Very few people understand election 2024, just like very few people understood Trump becoming popular in 2015. They see him in terms of policy and not lifestyle.
The rise of Trump can be explained by a simple fact: in contrast to what came after 1996, the 1980s stand out as a golden era in which America was sane, functional, and aimed toward excellence.
The 1980s showed America recovering from the anti-WASP assault of the 1960s, and getting back to the core of America: ethnic Western Europeans with a pioneer spirit making great things out of an unformed land.
Trump is part of a backlash in the West against what we might call “too much democracy.” People act differently when they have no direct skin in the game, and vote for stuff that sounds good in the context of socializing with friends, but plays out differently in reality.
Since WW2, the West has drifted far Left in the hands of this process. The people voting for Trump, Farage, Meloni, Weidel, and Le Pen recognize that group decisions tend to run away from reality as fast as possible, and that we now need the reality principle back in operation.
We might view the rise of populism worldwide as a type of market correction, where the markets recognize that some property or industry has become overvalued and decrease its value as a result. Democracy brought bankruptcy, population crash, and the dysfunction of diversity to our nations.
We want to go back to what works. We last saw that in the 1980s when the world was fighting Communism. The 1980s world, ruled by WASPs, made sense to us and provided a normal life that we could appreciate. The post-Clinton diversity dystopia offers nothing of that nature.
Populism as it stands now does not explicitly reject diversity, but it is getting there. People are realizing that it is not the fault of the diverse groups that diversity does not work; assimilation is a fiction, and when you have multiple cultures in the same socity, they abolish any shared culture in common.
Even people who were never inclined to oppose diversity, or do not want it gone per se, would like to see the 1980s order back, and that includes WASP rule. The Trump re-election shows us that America has finally seen what Clinton really brought us, and it is destroying our way of life, so we want it gone.
Similarly Europe wanted to embrace the world because after the Cold War, the good times were going to roll… but diversity has turned out to be a nation-ender there too, so they want it gone. Across the third world, countries are finding out that immigration is not helpful to them either.
The experts were all wrong. Promoted by the education meritocracy, they believed that diversity would bring about a new era of prosperity and fill in the gap, then that what they needed to do to close the deal was to demonize any opposition to diversity, including noticing of its failures.
Luckily, with the 0bama-era political machine seizing power through the diversity vote, diversity staff, and internationalist dollars, the hand was tipped. Suddenly what seemed like it was tolerance stood revealed as an invasion and genocide, and diversity revealed that it was going to destroy all groups involved.
Academics, politicians, celebrities, and business leaders switched from promoting freedom and goodness to promoting democracy and diversity exclusively, solely so that we could keep the entitlements programs — a form of “socialism lite” — that they depend on for their audience to have money to spend on their trivial products.
In the end, history will record that after WW2, the West went crazy with symbolism and chased unrealistic goals that felt good but were not realistic. Populism is the backlash against that, and it starts with people noticing that America was a much more competent and pleasant place in the 1980s, and wanting to get back on that track.