
Furthest Right

Abuse, Optics, Symbolism

Election seasons reveal the instability at the core of humanity. Everyone runs toward compensatory rewards and coping methods in order to either rationalize the decay or rationalize doing nothing important about the decay. The latter describes most conservatives in most election years.

When you think about it, we live in a time of lies.

We pretend that democracy will work, despite knowing that when people get on committees — i.e. are not directly and personally responsible for the results of their decisions — they avoid risky decisions and chase after optics, since this is safest for them personally.

We also indulge the lie that Earth with eight billion people is a good thing. Forget the riffs about “sustainable”; these are just rationalizations for a global socialist government in the name of “climate change,” since intellectuals always salivate over the idea of scientific management of humanity in which of course “intellectuals” are in power.

We know on some level that most people do not have much to offer as workers or citizens. We manufacture jobs for them to keep them alive, but almost none of this activity is needed. No one has any idea how to sustain humanity except through constant pointless activity.

The more people we add, the more frenetic the activity becomes lest we all lose our existing positions. The environment gets worse, year after year, and worse, it gets less. Each human put on Earth reduces the amount of space for air, trees, water, and animals.

We also know at a gut level that the moderate form of socialism in which we live, the Keynesian mixed economy, is making people weaker and less sane because it is a giant subsidy which takes from the useful and gives to the useless. As is the case with the rest of the bureaucracy, it replaces natural life with a System that controls our choices.

Everything flows from that. What people complain about as “capitalism” is in fact the high burden of taxes, affirmative action, and regulations turning corporate life into a horror. This leads to corner-cutting and rent-seeking, resulting in an industry that does nothing well but produces massive amounts of landfill left behind.

The worst lie of all may be that there is someone tangible to blame. This system keeps going because people keep voting for it and worse, gatekeeping by eliminating those who discuss controversial ideas from the running. The voters fear types of solutions — specific actions, like remigration, that are methods used to reach goals like ethnonationalism or ending civilization decay — so they refuse to support any candidate who endorses these.

This effectively ties our hands when it comes to necessary methods, and crowds our thinking into the zone of methods that remain, all of which conveniently serve to reinforce the system.

It is important to recognize when you are being abused. Nature is transactional; when someone convinces you to do something to your disadvantage and their advantage, you are being abused, no matter how much they justify it as altruism or tolerance. Many aspects of our society are abusive.

The difference on this site is that we do not scapegoat. Instead, we recognize that human groups tend instinctively toward ignoring real problems and embracing popular but irrelevant issues that have the right optics or appearances and symbolism.

Optics are the tyranny of the herd. Once the herd becomes afraid of certain methods like remigration, it gladly binds its own hands and races toward self-destruction.

They like this means-over-ends reasoning — banning methods, not goals, which means goals remain unstated and unknown — because it seems “safe.” The Crowd fears violence, so it bans violence, which creates a population that has no idea how to deal with the threat of violence. They neuter themselves and go insane like Rome did.

Optics refers to the symbolism of an act. Symbols are meanings without context, which means that human individuals read them as applying to the individual observing the symbol. This leads naturally to means-over-ends thinking, since the scary ideas and methods get banned, which leaves only the “safe” stuff.

The “safe” stuff as it turns out leads to bureaucracy, insurance, unions, socialism, diversity, and a total lack of hierarchy such as is created by culture and productivity. Societies neuter themselves and kill off their production rather than deal with natural inequality.

That in turn creates a cycle of failure and inability to deal with it since all the useful methods are bad. This makes people miserable, miserly, greedy, mean, and uncharitable. They in turn endorse more protections, create more illusions, and lay the ground for future failure. Yes, Boomers, we are thinking of you here, pillows in hands!

Civilizations collapse when symbolism takes over because any society of this nature is addicted to optics, therefore must abuse anyone who wants to implement actually working methods because they are a threat to its continued power.

In the end, civilization becomes a bitter group of people ripping each other off and taking revenge on each other in order to get ahead. Facing a meaningless and hopeless existence, people become miserable and want others to be miserable too. This is the last stage of a dying civilization.

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