
Furthest Right

A Long Strange Trip

From a Fediverse dialogue.

I started out as a regular Democrat-Republican from the 1970s, which means someone who is basically a Democrat but gets Republican whenever money or more government are mentioned. Most of America was at that time, I think. It let them accept the 1960s changes but still complain vaguely about them, having sensed that the long-term prognosis was bad.

However, something was always not quite right about that; I just knew I was not ready yet to understand politics. In the meantime, since an early age, I had been a nihilist, meaning one who rejects everything that is not part of the whole of natural reality. This made me grow up literally hating Jesus like a skinhead.

When the black metal bands burned ninety churches in Norway, I cheered them on. It was unlikely that I would come to the Right at all, and doubly so because my primary issue was and is the environment. I appreciated the basic wisdom of Ronald Reagan, but was socially more in line with what Bill Clinton was doing.

To me it became clear that environmentalists needed more realistic plans based on actual needs of ordinary people instead of vandalizing another bulldozer. At the same time, I recognized that what we on the Left were saying we wanted to achieve was not borne out by what we were achieving. Neither group was doing more than signaling “I am right!”

That is, there was a disconnect between idea and reality. As a theory head, this screams “bad theory” to me. A theory has to correspond to reality; this can be derived from a priori knowledge, since the basics of logic are formed of mathematical necessity, even time itself, but there has to be that correspondence as well as internal coherence.

To me, realism is where sanity starts. If we do not produce good results in reality, we are just entertaining ourselves. Or rather, we were signaling hard for being part of a social group that was both rebelling against the status quo and embracing it, but not achieving what we desired because fundamentally, we did not believe it could be done.

Even more, we were unsure at that time if it would help. Since the advent of permanent agricultural civilization, the increased organization, efficiency, and hygiene caused humans to explode forth in numbers, each one trying to carve out a space for himself with a unique take on life for the sake of standing out, resulting in mass chaos.

For example, it was hard to claim that we believed the environment could be saved. I love my critters, trees, grasslands, bayous, lakes, streams, and even the I-45 killing grounds just a few miles south of here. To save these would require walling off huge portions of nature from humanity.

That would only last until the first guy figured out that if he could just get an acre — “just one, maaan” — he could build a fast food restaurant, dry cleaners, convenience store, or church and make it his gateway to the good upper-half-of-middle-class lifestyle with a 4k sqft house, two nice cars, and a fat investment account.

In the hands of democracy, the “tragedy of the commons” would play out again and again as people voted to take natural spaces and convert them into money-makers or housing for “the poor,” a category referring to the fifteen percent of our population that are always so disorganized and addled that they cannot keep food on the table.

The best environmentalists hoped for was to take donations, set up nature preserves, and work non-profit jobs to “raise awareness” from an apathetic, oblivious, and self-centered population. It was hopeless and we knew it. To get anywhere, we would have to switch methods from “everybody do what they want” to some kind of social order.

This brought to mind one of my first literary joys, the wisdom of the Greeks. Since I was very young, I have been in love with the ancient Greeks. “The Odyssey” blew my mind, the “Aeneid” charmed me, and when I got to “The Republic” I felt like I had come home.

The Greeks guided me when I was preteen nihilist who disagreed with everything his society was doing and realized that it is going to fall like Athens. Nihilism rejects individualism most of all; it says that we have to stop thinking in symbols like “truths” and instead focus on observing reality as a whole, adapting to it, and protecting it.

I stayed with the Left through my teens and early 20s from lack of a better option. Mostly, the Right kept me away by being effete “Christian libertarians.” If you grew up in 1980s Texas, you knew that if you wore an ankh, all black, metal shirt, or pentagram to high school, you were getting paddled and/or sent home.

It was a wonderfully “fascist” time, which produced the kind of authority figures that are fun to rebel against. I was a rebellious but sensible kid, meaning not very destructive but always furious at society as I saw it. Everyone did what they wanted for themselves to feel good, and ignored what needed to be done to get the results we needed.

Once I got to explore more of the world, I realized that the place I had come from was, relative to most of the rest, paradise, and the fascists were not so fascist as much as scared out of their minds for how we were going to turn out in the post-1960s years.

Mix a bit of black metal in there, which is far more extreme than Nazism, and I was on my way past the far-Right to something else. Black metal was more than burning churches; it was the idea that nature, history, myth, and the sci-fi future were a continuum that began when we transcended the self and paid attention to the whole.

In the black metal view, nature had a reason for everything it did. We had winter to kill off parasites; the weak had to die, not be treated with altruism, because they could not support themselves and subsidizing that just makes everyone weaker. It is an inhuman but very gothic and naturalistic philosophy.

Moving to the Right was hard. It is important to find a useful definition of far-Right, so here is mine: the genetically-aware Right, the side of the Right that embraces both Darwinism and nationalism. This was abandoned in the 1940s in order to get along with the Left, who were trying to be the anti-Hitler.

Unfortunately, the “far-Right” as defined by media means anyone further Right than a moderate Democrat or more authoritarian than an ice-cream vendor. By virture of extreme environmentalism, black metal, and some lurking Burroughs and Nietzschean influences, I ended up on the far-Right before the moderate Right.

This was fine as far as I could tell. The Republicans were really good about spewing a good show of Jesus/Israel, patriotism, and industry, but they would not talk about civilization decline. They kept portraying themselves as victims of an Orwellian state and ended up in a paranoid, Satan-fearing stupor. Best to skip right over that noise!

Black metal adored the ancient, as I did, and also rejected the humanist/individualist morality of our time in favor of something more “of the whole.” This was a huge influence, but I wanted continuity of past and future, arising from an interest in creating the greatness of the past in the future and Pynchonian skepticism toward technocracy.

I should add Ted K in here. I was a regular poster on back in the 1990s. I do not agree with Ted’s thesis; Plato’s is better. But he makes a point about technology enabling a failing society and also threatening The Ecocide on nature. Democracy and the welfare state kept afloat only because of technology.

Anyway, it is hard to tell exactly when the shift to the Right occurred, because it happened in degrees over many years, but when it did, I turned back to the Greeks. Most people do not study “The Republic” obsessively. But having enjoyed Kant, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, and Aurelius, I had a good background to parse it with clear eyes.

The result of this intensified my alienation from the mainstream Right. These were the people who wasted our childhoods on Jesus, Satanic Panic, Moral Majority, prayer in schools, flag burning, abortion, and so on. I hated them like a skinhead too. Increasingly I hated the Left for wanting White Genocide, socialism, and a matriarchy.

Looking at the history of Leftism, it was clear that it arose in response to permanent civilization, and that I did not have to assume a legitimacy to its cause because “the poor are always with you” as someone said once. When you stop projecting your self-pity with a fixation on the underdog, Leftism loses all relevance to you.

I was able to distill by philology and history the following meanings:

  • Left: egalitarianism/individualism
  • Right: natural order/divine chain of being

I summarize this as “Left=equality, Right=order” for convenience. At that point I figured, why keep screwing around? If you are going to go Right wing, go all the way so that you do not confuse method (Jesus) with goal (reverence).

This got me to the following platform:

  • Hierarchy: monarchism, aristocracy, and social caste not class.
  • Eugenics: a social filter to remove bad genes and promote good ones.
  • Capitalism: it wins by default because everything else is insane.
  • Ethnonationalism: only mono-ethnic societies have a future.
  • Culture: the enemy of bureaucracy, an organic method of self-rule.
  • Acceptance: instead of tolerance, accept people as they are and work with them.

So in this sense, I am furthest Right. I have gone beyond where others will go because they are afraid of taboo topics like Darwinism and adualistic religion. I have skipped over the far-Right built in the Napoleonic model by Hitler, and gone to the eternal method of keeping civilization alive and individuals sane.

I consider myself a believer, but I do not believe in the symbolic representation of God as a universal and humanistic moral thinker as portrayed in Abrahamic religions. I am a perennialist and believe that all religions express the same idea, which is that we must thing of the whole and esoteric knowledge will reveal itself then.

I am a conservative, but I am not interested in the controlling intermediate steps that obsess the American Right. We need a clear goal of adaptation and quality maximization, not a means-over-ends process like the ones adopted by every permanent agricultural civilization that later self-defeated by forgetting why it did what it did.

I am a race realist, sure, but more importantly, I realize that polyethnic societies are failure and monoethnic societies are necessary but not sufficient conditions for having a future. I am an anti-“racist” in the sense that I dislike racial cruelty and see no point in the animus.

However, I think we should be honest about all things and fully explore all knowledge, which leads us away from diversity.

I find Hitler and the Nazis depressing despite them having some of my favorite environmental policies. He recreated the French Revolution government, then ran through the Napoleonic Cycle, and in the end, seemed to want to go out in a Wagnerian moment rather than have steered himself to win.

A lot of good people died in that war and the one before it. I do not like to think about either one at all.

I am ultimately probably a futurist at heart because I like applied technology and making life better by re-organizing what we have into more efficient and higher quality versions.

I see Leftism as a parasite on this, in addition to an unworkable system that makes people go insane, as we see with the democracy/equality zombies staggering around us.

I find it unhealthy not to revere the ancient ancestors and wisdom of nature. I also think we need to embrace relativity and Darwinism. No point trying to control the world by defining a false universal absolute standard of fact, morality, and communication.

Instead, we need to say “this works better for what I am” and select it on that basis instead of trying to justify it through the same “reverse thinking” or rationalization that most people use in social situations. In this way, I think I went beyond what society can handle.

It is manipulated by social impulses, consumer markets, and votes. It requires paired talismans/scapegoats and an unstated, ambiguous, and unclear goal of a reality-denying Utopia or Heaven. I do not believe in scapegoats. I do not think the Kings, the Rich, the Jews, the Whites, or Satan did this to us.

I think humans in groups mislead themselves because they amplify the lowest common denominator, which is our fears, and drive themselves neurotic in the process. Nihilism — a focus on extreme realism and the whole, sort of like religion — serves as an antidote to neurosis.

A nihilist declines to believe in the consensual hallucination that there is an absolute, universal, and objective shared space of facts, morals, values, truths, and communications.

Nihilists believe in esotericism instead, which is that the details of reality reveal themselves to those who are ready. We believe in reality more than any other group, but less than any other group in the symbols, words, and images of it. As we understand it, Leftism was created by language and open-ended categories that appeal to human fears.

I agree with ordinary Republicans on most practical matters, but do not think it is wise to try to enforce one standard in the culture wars. I recognize abortion is murder but that we cannot control it, like drugs and drink.

In America, I think conservatives are “Christian libertarians” who are trying to use religion to replace culture, based on choices made by conservatives in the 1960s. This is false and I hate it.

This places me a bit with the Darwinian Anarcho-Capitalists like Nick Land, Eric Raymond, and Robert Heinlein more than with the usual far-Right. However, my approach is more like that of religion, and my belief system is more based in realistic logic than in moral ideals.

I do not want to save everyone from themselves. I want natural selection everywhere killing the oblivious, insane, perverse, criminal, and retarded and pushing us all to evolve to be more beautiful, strong, healthy, long-lived, disease-free, sane, wise, and so on.

All of this was a bit shocking to me, by the way. I just wanted to smoke weed, listen to death metal, and write fiction. But I found myself in a postmodern hellworld instead, so like the toilet-scrubber I am at heart, I have tried to clean it up.

This is what it means to be “furthest Right” in my view: concerned with natural order continuous from the ancient into the far, far future.

I do not expect that most people are going to get this trip, so I try to show it to them through current events.

I have spent most of my life in intense analysis of what I believe, using methods gleaned from Continental and Greek philosophy, and I can find no fault in it on the main.

“Ultra-Right” and “Furthest Right” by the way are what I use to describe my viewpoint, but I also tend to call it “Futurist Traditionalism” in that I revere the ancient and see its mathematical purity in adaptation, but also want to think of the future.

The far future, in fact. Millions and billions of years. Humanity deserves a shot at eternity, both here and in realms beyond.

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