
Furthest Right

Nationalist Public Radio, Episode 2: Social Conservatism

While Roderick is off gallivanting across the third world (either getting a kidney stolen or throwing commies out of a helicopter with Based Duterte), Brett, Everitt, and Peter sat down at NPR’s round table to discuss a meta-topic not often discussed in the Alt-Right: practical social issues. Specifically, the discussion revolved around three major topics: abortion, gay marriage and/or gay rights, and women in combat. We all have different opinions on these topics (even if some of us haven’t given them much thought) and so it was nice to sit down and hash them out.

As usual, below is an outline with the highlights from the show (as well as links to articles and books referenced) and we’ll see you next time!

0:00 – Introduction

0:54 – Peter clarifies his role at NPR and is confirmed for Contrarian Alt-Right (Con-Alt-Right)

3:35 – Everitt lays out the meta-topic for the episode

5:00 – What does abortion mean for the Alt-Right?

  • Brett chimes in arguing that unfettered abortion leads to it being used as birth control
  • The conclusion, as per Brett, is that abortion ought to be between a woman and her doctor
  • What happens when if a woman messes up her birth control? How ought we deal with those cases?
  • 11:00 – Peter pushes back upon Brett’s position and argues for contraceptives and argues that there are more legitimate uses for abortion than Brett claims
  • The conclusion is, according to Peter, that if a teenage parent is unable to take care of the child, then the child should not be birthed
  • How can we give the child the best life?
  • 19:22 – Brett brings us to the real issue: is casual sex permissible?
  • Peter defines casual sex as hookup culture while Brett views that as merely half of it; the other half is dating without purpose
  • Peter argues for a destigmatization of sex
  • Brett concludes that we shouldn’t have casual sex and ought to focus on marriage exclusively while Peter agrees that we also ought to strive for marriage

33:48 – Should abortion be used as a eugenic tool?

  • For Brett, abortion is the wrong tool for the job of eugenics
  • For Peter, we don’t know enough about human nature to eliminate various traits as some traits may have unforeseen positive effects
  • 37:12 – Richard Spencer on racial superiority – 1:10:40

43:44 – How ought homosexuality be treated in the Alt-Right? Should a baker be forced to bake a cake for a gay wedding?

  • Peter argues that forcing bakers to bake anything is absurd and concludes that individuals should be able to do whatever they want behind closed doors
  • 47:33 – “The Rainbow Coalition” by Richard Spencer
  • 47:57 – Richard Spencer’s infamous tweet on implicit white identity
  • Everitt blindsides Peter with a killer question…
  • Brett agrees that the bakery shouldn’t be forced to bake the cake and argues against the state
  • Both Brett and Peter argue for legitimate gay communities
  • 59:40 – Gay Bar story, Savage Hippie Podcast episode 27, 42:20
  • Everitt notes that we ought to treat the gay community as simply an other tribe

1:03:50 – What do we think about women in combat?

  • Peter thinks notes that women should be allowed in combat and, in the current system, required to sign up for selective service
  • 1:06:50 – Kurdish YPG Fighters
  • 1:07:20 – Danish student kills 100 ISIS militants
  • Everitt opposes selective service and Brett opposes women in combat
  • 1:09:50 – Not a Gentleman’s War: An Inside View of Junior Officers in the Vietnam War by Ron Milam (2012)
  • Peter argues for a pragmatic understanding for women in combat and opposes selective service
  • Women in men’s battalions might hinder operational effectiveness, according to Everitt
  • 1:16:10 – The Arab-Israeli Wars: War and Peace in the Middle East by Chaim Herzog (2005)
  • 1:17:20 – Robert A. Heinlein on women in the military:

    “[T]here is very strong reason why female Naval officers are assigned to transports: It is good for trooper morale…Can you think of anything sillier than letting yourself be fired out of a spaceship with nothing but mayhem and sudden death at the other end? However, if someone must do this idiotic stunt, do you know of a surer way to keep a man keyed up to the point where he is willing than by keeping him constantly reminded that the only good reason why men fight is a living breathing reality? In a mixed ship, the last thing a trooper hears before a drop (maybe the last word he ever hears) is a woman’s voice, wishing him luck. If you don’t think this is important, you’ve probably resigned from the human race.” – Robert A. Heinlein, Starship Troopers, (New York: Ace Books, 2006), 260.

  • Brett rejects materialism and wants to preserve the feminine mystique that combat might destroy

1:21:20 – Any questions can be directed towards

1:21:30 – Closing and Outro

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