On the fateful day of October 19, 2024, British OnlyFans darling Lily Phillips undertook the Herculean task of having sex with a hundred of her male subscribers in a single work day.
Men have sailed the seas, conquered mountains, fought fire breathing dragons, but all of those adventures fail in sheer semen insignificance compared to the massive exertion of whoredom power that this lovely lady exhibited. Each punter had a mere five minutes of sticky vaginal action, after which they ejaculated on her face, much of it getting into her eyes. Thus, when she was interviewed after the event, her eyes were watering.
This led simps on the internet to suppose that she was regretful of the act of self-degradation, but this was not so. Lily loved every minute of it, what she could remember of it. This gave our gal Lil a serotonin high, so much so that in January 2025, she will have sex with a thousand men in another single day.
Lily may need to change her methodology to achieve the thousand count. There are 86,400 seconds in a day, so each man has a theoretical maximum of 86.4 seconds. Take into account that Lily is going to need food and drink over that time to keep up her whore energy as well as toilet breaks. To beat the record apparently set by Lisa Sparxxx that of 919 men in twenty-two hours (she downplays it to a mere one hunded and fifty, so there is hoe-controversy here), Lily will need to be set up, legs spread, and guys lined up, jacking off until hard, then penetrate for one thrust, then back in line, and so on for twenty-four sticky, arduous hours. If that does not cure one of bizarre OnlyFans sex, nothing will.
The main narrative on the internet has been that Lily is a “victim” of feminism and sexual liberation. Biodiversity expert Dr. Ed Dutton saw an “evolutionary” mismatch being produced by these ideologies, and real-world human psychology, but I do not see that; there is nothing exhibited here which has not been seen in history, where women have been allowed to follow their lust and infinite desire for self-promotion and vanity, without restraints. Dr Dutton thinks that Lily’s self-degradation is “kind of our fault.” No, bullshit, it is not; I for one had nothing to do with this fool setting out to wreck her gynecology. She knew what she was doing, in the ultimate act of attention-seeking for notoriety. Lily came from a middle-class family, and was university educated, so she did not need to do OnlyFans. And even if she did do OnlyFans, she did not need to go to the next level of whoredom by engaging in marathon railing.
Former male porn star Stirling Cooper, while not discussing this topic explicitly, has commented that OnlyFans harms men and ruins their lives. OnlyFans gives the illusion of intimacy and female validation, but it is an illusion, with no basis in reality. Cooper notes that forty percent of men are having less sex than men in the same age group thirty years ago. And social media is one major factor leading to this modern sexual arid landscape. Of course, all of this is the mechanical working out of the whole feminist Pandora’s box, opened wide in the 1960s revolution, and now destroying Western civilization.
The Lily Phillips case runs in parallel to that of fellow sex worker Bonnie Blue, who slept with, and filmed for profit, “barely legal” schoolies (schoolboys). One can imagine the shit storm that would have arisen if the story was reversed and some adult male did the same with “barely legal” school girls! Shades of Epstein! In any case, both whores who profited from the use of these men are mere sex toys, mechanisms for exploitation and profit. I therefore have zero sympathy for both of these hoes; they are the aggressors and exploiters.
Finally, in accordance with what I believe should be the standard principle for dealing with cultural day and degeneracy: those who cannot learn to swim, must learn to sink, I suggest that these lovely ladies going in these sex marathon gangbangs, put their butt holes where their mouths are, so to speak, and simply let the thousand men sodomize them in sequence! Go boldly gals, where no hoe has gone before!
Tags: lily phillips, onlyfans, promiscuity, prostitution, sexual liberation