
Furthest Right

Liberals are hedonists not ideologues

Liberals are hedonists not ideologues

(January 5th, 2009) by Steve Harris | Comments.

Cities destroy your brain

Cities destroy your brain

(January 5th, 2009) by Steve Harris | Comments.

10% of our population have souls

10% of our population have souls

(January 4th, 2009) by Steve Harris | Comments.

Race, Genetics, and Morality: The New War Over Evolution

Race, Genetics, and Morality: The New War Over Evolution

(January 4th, 2009) by Steve Harris | Comments.

People hide from modern society

People hide from modern society

(January 4th, 2009) by Steve Harris | Comments.

And the fall…of web advertising

And the fall…of web advertising

(January 4th, 2009) by Steve Harris | Comments.

American society peaked in the 1960s

American society peaked in the 1960s

(January 4th, 2009) by Steve Harris | Comments.

A rumor-based information society

A rumor-based information society

(January 4th, 2009) by Steve Harris | Comments.

Branded "racist" for opposing new trailer park

Branded "racist" for opposing new trailer park

(January 3rd, 2009) by Steve Harris | Comments.

Samuel Huntington: revealing globalism’s darkest side

Samuel Huntington: revealing globalism’s darkest side

(January 3rd, 2009) by Steve Harris | Comments.