
Furthest Right

If all bad parents killed their kids, the gene pool would thrive

If all bad parents killed their kids, the gene pool would thrive

(January 5th, 2003) by Steve Harris | Comments.

America is so liberal we believe freedom is conformity

America is so liberal we believe freedom is conformity

(January 5th, 2003) by Steve Harris | Comments.

Entitlement creates environmental destruction

Entitlement creates environmental destruction

(November 12th, 2002) by Steve Harris | Comments.

Quit with the moralizing bloviation

Quit with the moralizing bloviation

(October 20th, 2002) by Steve Harris | Comments.

Avoid the label: good, evil and other higher truths damn us

Avoid the label: good, evil and other higher truths damn us

(October 19th, 2002) by Steve Harris | Comments.

Freedom is incompatible with taking a stand

Freedom is incompatible with taking a stand

(October 18th, 2002) by Steve Harris | Comments.

The wisdom of Avril Lavigne: Liberalism and Christianity Are the Same Idea

The wisdom of Avril Lavigne: Liberalism and Christianity Are the Same Idea

(October 16th, 2002) by Steve Harris | Comments.

Saving lives is deciding not to decide

Saving lives is deciding not to decide

(October 13th, 2002) by Steve Harris | Comments.

Oversocialization Makes Parodies of Both Left and Right

Oversocialization Makes Parodies of Both Left and Right

(October 9th, 2002) by Steve Harris | Comments.

Conservatives need to get back to Tradition

Conservatives need to get back to Tradition

(October 6th, 2002) by Steve Harris | Comments.