
Furthest Right

America Awaits the Return of Monarchism

Democracy has failed. It spent all the money and made dystopia when we were promised Utopia. We are leery of oligarchs and dictators for a good reason, and military rule seems unstable. This leaves one option, and of all the conservative sites on the internet, you have found one that supports monarchism as inevitable.

Monarchism works with Darwinism. Traits are heritable; therefore, you find the best people you have and entrust them with the money and power so that those do not fall into the hands of lesser people. Then you breed them like cattle and make more of them so that they can take over from the odious middle managers and make institutions function.

The West rose through the work of its monarchs and lesser aristocrats. They founded its schools and museums, funded its science and classical arts, and led its people by example. They pushed it upward to higher standards instead of trying to beat our people down into conformity because of a focus on the negative sides of human existence.

Democracy did the opposite. At first, it seemed like a new way past the religious, territorial, and colonial wars of past centuries, but reallly we were stabbing a group in the back that was still recovering from fighting Mongol invasions and black plagues. Over time democracy showed its true colors.

There are few things more heretical than our four pillars here — ethnonationalism, monarchism, capitalism, and transcendental purpose — but as the past millennium fails, the next thousand years (or much longer) are ours. All things old are new again, and taboos are falling like leaves in autumn.

Some of the cutting-edge thinkers in the West have brought the notion of imminent monarchism back into the conversation:

“And people always said, ‘Why do you want to make a movie about America as Rome?,’” Coppola continued. “Um, today America is Rome. And we’re about to go through the same experience, for the same reasons, that Rome lost its republic and ended up with an emperor.”

The auteur added, “This movie is perhaps very prescient to do, a movie about America, because it’s going to happen in a few months.”

“And it was [for] the same reason,” Coppola said, as to where America is and where Rome ended up. “Rome was so prosperous, Rome was making lots of money. So the senators were actually very interested in their power and their own wealth. And they weren’t managing the country. Well, the same thing has happened here. Our Senate and representatives are all manipulating their own power rather than running the country. And we’re in danger of losing it.”

Rome chose Emperors when democracy failed; we do not need emperors — those who rule empires — so much as kings for our nations, or ethnic groups forming their own countries. In America, that means the original Cro-Magnids of the ethnic Western Europeans.

We are at the point now where the citizens are essentially lost in their own special issues and confused about their options, having been domesticated by a system that wants to suppress their activity so that it can rule them more easily, yet this same system is out of options.

It offers nothing but more means-over-ends “solutions”: wealth transfer, regulations, wars, and empty platitudes. There is no purpose, only a need to keep the system and its economies churning. No wonder the most sensitive voters are given to hopelessness and despair at the paralysis of Late Stage Democracy:

Democracy will end as it usually does in lugubrious defeat, but we can weather this storm if we have something to look toward in the future. Since all else has failed, monarchism is rising, despite the many who claim it can never be done or should never be done.

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