The door opens to a shadowed smile. The man there resembles all of us and none of us. Round features, round head, and a stocky but curved frame make him universal and ambiguous. He steps into the room softly with the gentlest of manners yet leaves no impression other than the prosaic fact that a human entered.
Sitting at the table, he reaches into a pocket and removes a hand grenade. It is one of those old WW2 “pineapple” types, ugly metal imprinted with little tablets designed to fracture into shrapnel. He smiles apologetically, then yanks out the pin and sets the grenade on the table. The handle falls.
“The fuse is lit,” he says. “It may last for a second, or ten thousand years. We will never know and cannot tell in advance. But now this is our destiny, and so we might as well embrace it.” He smiles with an inner glow down at the grenade, his eyes alive with excitement.
Symbolism is this grenade. With the rise of language, then writing, and finally mass media, we have achieved the power of knowing about our world without understanding it. The symbols do our thinking for us; something is either good or bad, part of a category, or not, and from that we extrapolate its meaning and path.
If you look around at our world out there, it would be tempting to believe that Satanic Masonic Jews™ have taken over and are running the world for the purpose of evil. This however would be projection: the only real “evil” humans encounter is our hybris, or refusal to see reality because we are focused on ego and social concerns.
The human pattern repeats over and over again. Hybris includes not just the self, but the group, because it happens when humans retreat from the world into our judgments about it, which are shared by the ego and the group. How dare the world be so unfair! It should be otherwise (we all agree).
Humans in the grip of hybris turn to symbolism because this is how we communicate and how we indicate ideals that we would prefer instead of reality. Eternal life is one such symbol because it is essentially ∞, equality another because it is =, and justice another, the great leveling that puts everyone on the same ground.
We want a symbol for everything wrong in the world righted, so we come up with a god who is eternal and moral and gives us life forever. We want some resolution to the class war of Have-Nots versus Haves, so the equals signs come out to buy off the discontented and calm the fearful.
The reality is always more nuanced. God seems to be more like Darwin, and the afterlife is likely something more like regular life but in a different dimension or on a different level. No one is equal because equality is entropy and would lead to a total lack of life process, just like how zero unemployment would mean no one could ever change jobs.
The grenade of symbolism is popular because it gives us power over others and we use that to make them behave in ways that makes us feel better. When we force everyone to care about our issues, we feel powerful and no longer alone, and this gives us a momentary uplift in our dark neurotic delirium of fear.
But if we have learned anything from history, it is that which is popular is usually not just wrong but suicidal, and that which we grudgingly accept because it has always worked alone is true.
Symbolism causes people to deny reality. They in fact become hostile to it. Whatever they say merits the “one hundred and eighty degree rule,” that is the assumption that the opposite is true. Whatever they say is true, is a lie. Whatever they claim is a lie may well be true.
The Age of Symbolism makes people crazy. In order to protect their sense of self-worth, they turn into contrarian ironists who delight in absurd lies and fear realistic statements like the devil. Symbolism has literally driven everyone insane and they have banned anything close to “truth” from being said in public.
This is where we are right now.
All of the discourse in public is lies. This follows Parkinson’s Law, which says that people focus on trivialities in order to avoid risky issues, creating make-work which expands to consume all resources available, especially time.
No one wants to deal with difficult realities.
When people in the UK tell you that you are a bigot for noticing that diversity has failed and has manifested in the same violence that we see in South Africa, they are actually telling you that they are the bigots who hate White people because people in the grip of hybris fear actual strength like they fear the rest of reality.
When people in the US tell you that you are “weird,” they are attempting to argue that they are normal, which of course makes no sense since they are trying to take over and socially engineer normal life into something ideological. No, they are the weird ones, and your normalcy threatens then, so they will call you nasty names.
Luckily on both continents our opposition have affirmed a simple fact: they are simply repeating what is popular, and what is popular is always a lie because it is based in symbolism, the opposite of reality. Those of us who want to survive need hard realism and it begins with recognizing that the popular people are insane and suicidal.
Tags: contrarian ironism, parkinson's law, realism, riots, symbolism, weird