversity program we adopted in the 1990s existed specifically to fill in the tax gap caused by the benefits paid to Baby Boomers that future generations, being less numerous, could not hope to sustain.

The resulting Clinton-era rush to diversity created a society where people experience alienation loneliness because they are living in a giant shopping mall, airport lounge, or metrosexual disco where there is no culture, only the exchange of goods and services for money while everyone tries to pile up enough wealth to escape:

“I think people feel uncomfortable in the world today. They’ve decided that their home is their sanctuary. It’s not easy to get them to leave.”

Americans are spending less time with other people than in any other period for which we have trustworthy data, going back to 1965. Between that year and the end of the 20th century, in-person socializing slowly declined. From 2003 to 2023, it plunged by more than 20 percent, according to the American Time Use Survey, an annual study conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Among unmarried men and people younger than 25, the decline was more than 35 percent. Alone time predictably spiked during the pandemic. But the trend had started long before most people had ever heard of a novel coronavirus and continued after the pandemic was declared over.

Men who watch television now spend seven hours in front of the TV for every hour they spend hanging out with somebody outside their home. The typical female pet owner spends more time actively engaged with her pet than she spends in face-to-face contact with friends of her own species. Since the early 2000s, the amount of time that Americans say they spend helping or caring for people outside their nuclear family has declined by more than a third.

Why spend time with other people when you have no idea when they will suddenly turn on you for having said the “wrong” thing, have nothing in common with you generally, and are probably scheming to smash you down so that their group can rise?

Diversity, as it turns out, creates alienation by making social life unpredictable and irrelevant, at which point people hole up in their homes, order good from Amazon, work remotely, and ignore the problem:

“People living in ethnically diverse settings appear to ‘hunker down’ — that is, to pull in like a turtle,” Putnam writes.

Despite the massive propaganda blitz over diversity (“diversity is our strength” – Dan Quayle) the fifth of our population that is not mindlessly chasing trends recognizes that diversity is both a symptom and partial cause of civilization collapse:

Never in recorded history has diversity been anything but a problem. Look at Ireland with its Protestant and Catholic populations, Canada with its French and English populations, Israel with its Jewish and Palestinian populations.

If you want to grow up in a first-world society, be mono-ethnic and capitalist; if you want to be a third-world nation, be diverse and have entitlements programs (subsidies) in the socialist style. Diversity and socialism are two of the many tar pits into which civilizations can fall.

The happiest societies have no diversity and focus on how to be productive instead of how to subsidize the poor, disabled, insane, and foreign. Because this is obvious, there has been a massive propaganda campaign against it in the postwar era.

As it turns out now, the diversity bomb is exploding. When diversity levels were small, we could all be cute and posture about how open-minded and accepting we were. Now that diversity is replacing us and acting against us, we are finally forced to confront what was always a suicidal illusion.

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