
Furthest Right

Narcissistic society prompts rise of adultery

Narcissistic society prompts rise of adultery

(October 29th, 2008) by Steve Harris | Comments.

Humanity using 30% more resources than nature can provide — and it will get worse as population increases

Humanity using 30% more resources than nature can provide — and it will get worse as population increases

(October 29th, 2008) by Steve Harris | Comments.

Hanging Palin not hate crime; hanging Obama may be

Hanging Palin not hate crime; hanging Obama may be

(October 29th, 2008) by Steve Harris | Comments.

Problems with equality in education

Problems with equality in education

(October 29th, 2008) by Steve Harris | Comments.

A culture of convenience can’t grasp slow but increasing problems

A culture of convenience can’t grasp slow but increasing problems

(October 28th, 2008) by Steve Harris | Comments.

At least 40% of your personality is 100% genetic

At least 40% of your personality is 100% genetic

(October 28th, 2008) by Steve Harris | Comments.

John LaBruzzo Eased Aside After Controversial Eugenics Plan

John LaBruzzo Eased Aside After Controversial Eugenics Plan

(October 28th, 2008) by Frank Azzurro | Comments.

"Some voters are choosing Obama because of his race."

"Some voters are choosing Obama because of his race."

(October 27th, 2008) by Steve Harris | Comments.

Kids getting (demographically) stupider

Kids getting (demographically) stupider

(October 27th, 2008) by Steve Harris | Comments.

Everybody will be covered

Everybody will be covered

(October 27th, 2008) by Steve Harris | Comments.