
Furthest Right

Arc Of History? Cycle of History

Barack O’Bama famously said that the arc of history bent toward justice, and this irritated people both for its assumption that human societies engage in linear motion toward “progress” defined by egalitarianism, and for its ignorance of how bad things become when progress is at hand.

Conservatives of course see more than an arc of history; we see a cycle. Civilizations arise, become successful, then fall into decadence, and if they are lucky, then come out of that decadence and restart, mostly by rejecting the justifications for decadence like “progress.”

As a civilization succeeds, it undergoes a liberalizing process, which means relaxing the restrictions and requirements it imposed on citizens in order to become successful. When wolves threaten a town, every man must be armed and ready, but once the wolves are beaten, the men can get obese if they want.

During this liberalization process, the arc of history swings one way, which is toward more individualism for the individualism and utilitarianism for the group, since instead of aiming toward a goal, society now accommodates individuals, which requires lower standards and fewer demands.

Someone once said, “Cthulhu always swims Left,” in reference to modern society, and this accurately describes the decay-arc. During this time of liberalization, the right answer to every question is more liberalization, since this convinces people that they are moving in the right direction.

Humans after all want most the sensation of being part of a successful society, and the last thing they want to hear is that the ongoing historical arc leads to doom and not victory. However, liberalization starts in success and ends in misery, like most popular illusions.

As we approach a grim election in which necessarily half of the country must be disappointed, it makes sense to look at the broader historical scale.

Western Civilization succeeded to a greater degree than any civilization before it. Its focus on order, transcendental goals, and procedure based on realistic outcomes gave it the basis of science and politics that enabled it to triumph in all areas despite starting out poor and resource-weak.

Where other societies focused on control of their populations, the West aimed for rewarding those who achieved good results in reality, applying knowledge consistently, and aiming for a social order that brought out the best in life. From this, technology, wealth, and power flowed.

This created a type of mania as people applied these techniques to too many things, extending them to lower classes which biologically could not understand them and a global society which assumed that all people were identical and therefore, would benefit from the same method.

As with all things political, this took centuries to visualize, since a delay exists between any action and its consequences, and those actions with the most far-reaching consequences take generations to be fully adopted so that we can see the final form of their effects.

By about the year two thousand however, things had gotten quite grim in the West. They had become bad in the early 1900s, when a surfeit of impoverished laborers threatened the political order with nascent socialism, and worse in the 1960s when ethnic and class warfare matured.

The 1980s brought a backlash against this process, but this was reversed in the following decade, leading to complete decay by the end of the Clinton years, during which time all semblance of social order was replaced with liberal ideology and theory.

As the Clinton years waned, however, the effects of this disorder became visible. The civil rights and class conflict swallowed up most of industry, and institutions became less functional as a result, at the same time new laws gave miscreants more of an ability to hide their parasitic larceny.

By the year 2000, life in America was no longer easy or good. It meant working a lot for low wages and to pay high taxes designed to keep the entitlements state in operation, while ethnic and class conflict took center stage and compelled our national dialogue toward even more Leftism.

The 9/11 attacks, bemoaned by many as the end of American exceptionalism, acted like any adversity in that they revealed us. We saw that instead of a unified nation, we were a squabbling group of special interests, divided by class, ethnicity, religion, race, and industry.

No unity remained. America had ceased to exist, and was replaced with Amerika, the corporate-and-government dominated highly bureaucratic society where you had to hop to and conform in order to have anything, and even then it might go away in an instant if you said anything non-Leftist in public.

Only twenty years past the Reagan revolution, Amerika had become the horror of which Reagan warned, in which Leftist ideology mobilized a clueless mass of pop culture fanatics against any semblance of tradition, warring toward a Utopia of pure equality and zero reality.

After a brief sojourn into neoconservatism to address the fallout from the 9/11 attacks, Amerika got back on the Leftist horse with Barack O’Bama and attempted to deny the failure of its approach. In other words, it doubled down on Leftism out of fear that Leftism was, in fact, failing.

For this reason, O’Bama’s comments about the “arc of history” made their audience very happy. They wanted to believe that their country was taking a good path, like their 1960s-era teachers had told them, and that the future would be better for those who showed loyalty to the Party.

Instead, by the end of the O’Bama presidency, Amerika lay mostly in ruins. High costs and civil rights programs ate up all the money, immigration made jobs unstable, Obamacare costs destroyed middle class wealth, and Chinese products meant a life of constantly replacing expensive junk.

Only at this point, perhaps, could the stupor-ridden voters have made the choice to select someone like Donald J. Trump, who basically offered realism and opportunity: reduce Leftist taxes and regulations, end the immigration scam, yeet China to the curb, and focus on restoring our industry.

He faced the greatest media blitz of all time. Having destroyed the American majority with diversity, the country no longer had a single audience to which it could market its products, including media. Now lots of little niche groups existed, depriving media of a single large group to sell to.

This caused a media crash but, doubling down on their narrative, media responded by limiting its focus to the group most likely to consume lots of media, namely useful idiots on the Left. SJWs, for example, will never be winners like Nancy Pelosi, who use Leftism to get ahead, but will languish in poverty.

For this new media landscape, Trump offered great opportunity, in that the audience of hopeless life-losers needed someone to blame for their life-failure, and Trump was the perfect target. Western European, masculine, successful, and brash, he invoked boundless rage on the Left.

Despite their fixation on Trump, however, the Left missed the big point: their arc of history had swung to its conclusion, and now a new arc had started, going in the opposite direction. Through the magic of time, a reversed direction is like a turn, not going backwards.

Trump saw that American society had taken a wrong turn with its post-Reagan Leftism and corrected this by steering not toward the past, but toward the goals of the past that are eternally true. He showed us heritage America and its values again.

Now the arc of history is swinging in a different direction. We rose to power in the West, then over-extended, and now we are returning to a focus on what worked, but only for us, since we cannot bring the world with us or bring them to live among us. Diversity wrecked us, but now it has died.

This means that no matter how much the Left wins, they are doomed because the arc of history swings against them. Even when they win, they are fighting the fact that their beliefs have lost and are now recognized as oppressive, since we have seen their final form.

In other words, we saw what Leftism brings, and we want no part of it. This “we” includes both the Right and ordinary politically-uncommitted people who recognize that life under a centralized, control-oriented system geared toward total equality is miserable.

Ideas based around the core of Leftism, egalitarianism, find themselves in retreat worldwide not because of an ideological shift, but a practical one. These ideas do not work. Globalism, democracy, socialism, and diversity have brought misery and failure, not enlightenment and strength.

Five years ago, O’Bama’s statement about the arc of history seemed like wisdom, Obamacare looked like the future, and every public announcement seemed to begin with an affirmation that diversity is our strength. Now none of those are true, and that is not the result of actions by Trump.

If you want to know why this election seems so contentious, it is this: the Left is trying to hold on to the old direction, where the rest of us want to leap off of that sinking ship before it goes under. The arc of history has bent again, and this time it is heading away from egalitarianism.

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