A quick note for our readers: you may have noticed a lessening in regular blog traffic. This is the result of greater time demands on me from day-work and the editing business I run in the background, and therefore less of a chance to pay attention to this and the Other Site.
This crisis has been building for awhile, and there really is no solution. More things need doing, and have good effects, than we have people to do them. In particular, almost everyone seems demoralized and inert so I try to fill the gap with blogs, social media, and articles submitted to third-party sites.
Naturally, this makes one wonder: is it worth doing? I can see the message is getting out because the wider Right tends to echo it after the fact, and people inside the Right-wing community acknowledge what we are doing here, but the audience seems to be fixated on liars shilling easy answers instead as usual.
I suppose it is time to ask the readers. Is it worth continuing here? It seems social media has “won” the internet and most conservatives are not interested in much else, not to mention seeming to spend most of their time reading nonsense about the Benedict Option, the Second Coming, and other hopeless hopes.
If we do continue here, is it time for a funding drive? People seem to have more allegiance to that which they pay for, and so one of our options here is to go behind a paywall or to request donations once a year so that people feel a “connection” to the “product.”
So far, I and our partners behind the scenes — fellow realist fanatics — have opted not to take this course simply because it is ugly. It is ugly to be selling a product because then you have a loyalty to something other than what you need to say, and it is ugly to demand more from people already hurting in the “fantastic” Biden Economy.®